MovieChat Forums > DeusexMachina815
DeusexMachina815 (36)
Nightclub scene *facepalm*
Overuse of makeup
Daenerys didn't go mad
*SPOILERS* Why would I watch the rest?
Anything I can do to actually SEE the next episode?
Please tell me Cersei won't be the final big bad
Looks like all the new characters are humans
Course correction
Delayed AGAIN
I miss IMDb, man
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I don't know, I never got past the first season before they took it off netflix.
Annnd now that we've got pics of pretty much all the new characters I'd say a bump is appropriate
*writes excellent story about authoritarianism, objective moral authority and foreign military interventions taken to their natural conclusion*
*People wilfully misinterpret it as being about "lol women r cray"*
YES! This!
"Daenerys went mad/evil and it was rushed" is the new "They were dead all along" from LOST.
In the finales of boths shows, it's made abundantly clear that neither's the case, to such an extent that I can't even see how someone could watch the finale, pay attention to what people are saying, and still think this. And yet bring up LOST and nine times out of ten you'll hear "oh you mean that show where they were dead all along?", it'll appear on every "top 10 worst endings" video because they were dead all along, and on the few videos like that where it doesn't appear the comments will be littered with "Lost should be on here, they were dead all along ffs".
And then you feel obliged to explain that that's not at all the case and how/why it isn't the case and why they should stab the person who told them this.
They were not dead all along, everything that happened on the island happened in the real world while they were still alive, as explained by Christian and by the fact that the last episode clearly takes place in 2 different universes
Daenerys is perfectly lucid and the same person she's always been, guided by the same philosophy, as made clear by her speech, Tyrion's convo with Jon and Jon's exchange about objective vs subjective morality with Dany.
That's an interesting video!
Kiiiiiiiiinda concerned though when he describes the burning of the witch as a "scene most would agree felt like justice" I hope that's not true, that scene was horrifying. I've little enough faith in humanity as it is, without everyone thinking burning victims of war crimes alive for taking action against their victimisers (or burning anyone alive for any reason) is justice.
I think the military justification was shock and awe, based on "it is fear then". As she said, she'd already given Cersei a chance to surrender and she chose to fight her. There was no formal agreeement that they'd get a second chance. The part about human shields made less sense but based on the rest I think shock and awe combined with rage after losing Rhaegal and Miss Sundae (yes, that is her name now) is the best explanation.
I think her benevolence came from her rigid idea of right and wrong (which she considered to be an objective moral authority). Her obsession, apparently more important than gaining the throne, was "breaking the wheel" and making the world a "better" place. The methods she considered acceptable in pursuit of this goal changed once it proved harder than she thought it'd be. That is my interpretation and I'm sticking to it (until I change my mind)
Haha much more verbose. Glad I'm not alone :)
[quote] she gets to have her lemon cake and eat it too[/quote]
Sounded like its sole purpose is to relieve prisons/dungeons. God knows what they do all day though
gahd I wrote that humongous rant and no one even read it
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