MovieChat Forums > Palanador21 > Replies
Palanador21's Replies
In other words Fairstein was accurately portrayed in the documentary and is now bitching and moaning about it.. She will lose this case.
General consensus among whom exactly?
There is a reason why Jackson is one of the highest grossing actors in the world..
See I didn't know that the guy running the show was gay.. Now it all makes perfect sense. The Waverider is nothing more than a homosexual night club traveling through time and space.
Great news
Do you have an answer?
Because Robbie wanted it made..
No he isn't nuts, you just need to learn more about the Cosby case.. Those women(including Constand) told several lies regarding their encounters with Bill Cosby.
Only thing is that the allegations against Bill Cosby are completely false..
I don't think so since during Purge you can commit crimes with absolutely no consequences.. Pay child support for 18 years for a kid that you don't want is definitely a consequence.
First off I am not white.. Secondly, you need to read more.. Anyone that has knowledge of American history fully understands that this nations wealth was built off of the backs of the slaves.. "The Half that was Never Told" Black Labor, White Wealth, When Affirmative Action was White and several other books flesh all of this out. You can't change history because you don't agree with it.
Berry was great in this movie..
A few videos from Yvette Carnell to let you know what she really feels about the right:
This is not a so-called nation of immigrants.. This countries wealth was built on the backs of American slaves.. I know exactly who started the ADOS movement and it hasn't got a damn thing to do with Russians. The movement is centered around getting reparations for American Descendants of Slaves.. That article you posted was a bunch of garbage by someone who has no idea what they are talking about.. ADOS stands for American Descendants of Slaves.. It was coined by Yvette Carnell and Antonio Moore. Two people that you need to look into if you want to really know about ADOS.. Trump jr. is just a moron using it for his own ends. There is literally nothing right wing about Yvette Carnell. I know because I have been listening to her videos for over two years now. If you think that she is a fan of Donald Trump or the far right then you are a damn fool. I suggest you listen to some of her and tones videos on YouTube. So you really wasted your time posting all of that foolishness. Gina Yashare is British-Nigerian and she has retweeted that ADOS(Black Americans are garbage..
What is this babbling bullshit that you just sent to me? You sound like you need medication..
You have no idea what ADOS is if you think the movement is bullshit.. And nobody gives a two bit damn how pissed off you are.. The movement is here to stay.
There is no such thing as an unnecessary anal sex scene..
Congratulations on finding an exception to the rule.. But that's all that it is.
Obviously a lot seeing as that is all whom you see being cast..