MovieChat Forums > TheAdlerian > Replies
TheAdlerian's Replies
If they did a sequel with him at a more advanced stage and with Batman, with a serious script, it would be awesome.
I was shocked at how good this film was.
I haven't seen the movie but young Will Smith doesn't look like Will Smith to me, lol.
There's literally years of Fresh Prince footage to get images from so why didn't they copy that?
I will see it anyone, but what a let down.
I saw Star Wars when I was 10 years old and so it's been a lifelong event. Too bad that a movie made in the 70s was so awesome and we can't at least get a few interesting characters.
I can talk any way I want, lol.
You have a moronic view of the world.
Please make and argument and I will get back to you.
You aren't smart enough to counter my argument. You are "butthurt" because I am right. Now you've gone into child mode.
Your opinion is that I should have no opinion.
Extremely stupid and moronic.
Using "screed" is also gay and pretentious, lol.
You are the fraud.
You can't counter my arguments except with insult.
You haven't seen Joker or don't understand it, but it's extremely easy to understand, so you haven't seen it.
The basic story of Joker from Batman doesn't glorify the character. So, you know nothing about that either. The Joker is insane, you have to know that, and he's not a hero, which you have to know unless you live under a rock.
That is the response a normal person should have when watching those films.
Cooing is a really "gay" sort of comment, lol.
You must not have seen Joker or are too stupid to know what you just watched.
Art is propaganda for the person who created it.
I do not believe that these people would be "interesting" if it weren't for the slick way (propaganda) they are promoted by him. People murdering people is disgusting. Gangsters are disgusting. At the end of Departed the cop murders someone because he doesn't like what he did, this was promoted as good.
The literal definition of a "Pervert" is someone who believes a good thing to be bad. So, the do bad things believing they are the best thing to do. That is what almost all of his films are about.
He is a pervert.
If you read up on pedo societies, they promote sex with children as being "high class ancient Greek culture" "educational for children" and "freedom". Artists like this tend to promote MURDER a lot in books and film. They "groom", like a pedo does to kids, consumers to LIKE MURDER and admire MURDERERS, so think about that.
It is true.
I have worked in psychology and forensics (prisons) for over 30 years. If you actually know murderers and the real stories you realize that most movies are sadistic garbage created by perverts.
And, I'm not sure how much you know about comics, but most of the characters are directly the opposite of simple. Stan Lee created many characters TO IMPROVE THE MENTAL HEALTH of children, and he directly said so. Batman, Superman, Spiderman, Wolverine, Hulk are all complex stories about how to deal with trauma, personality defects, etc.
I can't think of any director who says he wants to make movies to improve the mental health of the viewer.
That's invalid as exceptions do not disprove a rule.
His movies are typically about perverted criminals and brutal people "coming together".
Superhero films are about good and loving people coming together to help improve life.
So, he's going to hate them because cleared Scorsese is a Hollywood pervert. Guys in Hollywood are what, massive criminals, and perverts. Most belong to an evil mideastern cult, most have to have been involved in drugs, all kinds of whoring, and organized crime. So, how can a typical dude like that like or understand the ideals in comics, that millions and many generations of normal people love?
I loved her and thought that she was a "real person" who made it big and on top of it had a sparkling personality.
I'm a male and if I had a daughter I would have wanted one like her. My people are witty, kind, outgoing, and I wished I had a kid like her.
Then, I saw these photos of her and a female friend, both looked like "hard women" and they were smoking weed, which is illegal. Then, she won the Oscar, when her performance was good but not amazing. I know how evil jewish showbiz males are, and saw Harvey Weinstein and knew he was a pervert just by looking at him. Super ugly jew in charge of infidel females, equals rapist. So, she was likely a whore who fucked her way to the top, so quickly it was suspicious. Then, the nudes came out and sealed it for me.
Sexy talented girls with great personalities don't send nudes because they don't need to. If you get to be with one, they know you know you want to protect your relationship with her and keep it classy. A whore thinks she has to be a bigger whore to keep her usually dysfunctional man.
However, it isn't audiences that rejected her. In spite of what I wrote, I'd go see her in something. Instead, I think Hollywood saw her Oscar as invalid and the result of fucking a pervert, and they are making her fade away.
This is the same nonsense we've seen in so many movies, the kickass female that is like a man and not a woman.
It's a joke because there are no real women like this.
What could be is a highly intelligent and tactical female. Females must be tactical in real life because they can't control machine guns, run that fast, beat up men, but they can plan, avoid, indirectly confront, recruit men to fight for them, and so forth.
What would really scare men that hate women would be a very smart well written character that can outclass your from a distance without lifting a finger. Women that act like men are cartoon characters created by men.
If you can't beat my argument, your post is pompous drivel.
The true Joker from the comics is an irrational genius.
Batman is a rational genius.
If they're ever going to make a real Batman Joker movie, this has to be addressed in the characters.
Batman is a super advanced scientific ninja, Sherlock Holmes, level person. In all movies so far he is not a genius detective or inventor. What made him be like this is his drive to save people and perfect himself after his parents died.
Joker, he's an "unfunny" comedian who finds horrible ironies, gore, etc funny. He is also a genius inventory and scientist. His genius was likely kicked off by going completely crazy after getting his face and body mutilated by Batman.
SOME of that his been in the movies, but not enough.
Anyway, in this movie, he started as a sweet and childlike person. He took care of his mom, was really reserved, nice to people, trying his best to be something good, etc. As more and more bad things happened to him, the craziness came out, but then at the end the smartness because they real hate he had came forth and focused him. So, I think the jokes made no sense and looked stupid because he wasn't fully Joker yet but rather a confused angry person.
Plus, he really doesn't want to entertain by that point. He probably found it more rewarding to make people uncomfortable, which as Joker he becomes a master at.
Yes, but gore in a comedy can be funny. Gore in a drama borders on perverted.
The word "spectrum" is stupid the way you use it.
It's in the DSM and has symptoms. It isn't just an opinion, you have to correctly diagnose it.
He needs better parts to bring that out.
I don't recall the eugenics part, but there is no such thing as "antisemitism" because jews are part of a made up cult, which is a hate group. That's their propaganda to deflect criticism of their nonsense.
Schopenhauer was pretty much a social super genius and of course he's going to see long before anyone that religion is a scam to promote the members.