Peace Corps

I was in the Peace Corps in Romania for 2 years. Anyway, when I saw who was in the movie I noticed a Florian Munteanu. Definitely Romanian. It said he played Kaufman, but I am not sure which one was Kaufman. Do you know? I could not really tell by the picture.

Also, I watched some of the credits. It seems like half the cast and crew was Romanian, though it said it was filmed at Tyler Perry Studios in Georgia. Any idea why so many Romanians?


He was one of the hitmen sent to kill Chris Pine. He died after like a minute. He was in the scene outside the plaza in Germany where Pine was supposed to be picked up by the brown car.


Shot in location in Bucuresti!


So it wasn't Berlin? I wondered why they wrote "Alesanderplatz" instead of "Alexanderplatz"


No, you are referring to Allesandersplatz, its a old Building which was owned by the alternative scene and became a safe haven for them now (

Establishingsshots and most of the subway scenes were filmed in Berlin, the scene on the bikes e.g. was in Bucharest, as you can also see the white trams there.


I have been to București.
Which sector?


Sorry, dont know Bucharest well enough.
