TheAdlerian's Replies

Thanks! I know a lot about psychology from working in that field. The idea of "authenticity" comes from Existential psychotherapy, of which there are different types, and Gestalt Therapy has inspired me a lot. Existential psychotherapy was heavily inspired by WWII and Nazis. After the war they asked a lot of Germans why they got involved in Nazism and why some did bad things. Many said they really didn't want to or mean it. Then, it ended up where a lot of people said they didn't either. So, you could have a hundred soldiers working in death camps and 80 of them think it's heinous and gross, but never said anything. They didn't even talk among each other behind the backs of their superiors. Had all the people spoken up it would have redirected Hitler and probably none of the truly bad things would have happened. So, the Existentialist really started promoting being "Real" and not letting others and society program you like a robot. I think that's pretty cool and I try to do it as much as possible. It can be very hard whether you are saying positive or negative things. Thank you! It is exactly what I have been saying. You are irrational and I'm cool. I just learned that he is gay and can't believe that. He used to be so bizarre! He used to be on Letterman before the kid's show and I liked his dark weirdness. I did not like the kid and cute aspect of him. He wasn't that good. It was more of the way he looked. He had a brooding asshole look without much else. Hagar has a terrible screechy raspy kind of one note voice. Roth had and interesting voice with many sounds. Also, Roth was fun and wacky to watch. He had an "I would punch that bitch in the face quality" then other times he was being a fun showman. After he went solo, he was like a old time singer, who was silly, and gave up rock, which was very weird. Anyway, whoever was the asshole in that band that made them split up with Roth was nuts. They were a fun group putting out song after song, then it imploded. My guess is that Roth is a super narcissist control freak, but I could be wrong. I do not believe in political figures anymore and have stopped voting. I wish everyone would to show a lack of confidence. That would lead to change. Anyway, I enjoy authenticity and find it highly entertaining. Trump is a bit mean for my taste but I believe we see the real Trump, which is good. I am a positive person and like to find what is good about situations and people, unless serious crap is occurring. I have been described as "charming" and Trump isn't. An interesting thing about a person who is negatively authentic is that they get it off their chest. So, he might express disgust at criminal Mexicans, etc and he is done. A fake person who has been harboring hate might hear that and go off and kill someone because he explodes. So, one has to weigh their true feelings when it comes to authentic expression. It is very easy to vent negative stuff but hard to dig and find true positive feelings, for some people. For instance, I HATE criminals and drug addicts. But for real, I hate them because I know they could do better and it saddens me what they do to themselves and others. So, do I hate them or do I actually feel so sorry I can't take it sometimes? Dude, the other idiot just posted this: They believe the virus is severe and pointed me to look at where it says: Severity. The comment is that most cases are MILD. That's what I've been saying and that severe cases are in sick people. Only an insane person can read that and filter it through their jacked up mind and have it say it's a severe disease. MANY PEOPLE DON'T KNOW THEY HAVE IT. Colds don't even work that way. Everyone who gets a cold knows it and certainly knows they have the flu. They are miserable illnesses. This is NOT. Some people are allergic to peanuts. MOST people are NOT but some people---if even peanut molecules are in the air, will have a dangerous reaction. BUT peanuts are not defined by these people. WHAT do you NOT understand about THAT!? WTF. Oh, I understood that movie completely. I saw it with the woman I was with and I thought it very sad. I was reminded of this girl I went out with in my 20s for eight years. I would happy erase that. I used to even jump if I met someone with her name. On the flipside I don't like the idea of dismissing people like they mean nothing, so there's that. There was lots of interesting messages in there and I remember them although I only watched it when it first came out. I have no idea if my gf would like it, but I'd give it a shot. I didn't vote for him, and I never watch him, but I have due this virus nonsense. He is what they call in psychology "Authentic" which is the way I like to be, mostly. Authenticity is where you say what you are thinking, no matter what. This prevents you from being such a fake/liar/people pleaser that you don't know who you are. Liars must be constantly filtering things and stopping to think about who they are talking to so they can say the right thing (lie) to the right person. Ideally, Americans should love this. Bourgeois, fake values middle class type, will hate it. They might hate black, etc but "you aren't supposed to say that" so they never will. The problem with enjoying Trump is he is more negatively authentic than positive. A person filled with positive thoughts mine be just as scared to say them all the time as negative. He has a lot of annoyance and grudges which he expresses freely. That is fun to watch and dramatic but would be tough in doing business with him, and by that I mean even casual interaction. The average American wouldn't enjoy that if directed at them. I thought the show sucked. The therapist thing was so corny and has been done countless times. The characters were all rotten assholes. I know people like that in real life and a show about them made me want to barf. I don't know what entertainment value if could really have to watch a bunch of sociopaths. I think it was more of a fad. It was similar to Game of Thrones though, which was also boring. Almost no one gets sick from this. That is WHY they tell you not to confuse it with allergies. Having "the sniffles" is not sick. Having "flu like symptoms" is not sick. Sick is where you are down and in bed. Severely ill is you went to the doctor because it was too much. Critical is where you need to be in the hospital. These are everyday kind of terms for severity of illness. I don't know what you are stuck on, but it's stupid. It smacks of wanting this to be worse for some perverted secondary emotional gain, I do not know. I am HAPPY it's not that bad for most people. It is not "viral pneumonia" as I thought. That is terrible even when you get a mild case. I I have had all the symptoms for a couple of weeks and either have it, or the flu. Whatever the case, it is unpleasant, but it's nowhere near the flu. That is the reality as reported by every important source. I'm not old, but I'm not young. I'm not scared of any of that. I have been sick too many times to count and know there's nothing you can do. If we could extend our life to like 500, we'd have some very brave motherfuckers walking around. I am working from home a lot. I have my bike on a stand and I can use it for cardio. Beyond that I am getting bored! I like to watch movies I know I'm going to enjoy by myself. For instance, I watched Superman Red Son last night and was very happy and interested. If I have to stop internet surfing to watch something, I'm interested. If my GF was here she would not have enjoyed it as she doesn't get superheroes on the same level as I do. So, I feel nervous, like I have to explain, and semi apologetic for watching. I'm tense, only with females, if I know the movie is not for them. If it's a movie everyone is going to enjoy I love watching together. All of my best friends growing up with movie fans and we'd go out after to talk about it. I used to love that. Would have been wise! You are watching too much porn. That was awesome! I never saw it. Very fitting for our times. I'm working from home and laughing at this!