Naive question.

I have only read that he was really tough and abused his power (verbally)
against his actors... so he was basically only mean to them?

Is this similar to how human beings are treated in the army?

Just wondering.



Michelle Trachtenberg said his behavior with her was inappropriate because she was a teenager.


No definition of "inappropriate" though, just more vague assertions.


Vague, 20 year-old accusations. Sounds like bullshit to me.


There's this article you could look at - it's not too long and gives enough of an idea of what he's done:

Plus, I think rumours always swirled around him of using his position to solicit actresses for sex, then dumping them when they didn't give him what he wanted. None of it's confirmed as far as I know, but I think Eliza Dushku is allegedly one of his victims, which is why we never see much of her.


it's not too long and gives enough of an idea of what he's done

It really doesn't, I have read through it. It is another vague article with no substance and using the same copied and pasted words from other articles like "toxic work environment", toxic based on whos standards?

Plus your accusation of sex I havent seen anywhere, not even in accusations currently around, think you are gonna have to post something to back that up. I would be curious where that has come from.

Whedon’s ex-wife has accused him of posturing as a feminist

So. It is no crime to fake being a feminist. Plus she is his ex-wife who will definately have an axe to grind against him.

Joss Wheadon’s on-set treatment of the cast and crew of Justice League was gross, abusive, unprofessional, and completely unacceptable

That is Ray Fisher. Unprofessional based on who's standards? Why have none of the other JL cast said anything? Why to this day has he not said what actaually happened, everytime he is asked he replies "muh Racism".

Everytime I see more of these articles it just reads like he was mean to people and they don't like it but that isn't a crime.

And this article especially I stopped and got an understanding of the bias author when she said that his script for Wonder Woman "viewed through a distinctly cis-het male lens". Oh no, how dare they create a female character that is attractive, oh the horror. And for that, they use it as more ammunition against him. Are we not allowed to have attractive woman on screen anymore. I'm guessing only LGBT woman can look at attractive woman now.

Finally. Still as of yet they haven't reported him to the police. If they are not willing to do that then how can a crime have been commited. If no crime has been commited then why is he being cancelled and fired. Just a thought.


So. It is no crime to fake being a feminist
I'd go a step further and say its quite laudable , and the next best thing to being a feminist.


In terms of what he did specifically, I don't think many are brave enough to state specifics because, despite the allegations, he's still likely to be someone's boss or boss's friend in the future. Charisma Carpenter has gone into some details of what he did, which imo don't constitute as "mean" - I think the terms toxic and unprofessional are appropriate for someone who's in Whedon's position. Also, James Marsters, who played Spike in Buffy, recently said on a podcast that Whedon roughed him up once.

From this article:

In a recent episode of the Inside of You with Michael Rosenbaum podcast, Spike actor James Marsters revealed Whedon's unsettling reaction to his character's surprise popularity, saying "I remember he backed me up against a wall one day and he was just like, ‘I don’t care how popular you are, kid, you’re dead. You hear me? Dead. Dead!'" Marsters assured Rosenbaum Whedon wasn't joking around, either, and "was angry at the situation."

As for the accusation, it's not something I came up with. The rumours regarding it are over 15 years old, but you can still find traces of them on old blog posts. Remember that Buffy ended in 2003 and Angel in 2004, so the rumours started before these shows ended. Here's the most recent post I could find talking about his affair, and you can follow the discussion to get an idea of what people thought regarding his promiscuity - these are the kinds of things people used to talk about when the shows were both on air, but they didn't really consider it an affair back then considering Eliza Dushku was 17 I think when she joined Buffy:

All of this paints him in a pretty poor light. It doesn't really matter if he's not a feminist or if he's a serial cheater; those things are personal. What matters is that he was in a position of power over many people and he quite likely abused that power.


I've seen a couple articles and still can't figure out what it is he's supposed to have done. Everyone seems to almost be intentionally vague.


There was a rule that “he’s not allowed in a room alone with Michelle again,” she wrote of Whedon, adding that his behavior with her “as a teenager” was “not appropriate.”

I wonder what he did or said.


So when is David O'Russell gonna be exposed? There's actuall footage of him yelling at Lily Tomlin and gesticulating like he's about to smack her and she even complained about it. Nonetheless, he went on to win an oscar for his mediocre dramadey "Silver Linings Playbook".


I haven't really been following this either, but it seems he was a rude boss and mad at Charisma Carpenter for getting pregnant, then having to change storylines to accommodate her character.

From what I gather it seems he was mostly rude and overbearing to females, I never paid attention to which actresses he was sleeping with if any of that is true or rumour I don't know.

Carpenter claimed Whedon made regular threats to fire her, called her fat when she was four months pregnant and pitted cast members against one another.
She said after accusing her of "sabotaging the show", Whedon "unceremoniously" fired her the following season once she'd given birth (Angel Season 5).
