AndyKing1967's Replies

Tentacles 🦑🐙😳 Reported for being 1 hour ahead. My daughter went to a horror makeup demonstration at Universal Studios a couple of years ago, so she knows it’s all fake. It’s probably where she developed her interest in the horror genre. Mother’s maiden name. A lot. Don’t forget your postal address. Link doesn’t work - now I’m suspicious. And your date of birth. I need your bank details. I quite like Alien3 Reported for guessing. I love them both. The first one gets the edge because it was so iconic. Plus, I was just the right age when it came out. Reported for forgetting about international time zones. Reported for not knowing my friend Deflection. Reported for clock watching. Alien 9 Aliens 8.75 🤣👍 🤣👍 Immeasurable. You got it 👍