MovieChat Forums > bistritapcv > Replies
bistritapcv's Replies
I completely forgot what this is about ;)
Donald Trump issued an executive order to rename the Atlantic Ocean to the American Ocean, and another order to rename the Pacific Ocean to the American Ocean. Some congressional members have expressed concerns that this might cause confusion Trump responded that these are the greatest executive orders ever issued.
As Gloria Stivic said, 1000 times 0 is still 0.
ADL says no
You are having a point there
It wasn't easy being green for Kermit the Frog either.
I wondered
What is in it is something like
"Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion nor preventing the free exercise thereof".
There is a saying "separation of church and state" which actually is not in the Constitution.
Not only catholic but Irish. Wish they had not chosen the last name Reagan. Not saying good or bad. Just if you have a famous last name they might confuse you. Same with like Eisenhower or Roosevelt
People should laugh at the funny parts only not randomly.
Oh and blue bloods dies have an archbishop
"No it doesn't", said Little Nicola
Probably like the Godfather some Congressman told JFK wither his signature would be on the bill, or his brains would.
I have been to București.
Which sector?
Wasn't there already some piece of crap called "The Wiz" where they sing about easing on down the road?
How would you feel if a dog terrorized your cat, messed up your garden and bit you? Our neighbors made us get rid of our German Shepard, George, and he didn't even buye anyone.
Which rural route was it on?
Sorry, focus not fulcrum
Never met him