What's next for Bronn?

Will he break through the siege lines and enter Winterfell? Will he actually try to kill Jaime and Tyrion, or will he join them against Cersei, or will he just be quietly forgotten and we can assume he hopped a ship for Essos with his generous travel stipend?


As much as I like Bronn, I think it would be fascinating if he turned out to be the spanner in the works after last episode's, admittedly touching and powerful, love-in between various characters who have all been, at one stage or another in conflict, and he did choose to assassinate the Lannister brothers.

That said, I doubt he'll do it.


Bronn is my favorite character. I'd like to see him kill Jaime, but decide to spare Tyrion. Bronn is the main reason I watch. He is the embodiment of 99% of my old high school era D&D characters. My ideal ending for the series would be a shot of Bronn riding away through the smoking ruins leading a gold-laden mule with a pretty whore perched on the saddle behind him.


just hope she doesn't have the pox


He'll show up and be Jaime's sidekick. Not having him go with Jaime in the first place was so dumb.

So he's going to show up after the Battle of Winterfell? Pfft.


Everyone, including Bronn, seems to forget that he's a mercenary. It would be interesting to see him revert to that dark side of his nature after all his recent heroics and affable displays of camaraderie. It would demonstrate that Westeros, like the real world, is complicated, and that one day someone can be your best friend, and the next they can be your enemy.


I doubt they are going to have Bronn show up and try to kill Jaime and Tyrion and be executed. This was just a cheap ploy to send him North to join them because Flynn and Headey can't work together.

Even if he was willing to, how could be possibly trust Cersei do what she says? It's dumb. They should have just had him go with Jaime at the end of last season.


That's what they should have done. I agree. But they didn't.

And like I said, although I don't think they're going to do it, it would make for an interesting twist if Bronn did choose to honour his deal with Cersei, since it's not what we've been led to expect from him in recent seasons.


Am I correct in assuming that he already received his chests “brimming over with gold” as Qyburn stated? If so then that’s madness on Cersei’s part. Didn’t think she was THAT dumb to do such a thing.

That’s like paying Charon the ferryman before he gets you to the other side of the river Styx, pure stupidity to do. BUT if that is indeed the case then hey It’s Christmas in Westeros! Bronn can take his stash & get the hell out of there & they already supplied him with the excuse to leave without getting chopped up by Ser Gregor/Robert.

What would compel Bronn to do ANYTHING of the kind by going to Winterfell & killing Jaime & Tyrion? If he double crosses Cersei, then so be it. As the saying goes “In for a penny, in for a pound” What would he care? He HAS to know that by returning to KL he’s signing his own death warrant.

He was more Jaimes friend & right hand rather than a servant of hers & she knows it. Yeah she gave him the gold but his ass is grass if he foolishly returns to Kings Landing for his “wife & castle”. She’ll just kill him & take back the gold. WHAT?! She’s going to care about her reputation or how she’ll be perceived by anyone if she does it? Bronn’s too smart not to see that coming, so why would as most of you believe he would honor anything between him & Cersei?


Am I correct in assuming that he already received his chests “brimming over with gold” as Qyburn stated?

At least, that’s the way I got it, too.
As for the rest: My thoughts exactly.


Cersei isn't sure of Bronn's loyalty. He was close to Tyrion for a while. How can she be? Of course he comes across as the sort of guy whose loyalty you can secure with money and titles. At the moment he's an expendable asset. His services may not even be needed; but if he goes up there and doesn't carry out his instructions, or gets killed trying, no big loss. What she paid him is a drop in the bucket for the Lannisters. If he succeeds and returns then - and only then - can she consider him loyal.

He won't though. Bronn knows perfectly well Cersei is the kind of person you're only safe around so long as you remain in her favor. Fail her, or do anything that displeases her, she'll have your throat cut without a second thought. And he does consider Tyrion a friend. One of the few people he can say that about. I think he'll take the gold and switch sides when he arrives.


Bronn will get through the lines at Winterfell and kill Tyrion, then get into a swordfight with Jaime, before realizing he is needed to help defeat the zombies, when he will join Jaime in stopping them.


Don't say that! Do you know how much it would suck for me to have to watch my favorite character kill my second favorite character?
