MovieChat Forums > FootOfDavros > Replies
FootOfDavros's Replies
Very amusing to see this thread here. Finally saw Apocalypse on the telly last night and was shocked to see this terrible - and dare I say not particularly attractive - actress in this role and with so much screen time. Genuinely could not work it out but then the missus told me she was in Game of Thrones, which I haven't seen, which kind of explained it I guess (a bit like you still see that Daniel Radcliffe getting parts even though he's terrible I suppose).
But it wasn't just her - that guy who played Cyclops was also a very ugly looking dude. Who wants to watch that pair together on screen? I mean when you compare them with the James Bond mancrusher and that Tom Cruise wannabe... Just awful!
Or is it a deliberate tactic now being employed by Hollywood? i.e. cast ugly actors / actresses because they have more resemblance to the teenage kids this series seems to be selling to and it's nice for average looking kids to have particularly average looking heroes to look up to?
The plans were not "beamed" aboard the Tantive IV. That makes the entire film non canon, so that is the biggest mistake in this poorly thought out fan-fiction with a "cool" added Darth Vader scene to help you not think about it.
And I'll say the same thing about live-action The Lion King.
It really is an odd dearth of creativity period we are living through right now. What with Disney doing this and the continuous re-churning of the same film from Marvel. Still, if people keep clapping and lapping it up...
No. Not yet.
Yeah. And the first one. Die Hard 2 is peak Die Hard.
It's got snow, so it's more Christmas than Die Hard 1. I also like the whole hackneyed, cheesy "how can this be happening to the same guy at the same time" angle.
In fact they blew it after this one. The series should have gone full classic Bond with every subsequent sequel following the same Christmas Eve formula putting McLane in an ever more unlikely Christmas Eve hostage situation, e.g. McLane takes his kid ice skating, terrorists take everyone in the rink hostage, McLane tries to escape the Xmas Eve curse by going remote overseas but lands up next door to a terrorist training camp. Every. Single. Time. McLane gives it "shiiiit, how can the happen to the same guy..." line! And every single time he goes on to defeat the terrorists despite a complete lack of help from whatever local law enforcement.
That would have been quality.
True but that sex doll CPR piece may well be the funniest Alan sketch of all time. Ah ha!
No she wasn't. That was the point.
I agree although my favourite bit was when Luke milked that Space Cow:-
I can watch that scene over and over again, the detail is is just incredible - from Luke's gruff expression when swigging that sweet goodness; the poor cow itself when it turns it's head around to Rey with a pleading look that says "This creature is milking my mammory glands. I don't like it. Please help"; and on to Rey herself who's own look seems to suggest she believes she has found herself in a horror film!
Which of course is absolutely true... from a certain point of view.
Echoed beautifully in Rocky Balboa when Rocky's practically out of the arena before the result is announced - in fact just turning back to meet the acclaim of the crowd.
In both cases the result didn't matter, he'd already won by going the distance.
Captain Phasma picked him up when she escaped unaided from the Garbage Compactor after being put in there just minutes before the planet exploded.
Ha, true - or Leia could have been retconned post Carrie Fisher's death to have done that. Then both of these legacy characters could have gone out as heroes rather than chumps...
Season 6, Episode 3: "Till Death Do Us Part".
The one guest starring Patrick Duffy!
Jesse without a shadow of doubt.
I can allow my mind to accept Community General not being shut down despite someone being murdered there on an almost daily basis. I can also allow my mind to accept multiple members of staff not being sacked despite continuously being off-site solving the non hospital based murders. But Scott Baio as a doctor? Forget about it 😂
And here without question is the most beautiful rendition ever seen on the silver screen:-
I cannot even read the comments on what I'm sure is a thrilling game of tennis on this thread because the indentation has reduced it to one word per line.
Are the tennis players aware this has happened? I'm sure they're both desperate to defend their honour on such a vital point but is it even worth the effort if the spectators have zoned out, completely bored and unable to follow the debate?
Shitterhand more like. Which ironically neatly sums up the works of Purvis and Wade, the chief architects in killing off James Bond as a film series.
^ Nice pedantry Sir 👍
The biggest flaw of the prequels is that the OT gives a very precise recipe list of what ingredients had to go into making Prequel Soup.
However, when it came to the chef (the same guy who'd written the recipe in the first place!!) actually making the soup, he ripped that recipe to shreds and just chucked whatever he thought tasted good at the time into the pot.
Then when the customer (who'd previously dined copiously on OT soup) came to sample the Prequel soup he took one sip then - BOOM! - projectile sprayed the fishy tasting broth straight out and screamed "Hey, this isn't Prequel Soup! This does NOT have the right ingredients for Prequel Soup... What are you trying to serve me here?!!"
My seven year old daughter - who is a huge fan of the Rambo and Die Hard film series - was thrilled by the character Rex. However, towards the end when they did that whole thing with it was ok to be weak and useless like Emmett and that men like Rex were finished, she turned to me, with a small tear forming in her eye, and said "Daddy, why can't we even watch a simple cartoon without another ham fisted attempt to socially castrate the alpha male? What have we become?"
Am I wrong to feel proud?