MovieChat Forums > SteveG > Replies

SteveG's Replies

Well clearly there are very passionate positions regarding this issue. There are thousands of movies with thousands of gunplay scenes and I can only recall 2 within my lifetime where actors were killed and both were because of the negligence of the armorer. I doubt in all those thousands of films and thousands of scenes with gunplay did an actor check or test a gun once it was handed to them and they were told it was safe. I guess we will all have to wait and see what comes out in the trial and what the result is. I may even change my mind about Baldwins culpability but for now I dont see any evidence that he was negligent in his capacity as an actor. Now if as a producer he was negligent regarding safety and cut corners to save money than that is a different story. But I still dont think, regardless of the actor, it is the actor’s responsibility to guarantee a firearm is safe or cold or whatever after it has been handed to them and they have been told it is safe. Most actors probably know next to nothing about firearms and ammunition. Just never going to agree with you. Call me whatever names you want. Its not the army, its not the marines it’s not even a public or private shooting range or some rednecks backyard. Its a movie set and armorer’s are employed to guarantee safety and are experts in their field. There is no way there should have been live rounds on that set or even loaded into a gun for a scene in which it is fired or not fired. Therefore it is not reasonable to expect an idiot actor to think otherwise. I am a gun owner and I know all the same safety rules of which you speak and I follow them but again and you seem to really not be comprehending the fact that this was a movie set where a professional, expert armorers main function was to guarantee safety and where no one including idiot actors expect a gun to have live ammo loaded. And btw no charges were ever filed against the actor that shot Brandon Lee making The Crow. Your just wrong about this. I disagree. Actors rely on experts to hand them guns that are not loaded with live rounds. I dont understand why this is incomprehensible to you and people like you? This will be the last time I speak on this. I disagree. Actors rely on experts to hand them guns that are not loaded with live rounds. I dont understand why this is incomprehensible to you and people like you? This will be the last time I speak on this. I agree. The armorer was truly at fault. Lol. It was a double cheeseburger btw. He couldnt even get that right, she should have sent that back too. But yeah now I want a cheeseburger too. Good one. I was gonna say a return to snakes but eels are just as good, they are water snakes sort of. I agree, it was a double cheeseburger which she did not ask for. He also put fried onions on it. Cause its more fun… I dig it. There are actually two trailers one has been cut to remove gore. This is the original. No its a dark satire about douchebag, pretentious people. She does not look like she is 20. It worked for me. You can add boring, slow and plodding as well. Huge disappointment for another EAP related project. I just did not care about any of the characters. Yup, I agree. I would love to see them continue that characters story. Although it is more of an ensemble. What about The Hurt Locker? In the right project he can certainly pull off leading man. I thought it looked exactly like Amy Adams. Yes, I agree that he thought he was taking the rap for his wife and thought she was the killer. But in the end he realized that she was curating and providing all the evidence against him and as bad as things had been between them before he realized she really didnt know him at all and he was done with her. Ok, now thats the most sensible explanation I have heard. Kudos and thanks. Thanks for that. He is a very good character actor and the show did miss his presence. This film has a whole long story surrounding it and its really a rabbit hole to go down. I like you really enjoyed it despite its shortcomings. The main problem was the sfx guy died during the making of it and that is a shame cause the fx were really quite good for that time. The other problem was Michael Mann was constantly at odds with the studio and they battled over the cut, the studio eventually won as This was only Manns second theatrical directorial effort. His cut of the film is rumored to have been something like 3-4 hours. Anyway I always wanted to seensomeone else pick it up since there is a whole story which spans several novels with The Keep just being one story. I look forward to it.