MovieChat Forums > SteveG > Replies
SteveG's Replies
Neesom can play it younger, so not worried about the pedigree.
Its a good film, no doubt, but I think his analogy is poor and for a filmmaker with a specific vision thats odd. I like Matt Reeves and a lot of his work but I would expect he would know The Conversation is not noir or a detective story. It makes me think Pattinsons remembrance and or his quote is inaccurate. Either way I get what the spirit of the film is its just the inaccurate description of The Conversation that bothers me.
That sux. I know they aren’t breaking any new ground and its all very formulaic but I like seeing some righteous ass-kickery. Its a shame too cause you know he doesnt have many of these left in him.
Nice, I never heard that saying before, had to look it up. 🙂
Gotcha, thanks. I would still want him on my team regardless.
He says this is better than Ice Road? I kinda enjoyed Ice Road. Hmmm.
Really, how come? These are cookie cutter films, how did they screw it up so bad?
How can he be the mvp if his team didnt make it to the superbowl? Do these awards only take into account regular season play?
Ok so whats the drama? Its a screwball comedy with a screwball comedy poster? And that surprises you how? Im not defending it but this is perfectly in line with the trailers and spots.
The Conversation is not a detective story or noir but it is a thriller from the 70’s.
Its sad and I do not celebrate the death of theaters, in fact I am very nostalgic regarding the good ole days of the theater experience. Of course movie theaters will continue on for years to come but there will be less and less locations. They will never reach the popularity they once had. There is a saying that the more things change the more they stay the same but thats not true. The truth is the more things change the worse things get. And things these days are changing very rapidly.
Everybody has awesome home entertainment systems now. Its not like when I was growing up in the 70s and 80s and we all had 13 inch tube tv’s with horrendous resolution. I didnt get a 28 inch tube tv until the mid 90’s and I thought it was the stuff. We used to go to the movies almost every week back then. There was not an almost unlimited assortment of alternate content. If you didnt see a movie in the theaters it could be a year or more before it hit vhs and 3-5 years before it hit t.v. Tickets were cheap and so were concessions. People were well behaved. There were no cell phone lights going on and off.
The question is not why aren’t more people going to see movies in theaters but why is anybody still going to theaters at all. At one point in my life it was one of my favorite things to do and I did so for a couple decades, but now you could not pay me to go. I cant even remember when and what the last film I saw was but I am pretty sure it was a Marvel film. Admittedly I was very close to going to see the new Spiderman but I never got around to it.
Good for her. Glad to see her getting on with it on her own terms.
Yeah there are plenty of things to nitpick, its not a perfect film, but its entertaining and has become iconic.
I will always give him props for Falling Down, 8mm and Lost Boys.
Have to agree to disagree.
Thanks, thats hilarious and I agree.
Funny enough I was about to defend the film and respond but I took a moment to check the origin of the story/book that it was based on. As it turns out I had seen this film, many years ago, with belief that it was all based on a factual event as a result of a recommendation. It wasnt. Had I know that prior to seeing it I can imagine feeling the same way as you. As a matter of fact there is very little chance I would have watched it had I not thought it was based on a true event. If its based on a true story than its creepy and mysterious if not its just another fictional tale with a wholly unsatisfactory ending. Conclusion… You are correct sir! 🙂
Cmon, Uncle Buck was and is great and the definitive John Candy film. Its a shame he didnt have more great movies they just didnt seem to know how to handle him. He was so like-able, charming and funny.