"I think I will rewatch The Last Jedi" said no one ever.
I have watched originals countless times and enjoy revisiting prequels but find no joy in Disney Star Wars at all.


I've seen TFA a few times now, and enjoy it well enough. Even Phantom Menace is worth watching for some things (droid invasion, pod race, Darth Maul).

But yeah. Like Luke said to the Emperor: "Never. I'll never rewatch TLJ"


It's been Netflix for a while now and it has never crossed my mind to watch it again. I know shit when I see it the first time๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ‘


Yup. Iโ€™ve seen TFA a few times. Love R1 and seen that the most. Solo Iโ€™ll probably watch again. But TLJ... Nope. Now way.


Just rewatched it.

Still entertaining. And even though I had all the crap in my mind so-called fanboys criticized this movie for - I still liked it.

Not my favourite movie - but it had a few good unforseen twists the first time and enjoyable acting, sets and action the second time.

7/10 for me.


What are you talking about?! SOOO many great scenes! Remember when Lia discovered a long lost ability to fly in space, barely saving her life? Wooosh....amazing. And when Luke gets handed the lightsaber and he just tosses it over his shoulder.๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ Super funny, typical Luke for ya'. And the very dramatic opening when they cluster all of the bombers together, and only one survives because they were all so close together for some reason, and she ALMOST doesn't get to the manual remote control to get the bombs to drop down in the gravity free vacuum of space, but she just manages to at the last minute.... It sends tingles down my spine just typing it! That's just a few, and I didn't even mention the steamy love affair between Rose and Finn ๐Ÿ˜... so hot. You guys are crazy, this was a great movie.


I agree although my favourite bit was when Luke milked that Space Cow:-

I can watch that scene over and over again, the detail is is just incredible - from Luke's gruff expression when swigging that sweet goodness; the poor cow itself when it turns it's head around to Rey with a pleading look that says "This creature is milking my mammory glands. I don't like it. Please help"; and on to Rey herself who's own look seems to suggest she believes she has found herself in a horror film!

Which of course is absolutely true... from a certain point of view.


You forget to mention how it's green, because it's a space cow!


Rhian Johnson subverted our expectations and turned everything upside down killing the old films because the cows milk was green! When in the first film Luke was drinking blue milk!


I wish I could give a like to this post.


Lol, you just did.


Only in text though.


Surely Rogue One is rewatchable?


I think Force awakens is better than most do, despite it's many flaws.


I wasn't asking about that Piece of Shit known as Force Awakens. And you've just lost 100% credibility just by saying that.


Word. I guess you're king douchebag around here. My bad, I must have missed your credentials.


I never liked TFA from the start.
Episodes I-VI felt like movies.
Episode VII felt like a product, a Greatest Hits compilation, a repeat of IV. Nothing more.


I'm baffled that TFA still has defenders. It's the worst thing produced in this Di$ney era & the worst film called Star Wars.

It's an empty, repackaged product with no soul & no heart, thrown together via corporate committee. Not an ounce of creative vision.

It's an an attocious mess that's worse than TLJ. At least TLJ has the excuse that it inherited a dumpster fire of a script it was forced to salvage.


I've only watched the new Disney Star Wars films the one time. I've had no desire to revisit any of them so far. They're simply not fun. You don't feel like you're going on an adventure.


I like this movie more every time I rewatch it.
