MovieChat Forums > TheAdlerian > Replies
TheAdlerian's Replies
I work in mental health and started out as a MR Program Specialist. MR means "Mental Retardation" and I am proud of it.
The word "Retard" means "Slow" in French. So, it's a nice term meaning "mentally slow" and Retards changed it.
They didn't like the word and didn't even bother to look it up. They changed it to, Intellectually Disabled. Disabled means "Not Able"!!!
Which would you like your kid to be seen as...slow...or not able?!
I like to use the insult "retard" because it packs a punch. Probably no one is telling you not to say "shit" or "fuck" which are gross, but hate retard which is mild.
Say what you like.
Indian is quicker to say than Native American, but Indian is kinda stupid. That's because explorers thought they were in
DMT was also popular in Philly in the mid 2000s. I read how to make it.
I had a female client who was in the post office and had a wild religious experience which got her hospitalized. She explained what happened and I asked if it was DMT. I think religious experiences are typical with that.
People were using some common item to extract the DMT too. Much like coke you have to use all of these solvents and then you get red crystals, if I'm correct.
Note: I just read what you wrote about religious experiences!
People in Philly kept getting hospitalized for Schizophrenia because of this and they couldn't get out. I had read about the drug in this great art magazine Aperture years before. Then I read how to make it on Blue Light.
Carry Grant had LSD psychotherapy in the 50s.
I'm interested in all of this stuff, as you can tell. Plus, it's great for work. The reason people on DMT were getting stuck in the hospital is because clinicians give up reading after school and aren't worldly enough, so thanks a lot!
Quaid was on the fence about believing anything.
For all we know, he was in a simulation and destroyed his brain by shooting the guy.
If not, then his critical thinking skills saved him.
Let's go for it!
In PA, "Spice" one name and "K2" (used in Philly) refers to synthetic weed soaked potpourri packets. That is fairly dangerous because I worked in a place and people just fall over dead from smoking it. Thankfully, all lived!
DMT is found in cough syrup. I had a psych client who used to steal it and drink many bottles at a time. He was a massive perfectionist who was also on the fence about being gay, so his mind was an anxiety festival. He said DMT was the only thing that made him feel normal.
I like this Indian guy named Sadhguru. You can find him on youtube. He noted that our brains are stimulated to the fullest by drugs. That means that if one knows how, you can achieve that stimulation without drugs.
I have always been sober because I must be for work. However, I was with a loved one recently and they were relapsing. She was smoking crack in my car. I breathed it in, which made me angry, but I still got the sensation. It was the same sensation as when I know I've done something awesome or I see another do something awesome. So, my love for people and happiness creates the same rush!
I realized, that's what Sadhguru says! So, smoking crack is nothing, it's just doing something to your brain that is already a potential feeling, if you have the right mindset.
So, I don't believe any of these drugs are actually doing anything or are special.
It's an interesting topic though and if spice was real, I'd use it.
As mentioned, he is good as Sherlock.
However, here is the issue: RDJ played Iron Man as HIMSELF.
He ad libbed a lot of the lines and so that's HIM as Iron Man, what he would say as Tony Stark, with some loose character stuff thrown in.
Jack Nicholson does that in every movie. What if Jack was a cowboy, a mobster, a therapist, etc and that was his whole career. Jack never played a Russian astronaut coming to grips with cancer, he played himself as whatever.
RDJ isn't famous enough to do that.
So, if he wants to get famous for other things, he must play characters that aren't like him. If not, he will be playing Stark in a bunch of cheap movies only the character will have a different name.
It was clear that if he was a passionlesss simulation he wouldn't have "nervous sweat" and that sweat, because it's a sign of nervousness, told Arnold he was lying.
I agree as this is a richer and more intelligent character.
Scareface seemed like a retard to me and I have never watched the whole movie and I was happy he died.
Did you know "Negro" just means "black" in latin?
If you have even been in an all black audience at the movies, you'd understand.
It can be the most fun ever with all kinds of flying comments!
But, thanks for the insult motherfucker ;)
Basically, race is real.
If you find a skeleton in the woods, a person who understands skull types could tell you if it's a black, white, or Asian person. Racial skulls are totally different than each other. If I recall correctly, Korean people have square eye sockets and white people have round.
A legit evolutionary scientist would want to know why.
The English invented the the study of race to promote superiority and legitimize royalty, which is nonsense. They even targeted their own population and attempted to say "cockneys" were genetically inferior. What they were was poor and unable to get money due to that commodity being controlled by rich people. Rich people hording capital creates poverty. But, the royalty couldn't admit that so, they started saying their poor were subhuman.
Black slavery was justified by the same logic. Making other Europeans slaves, as had been done, was considered evil. However, there were these new small skulled talking monkeymen and so it was okay to make them slaves since they aren't human.
It was also used to discourage interracial mating. I recall reading an article about "mulattoes" that claimed they were sterile. The word comes from "mules" which are sterile. The article claimed the races were too different and shouldn't mate. It also said that when the interracial person was born they ran the risk of being internally messed up as all the races had slightly different organ placement, etc.
Of course none of that's true it was fake science to scare people.
All of that has nothing to do with studying the body and drawing conclusions. Racism has to do with using science to claim one type of being is superior to another.
Also, you should invest time in reading what Marx had to say. I'll bet after you read it, you will agree with a lot.
Giant babies!
That would bring in the female demographic.
Thankfully I have never heard him!
I call it "milk throat" and guys from Dillon's ethnic group frequently have in.
Even mentioning him or Petty instantly trigger their songs in my head and it's hell. I can hear that milk throat saying "Don't come around here no more" and him and Dillon both have that horrible alcoholic dried out look I find disgusting.
Art is really something else. I have no idea how voices like that could be popular.
Oh MAN that was nicely written!
I was just joking.
I love complex shows where I must pay attention and stop reading. Most programs, I can do work, read, and so forth and still follow them completely because they are simple for me. There's nothing I love more than a gripping story!
I wish I was passionate about English. I love words and meaning tremendously so in that since I love English but I never got into grammar. I even try to not be grammatical at time and with use "like" purposely in sentences. Like, I just enjoy writing like people talk, lol!
However, I'm a super freak about getting things right in psychology as that is my passion and profession, so I understand.
Thanks for all the nice words too!
I like his acting.
If you stop thinking about it as acting and think about the situation, it makes sense.
They are on a spaceship, totally alone, and all this crazy stuff is happening. People would freak out and determined people with courage would be in a super intense drama mode.
He made it feel like it was really happening.
I watched Next Generation on Netflix recently and it was horrible. The people had zero passion and I heard this was on purpose. If you have people in these situations and they have a bland passionless quality then humanity sucks.
Shatner was great and so was Nimoy.
I could never understand why people like him. He sounds like Bob Dillon who has a terrible voice like milk is trapped in his throat.
Believe it or not, I get it.
I work in psychology in Philly and am in the worst parts of town. It is REALLY horrible when I see a pretty white girl prostituting herself for tiny amounts of money.
I am a white guy and of course have feeling for all kinds of people, but find white girls the most beautiful and it's my instinct to protect them. I have literally had beautiful girls come up to me and ask much the same question and it kills me inside.
I saw that film when it first came out and thought it very racist and stupid. However, as I recall he didn't go with the white woman and so the scene at the end was what I explained in the above. I would like to save all the white women I see and I guess he is having the same reaction to black women.
I don't think so.
I saw the film when it came out and I was ten years old.
I have always been an avid reader and my friends back then were very into the movie and story. Back then, my buddy Peter brought a Star Wars magazine in and there was an article where Lucas was saying the movie was in fact the fourth because the studio wanted that section of the story told. He noted that Darth was fighting someone and fell into lava, etc and it seemed just like the prequels.
At the time, I was a skeptical kid and thought it weird we were seeing the story halfway in. I didn't believe that prequels would ever be made.
My point is that I believe he had the story fairly planned out.
I have a very high IQ and don't care much about grammar at all. I had to look that one up!
I read the book and enjoyed it and I love the original movie.
The story is WAY too abstract and "doesn't matter" in that it's story for its own sake. It doesn't mean anything. The other books in the Dune series are even more pointless other than to tell a fantasy story with no real theme.
For instance, Star Wars is about a battle between what the life force is and it's about family forgiveness.
Blade Runner is about the value of life and that life is what it says it is. If an artificial life says it's alive, then it is because who says what's alive and not if it's 99% like life.
Many people can relate to these themes.
What is the theme of Dune?
It's about various bizarro guilds created by breeding to take the place of machines because there was a big any computer revolution. That's a whole confusing backstory. Many people will not get what a "guild" is because that's very antiquated. That is not something most people can relate to.
The spice idea is very 60s thinking that drugs expand your mind.
The war in the end is for what point? To free the Fremen---for what, because they get along with the worms, so what?
I'm not trying to be mean. What I'm saying is that it's just a story and not something that can be discussed over lunch like other such films.
Just look up what I've said.