MovieChat Forums > SteveG > Replies
SteveG's Replies
Good trailer, looks good. This came out of nowhere, wasn't on my radar at all. Directed by Gareth Edwards with Denzel's son, has potential.
Uhh your an idiot. Seriously that's what I think. Find a new hobby that doesn't involve your sharing your idiot opinion about anything.
He had PTSD. Clearly he was in a state of manic psychosis and I would think that was so clearly obvious. You missed the whole point of the film. And I thought you were sharp.
Yes I think the failure of The Bride was definitely a factor, she was paid 500,000 for that role, and while she may not be the greatest actress she was better than serviceable and certainly her beauty made up for her lack of acting skills which could be developed over time. So I don't think it was that. I also think her whole college thing interfered with her success as she turned down several substantial and high profile roles during that time but that seems like an intentional decision on her part. She just may not have wanted to become a massive superstar and conducted herself as such with college etc. I dont think her race had anything to do with it as some have speculated. There's not a person in the world who thought she was biracial when she blew up from Flashdance. And it wasn't like beautiful black women could not thrive in Hollywood, Pam Grier anyone? In the end I think it was by her own design and she has done well over the many years as a working actress. I just dont think she was comfortable in the spotlight and she preferred to keep a low profile. I think if she had wanted to be a massive superstar she could have but she chose not and good for her.
Although I agree with you through your sarcasm this film was not about that and it's one of the reasons I like it so much. There was no attempt to take a political stance or preach a message one way or the other. It was just a simple story about honor among men. You dont have to agree with the war to like this movie, in fact I dont think it was good for anyone except those in positions of power and that make money off of the war. No one gave a shit about the Taliban until after 9/11 and using that as the justification is a whole nother rabbit hole.
Absolutely. Hardcore and gritty reminds me of Black Hawk Down on a lesser scale.
He quotes one line then declares the film is propaganda. Propaganda about what? He doesnt say. The overall message of the film it true, the US fucked over a bunch of translators/interpreters by hanging them out to dry. This a fact and it is not in dispute.
Vol2 is my favorite as well. So many great action scenes and humor.
You dont know what propaganda is or what you are talking about...
I think the abrupt ending hurt it badly. It felt like it needed another half hour for the ending to be properly fleshed out. It left me feeling unsatisfied.
Yeah he kinda sticks out doesnt he? Takes you right out of the trailer.
These days I find myself basically skipping the entire setup/first act when I already know whats going on. With this one I skipped ahead to where they get on the plane and I didnt feel I missed anything. This was not very good though.
Wherever he desires or he may do his own thing. Either way he is gonna be just fine and much better off than either you or me.
And the rest of the world…
Surprisingly that looks pretty darn good.
Thats a good call. Sounds right up his alley. Too bad it didnt go that way.
No. But its easy to trick people into believing there is. This is pure propaganda and its also boring and generally a bad film.
F that. If you can make a movie like Predator without any injuries or set accidents so should all.
Agreed. Looks horrible, Ill never see it. I finished the trailer but I did want to bail out of it.
I did cause I cancelled Disney+ and not surprisingly I dont miss it or the channel one bit.