Solo or Captain Marvel
Which is better?
shareCaptain Marvel by far.
shareI thought Solo was decent but I liked Captain Marvel much better
shareCaptain Marvel for sure
shareSolo. It was fun.
shareTough question as I really like both films.
Solo is really underrated. When you think about some of the garbage that has made huge profits and then compare that to a Solo losing over 100 million dollars it's kinda sad.
Having said that...slight edge to Captain Marvel.
Solo was better was there was more story, quality dialogue, and plot.
I didn't like that much be rewatched it on Netflix and thought it was okay and okay to watch again. Marvel isn't a movie you can watch over and over to appreciate.
shareHey Bubba...going through an OLD thread ran across these hilarious comments by you and queen...If these dont DEFINE you and Queen and perfectly illustrate your guys failure I dont dont what does...
you guys were talking about Black Panther-
[–] Bubbathegut (5186) a year ago
I think the hype machine will push it over 500m. Although the hype machine backfired on Ghostbusters 16.
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[–] QueenFanUSA (1440) a year ago
500 million domestic?
C'mon now.
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[–] Bubbathegut (5186) a year ago
C'mon man! 700m WW
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[–] QueenFanUSA (1440) a year ago That makes more sense!
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these comment perfectly show, neither of you have any clue about box office and Its almost like you guys are talking in your own Made up world....
you guys both agree with each others delusionally predictions like they actually make sense...
lol in these comments there are so many fails I dont even know where to start...
first you hilariously think BP will only make 500 Million WW
Then queen stupidly thinks you are predicting 500 M domestically and makes it worse by acting like 500 Million domestic is Impossible...which hilariously BP ended up easily passing
Then you come back to correct queen with a 700 M WW prediction and Old queen agrees with your awful prediction like it makes perfect sense...
and to cover your guys grave with dirt...Hilariously BP ended up Literally Making 700 Million JUST domestically....
You guys are Literally Stooges ....
At least I was correct in predicting that it would make over $700m. And like I also said the hype machine helped it make 1.3b
shareAt least I was correct in predicting that it would make over $700m. And like I also said the hype machine helped it make 1.3b
and just so I know....
Is 700 M domestically and 1.3 B......More than Aquaman's 335 M and 1.143 B?
just wondering because in a previous thread you "Werent correct" when you claimed Aquaman was going to top Black Panther
also since you were correct about BP hitting 700 M and 1.3 B....again that has to make BP a "Super DUPER Mega Elite hit" right....
since your on record calling the Inferior Aquaman a "Super Mega Elite hit"