so, what's wrong with this movie?
I haven't seen it yet, but I am wondering why such a low audience score on Rotten Tomatoes.
I haven't seen it yet, but I am wondering why such a low audience score on Rotten Tomatoes.
trolls, DCEU fans mostly being edgelords , check twitter, there fearful of this movie, it was awesome dude, loved it
shareThe movie is very dull and is the only Marvel movie I've seen that is poorly made like that.
In addition, the actress is terrible in the role. That or the director decided to make her as boring as possible. She has the super wooden Kristen Stewart thing going on.
That always puzzles me because you'd think any person in a major movie would know that they're supposed to "act" but yet so many actors like this don't act. It is bizarre to me and makes me conclude that some of these people are relatives of rich people or dating them, and that's how they get parts.
Whatever, the case, I found the film to be very boring.
I'm also familiar with comics and know the stories around Captain Marvel. They are much better than this film.
The male version was a very important figure surrounding Thanos and was part of an epic saga.
I think what happens in movies like this is unless you have directors experienced with big budget effects, they're so busy worrying about pulling that stuff off that they have no attention left to give to the actors. I think it was Sam Raimi or some director like him that was just dipping his toes into big budget waters that admitted something to that effect. They mentioned how lucky they were to be working with so and so cause they gave them no direction whatsoever they were so busy trying to figure out how to shoot the movie. So unless you have a real strong actor in this situation, which Brie is not, you get a wooden performance. Hell, didn't Ewan MacGreggor mention something about that on the prequels? That he kind of had to think up his performance on his own, that George gave him nothing to work with. I remember reading something like that.
shareWow, I was thinking Ewan MacGreggor when I started reading your post.
I just rewatched the prequels the other day and laugh and him talking to CGI characters as he kinda looked past them. It was clear he did quite know where to look and was doing his best.
However, he's a good actor and constantly had the Jedi pleasant demeanor even if he wasn't looking in the right direction all the time, lol.
I don't know how you could play an alien superhero and not want to show some passion or if you're a director just letting someone stand there playing one. I thought Wonder Woman was going to suck because the actress was a model, but then she did a great job because she showed emotion. So, even an inexperienced actor can do well if they try.
Anyway, the movie wasn't good and has almost no rewatchability. Most Marvel films are worth watching again for all the little things, even if they aren't great.
its boring. this is the worse a movie can be. if its bad but at least watchable then its something else. if its just boring then it has no appeal at all
shareIt reminds me of a cheap film that was thrown together quickly to create a bridge to the next movie.
That has to be the case as Marvel can't fail now even if they do this.
However, it's kinda funny if true as this is supposed to be some kind of feminist tribute, and they decide to make a low budget failure out of it.
SJW trash.
shareRight-wingers are upset that, apparently, the star of the movie said something about needing more women in the industry, or something to that effect. Who cares. You don't see a movie like this because of politics.
I just saw it... it was alright. Pretty typical for a Marvel movie. Not one of the best, not one of the worst.
Nothing wrong with it, I saw it earlier and loved it. I can understand someone not liking it as much as me but anyone rating this severely low is doing so for reasons other than the quality of the movie. The fuss some people are making over comments by Brie Larson are ridiculous and most of the quotes I've seen attributed to her don't seem to be what she actually said.