MovieChat Forums > TheAdlerian > Replies
TheAdlerian's Replies
Firstly, the aliens weren't a bad idea or out of character for the stories. Clearly, the first one and Temple of Doom directly showed that magic is real. So, if magic is real, then why not aliens, as aliens are actually more grounded in reality.
However, when skull came out MANY people were very excited. That's because the previous movies were largely seen as being serious adventure movies with SOME humor, fitting of the situation, and SOME fantasy elements that were acceptable. I don't think fans of the films wanted more humor or fantasy stuff, they wanted Indiana Jones personality in complex difficult situations.
What we got was too much humor and the story focusing a lot on his kid. The actor playing the kid looked nothing like his father or mother, and was annoying with an annoying name, Mutt. At one point, he swings like Tarzan through trees when he has no reason to be able to do that. So, the movie was part Indiana Jones, because Ford was good, but then part comedy and part cartoon.
It's a typical example of George Lucas kind of work where he makes everything stupid.
Bond movies from the beginning are science fiction movies.
True science fiction is about how advancements in technology affect human psychology and show how people will react to technology.
If we had helpful robots, how would people change? That's a realistic topic to explore.
Original Bond movies were about how technology can be exploited to threaten civilization in some way. Bond counteracts the threat with his humanity and counter technology supplied to him. So, he's a "near future" science fiction hero.
The current Bond is not a science fiction character. He was stripped of advanced technology and the plots are just standard adventure stories. I find them boring and typically they have bad and boring plots.
I wish they would wake up.
I have always thought he looked like a monkey!
I describe him as an alcoholic monkey, and he appears to be a heavy drinker.
Hoult isn't masculine or athletic looking.
He's not a superhero he's a parody of one.
So, his powers are too much on purpose.
That trailer was terrible.
There's also a new trend, only a lesbian who is like a man can be a real woman.
That's a glorification of all that's male, not feminine.
The reason I mentioned a black actor being wrong is because I think many are just as sick of black actors replacing white ones as they are women replacing males. Comic books keep doing this and it never works.
I like what you said about virtue signalling, but there's already a shorter term for this called "tokenism". That's where you put a minority. etc character in a story, on purpose, just to have one, to show you aren't prejudiced. But that in fact is a form of prejudice.
Anyway, the most liked Doctor's Baker and Tennant, although all of his stories sucked, were dynamic. I believe that is what makes the doctor work as a character. You can't have boring, mean, or crazy. The second one after Baker was insane/angry because the proceeding Doctor was poisoned. A heroic character that doesn't have a positive spirit is not going to be popular.
There's many ways to be dynamic and so there's lots of potential characterizations.
Personally, I have wanted to see the Doctor regenerate in America and come out as American. That would be different and hilarious if you had a Brit doing a parody of an American.
616 is in the Bible as an alternate for 666.
What it's saying is that living in that kind of world would be like living in Hell.
I'm in the US but have seen him on talk shows.
He seems in the "sarcastic gay guy" range, but at least he's witty. A guy like that would make the show very good if the writers had talent.
Back in the old days, different writers, sometimes famous ones, would write each show. In spite of the low budget, the shows were far more original. I wish they were doing that.
I stopped watch years ago because the current ones are very poorly written.
A black guy will further destroy the show.
Tom Baker was the best doctor. I know a friend of his and watched the show when it was on.
His friend told me that he would come to the show semi-intoxicated, but knowing the material. He was great at ad libbing and so he was funny and wacky as the doctor.
On a professional level, they need to hire a witty, white male comedian to play the role. The Thor movies have worked well with that formula. Tom Baker already did it, and he has been a favorite for a long time.
That's the solution.
In addition, they need to hire a real science fiction write since the new shows have been stupid from the beginning.
It was meant to be a "role model" show.
Audience members who were black were watching intelligent parents who had an intact family have mostly good times together.
It's the same basic thing as a heroic cop show, superheroes, and so forth. You're supposed to be inspired by the fiction.
The film was heinous in its stupidity.
It was at about a six year old level and totally stupid regarding science.
I mean even superhero movies will have some kind of mild fantasy science explanations for superpowers. You can buy them if you accept the basic premise that something beyond the everyday is happening.
This is about turning Earth into a spaceship with near future technology and going on a 2500 year journey through space. Meanwhile, it's still light out on Earth, it's not like 500 below zero, and so on.
It was crazy bad but I guess could have been better if it was more distant in the future and more exotic technology was used, like force fields, etc.
Star Trek isn't supposed to be fun entertainment.
Boy, that was well said.
I LOVE Star Trek with the original being my favorite.
I love stories with dynamic characters that work together. If there's witty dialogue, then I really enjoy it.
I believe in this show casting a black actress as lead was done to cast a black actress. The actress is bland and robotic. Her story as a murderer, or whatever, being the hero is odd. But even during a regular story she is very dry.
The gay guy Rapp character talking in a lispy voice and "acting gay" is again odd and not fitting. I saw some episode where he merged with the engine and that seemed to be some attempt to make him "special" in some way that was pretentious.
A neurotic lispy sarcastic gay character seems wrong in this world. People on Star Trek are supposed to have moved past stereotypes. on Enterprise there was a similarly bizarre character, Archie, or something, play by Dwight Schultz. He appeared to be a nervous wreck and borderline insane. Such a person would not exist in that universe.
The Klingons are disgusting looking to me. They look like CGI gorillas from 1990.
Anyway, what you said about the show being charmless is correct. It doesn't have a dynamic dramatic feel to it which is too bad.
I agree that they weren't entirely serial story films, but the implication was there. We all knew that Ant Man, although not a great film, or character, was going to relate to Avengers. So, we watched it just because we wanted to be familiar with the character when the "real" movies were released.
Comic books used to do the same thing. You'd buy an issue of a book you didn't care about just because it was part of a crossover. It worked with comics and worked GREAT with these movies. I was going to see films I didn't even really want to see, just because I knew it was part of worldbuilding.
If they don't do that again, they're crazy!
Not really.
Not an amazing origin story, but if well written it could be okay.
That's funny.
Already been done: 12 minute youtube film.
I have a feeling that Marvel films will decline if there isn't a serial story being told and various heroes aren't included in the movies.
It will get boring for people.
They need a sliver surfer origin movie.
FF meets Galactus movie.
Hero reunion to fight Galactus movie.
That would be great if they can communicate who and what Galactus is.
Robocop isn't about dying and coming back to life. It's about modern life dehumanizing people and turning them into numbers, workers, etc.
Matrix fight scenes aren't what the movie is about.
Blade Runner is not about corporations running society.