MovieChat Forums > SteveG > Replies
SteveG's Replies
I know thats what I am trying to define!!!
Not sure about that she was before HM. And that was not the question to the answer.
Its a shame too because he was awesome, one of his top performaces. God bless him.
Other than Sicario im not impressed with DV’s direction. His visuals are beautiful and pristine but he does not focus on story and narrative enough.
It has a chance since its directed by Ridley Scott and Not Denis V.
The score is way too low…
Oh ok sounds about right. Thats a shame Im betting the CCP bought it. Lol. Where is Matt D these days living on his own private island I guess?
Right on. Sharkys Machine, nice.
Lol I know you have Kowalski.
Is he though?
Yes and stupid too!
LMAO!!! Oh my goodness what an amazing question! It’s actually a very good question. I actually get the context but I seriously disagree Brandon Lee was a much better and charismatic actor than Keanu Reeves can ever be. No disrespect to Keanu, I dig his work. But Brandon was gonna be an A List star.
Yeah too much CGI on that one
Aww sad to hear, what went wrong?
Ok thanks.
My answer is yes to SP3 in all cases except Homecoming. My point being SP3 is better than it gets credit for all these years later.
BUMP Cmon Spiderman ppl. Copy and paste the list then type Y or N at the end of the choice, please and thank you.
Yeah its a good one.
Yeah underwhelmed, i agree.
More specifically Marseilles. It looked like inner city Baltimore.