TheAdlerian's Replies

I have several grad degrees in psych, have 30 years experience, and started my career working with autistic and ID people. So, you know nothing. He doesn't seem very smart but is likable. They are totally different. Ledgers had a legit philosophy of life called Nihilism, which means life is about nothing and there's no point to doing anything. That is probably true and so his character wasn't insane and not the Joker. This Joker sees the horror of life to be a crazy joke while at the same time hating people for making it a joke. That's very close to the real character. Yes there is. Good stories have a "Bible" meaning a set of rules about the character that are very important because if you don't follow them it's no longer the character. Yes there is "necessity" because that's what our culture does and our economic system does. You could probably makes one pair of shoes and pants that would last a lifetime, but we don't and won't because it's not how our culture works. Millions of people need straws, plastic cups, etc because our culture's work ethic makes people eat out, but on the run, and at times even need to toss trash out the window. It's just the way it is and it will not change for hundreds of years. She is not autistic. Autistic people would not be interested in climate change or communicating about it. Her family are show biz people and it's just more marketing crap. Because that's the idea his enemies came up with. Take a look at Hitler, not a lot of good ideas there, but he did them anyway. His voice reminds me of Kirk Douglas when he was younger. If he was more handsome, he would be giant. I can't think of many modern science fiction films. The definition of SF is an exploration of imagined technology and how humans will adapt to it. So, a long time ago before airplanes people wrote stories about how it would affect people if humans had air power and the ability to go anywhere. I recall seeing a French film about a guy locked in his house. He made money off of the internet, talked to people via the net, used sex devices via the net, and so on. It was about how all of this would affect a person. That's very close to being a real life and is good SF. Anything with fantasy, too much philosophy, near magic technology, isn't SF. As soon as I saw Pitt in it, I knew it would suck. He gets cast in a lot of weak philosophy movies, and I don't understand why. He's not even a very good actor, he is wooden, and doesn't sell deep ideas. I hate Ledge's Joker, as he isn't insane, doesn't act manic, and seems like a sex pervert type of me, but it was well written. Leto had like no lines and wasn't allowed to even appear insane, just serious. We didn't even learn Why so Serious! In the 70s, social commentary films were popular. I recall a good one from the 40s about a popular celeb who was supposed to be a nice guy from the country. All of it was marketing including his marriages, breakups, and everything. In the end he just kept going on. They don't make movies like that anymore because they interfere with marketing lol. I like Smith a lot but I'm not excited. I think the premise is off. I don't like that it appears to be "near future" because in our world no one would waste the time and effort to clone a hitman, or really anyone. No one is seen as irreplaceable or unkillable. That's because most humans fall within types and in that type are pretty much the same. As an example, if you get ten Olympic athletes for a certain event, you're probably going to have ten people with very similar qualities in that event. If one of them dies, probably the other nine will do a great job filling in. That's how we see people and so no one is cloning anyone, even if they could. However, if this was far future and he was some genetically enhanced superman, then I could see him being mostly unkillable and then his enemies would need another him to beat him. That movie I'd see. Ledger's Joker wasn't Joker because he wasn't crazy. He fit into the "ultra sane" kind of category as he was basically right about life and saw everything more clearly than others. In the end he of course was wrong, but everyone knows he was also largely right. His speech to Dent in the hospital was pretty honest. The real Joker is manic and insane and doesn't have rational thoughts. He finds horrible things amusing and makes insane plans that will never work but cause massive destruction. That Joker has never been in a movie. I'm a large Polish hetersexual male and would kick his dad's ass and be Jensen's buddy. I'm going to miss him when the show is over. Side note, he doesn't seem remotely gay to me. Where is this coming from? It would be interesting to see a film where someone associated with a great cause was really behind it to demoralize people. That sounds like a 70s movie but I'd watch it. A fun movie in the same vein is the satire Thank You For Smoking. It's a cleaver social satire I saw years ago. That Joker wasn't Leto's fault. It was in a Frank Miller "Hardcore" Batman series where Batman said things like, "I'm fucking Batman" and killed a lot of people. The Joker in that story looked just like Leto and had no personality traits associated with insane mania. Sadly though, women are real assholes. There's many words for a female asshole, cunt, bitch, implications that you are acting like you're having your period, and so on. That's because all of those things are true about many women. People don't say, stop being such a Chipmunk! That's because they have no negative qualities that stand out. Arthur Schopenhauer, famous philosopher, wrote an essay a long time ago about how Europeans would end up in femalecentric society where generally stupid and obnoxious females are treated like queen bees with males running around to serve them, although they deserve no respect. He attributed that to Europe's history of chivalry where you can't say or do anything negative to a woman. We are seeing this today. We have "toxic masculinity" but no talk about what "toxic femininity" is all about. It's being a slut, a whore, impossible to deal with, narcissistic, selfish, etc. It is good to call out women and be "misogynistic" because people need "shaming" in order to learn about and correct their behavior. Women of course started "anti shaming" movements because they do many shameful things and are extremely narcissistic, and don't want to hear it or change. I agree. The big issue I have is how they choose unwinnable causes, like every time, and then they almost always fizzle out, along with the spokesperson. That doesn't seem rewarding and I guess, as you've said, these people probably just end up depressed. I can't think of one big active cause to actually solve a solvable problem. You'd think making progress would be a huge win and ego boost. But, that actually isn't the path of a Borderline. They like to punish people and then hurt themselves when they end up feeling badly about having hurt people. I read the book a long time ago, but I think it was pretty close, as I've said. I don't know or recall what more could be there. Plus, I liked how lynch brought the gothic punk rock styles popular back then into the movie. I don't think the book handled how weird all of these people would be and seem to us. Imagine seeing a Mentat in action right now. That person would be beyond strange in manner, looks certainly, and how they communicated. A person mutated from spice, what the hell. The original movie gave a sense many of these types of people are creepy and bizarre. A whole planet of inbred redheads! If the new movie glosses over that stuff it will be boring. His books cost about a hundred dollars. That's because they are meant for people with their doctorate, etc. However, if you love the topic it is worth it. He's a genius on the topic. Thanks for the interest in my topic! I have heard celebs say that they were behind various causes because they felt lost and messed up psychologically. So, they weren't interested in whales or whatever, they were interested in trying to fill emptiness (another borderline trait). That's nothing as compared to the motive of trying to make people feel inferior for doing normal things though.