MovieChat Forums > FootOfDavros > Replies
FootOfDavros's Replies
How come Doc Strange didn't see this second possible successful future?
[quote]"...They did not want to risk what they had."
First of all, you're conflating "they" with Tony.[/quote]
Ha ha, that's pretty funny because I actually originally had written that as "Tony" but changed it to "They" to see if the sort of, but not really, subtlety of that would be lost... But now I'm laughing at myself for getting caught up in a non comprehended debate around possible character development in a [b]Marvel Comic book, let's save the world![/b] blockbuster film 😂 What a Moran I am!
Anyway, I'm glad for you boys that Pepper did suit up in the end (which obviously Dr Strange must have known had to happen in the only winning scenario) otherwise this board would obviously have been awash with complaining threads that the end of Endgame was completely ruined because Pepper Potts hadn't been involved in the battle...
Which would have been especially depressing to read coming after ALL the similar complaints you posted after she didn't appear suited up at the end of Infinity War 🤣
Good luck to you boys 👍
I'm not making any arguments to be "knocked down", I was expressing my point of view re how a human being may act in a given set of circumstances. Adding to my previous post, it really is quite fascinating to see personality traits at work here viewing things so absolutely that you can't even entertain AT ALL the possibility that another view point may exist or have any validity. Fascinating.
In your world:- She would only ever know that the world was ending. She would only ever decide that she would have to be involved even if she wouldn't make a difference. She would only ever leave her kid "with the nanny". None of these things are even open to interpretation. Very interesting that.
[quote] I totally believe Pepper would suit up and leave the kid with the nanny when Strange appeared to her and said Thanos is back and set on wiping out the whole planet this time[/quote]
This is the only thing which isn't additional dead horse kicking. Yeah, you're totally entitled to your opinion on that but it is a bit strange to not be able to understand that someone could even have a differing opinion there. A more interesting discussion, which I mentioned previously, was about how Dr Strange would even be having this discussion with her as this is the only way I can see that she could possibly have any knowledge of a "life or death" situation happening in the first place...
Disagree. No one has explained why she would think everyone would die:-
1. Thanos snapped halved the population out of existence in Infinity Wars. 2 Pretty much the entire first third of this film was setting up Tony's reluctance to get involved as it would jeopardize his family who got lucky. They did not want to risk what they had.
3. There is no scene where Tony says to Pepper "you know what, if we succeed there's a good chance that Thanos will be pulled through time and decide to kill us all this time" 😂
Your binary decision (which is still garbage by the way as per the above points) still only works in the case of her thinking she could make a difference even if she could be aware that it is a "this is it" scenario". That's where the difference between protect / be with comes into play and a judgement of what's more important. Maybe you've never seen any apocalyptic movies where loved ones gather in together at the final moment. In your judgement that cannot exist as even a POSSIBLE thought process for Pepper?!!
Anyway, nothing further to add - you're simply repeating yourself and I'm simply repeating myself in reply here. Not interested in kicking a dead horse about. I only commented in the first place to counter that it was due to sjw / feminism she was involved, imo it was just bad writing to get her a Tony's side for his death. You'll never be able to see that because I think you're stuck on having an argument based around an agenda which I don't even care about.
As I said Pepper has absolutely no way of knowing that everyone is potentially dying. She also would have to have a pretty incredible thought process to think that all the multitude of other heroes could fail and it would be down to HER to save everyone! 😂 I.e. After everything that's happened and she's seen in the MCU she thinks it's going to come down to her?!!!
And no I don't have a problem per se with Pepper suiting up - As I originally said it's just that it was a terrible plot contrivance so she could be there in person when Tony died. For my money it was also unnecessary as it would have been much more emotional via a hologram with her back in the log cabin holding their child.
Yes I'm sure she knew who Thanos was. I never said otherwise.
But no, I wouldn't agree that Dr Strange would have had time to get as far as asking Pepper to get involved. And even if he did, I don't believe she would leave her child to die alone.
... Actually would even Dr Strange have known Thanos had arrived? I know he had looked at all possible futures but when unsnapped would he even be aware he was in that particular future?
I was going to say you obviously cannot be a parent if you think that with Tony already away, Pepper as a mother would potentially leave her child to die alone (And that's in the million to one scenario where Pepper believes that SHE could be the tipping balance in defeating Thanos 😂).
But thinking about it even that would be an incredible push to even think that because Pepper would have absolutely no way of even knowing that there was even a chance that "the whole planet dies". After all Thanos just arrived unknown to absolutely everyone through the time portal...
Makes sense that after becoming a mom she'd be unnecessarily involved in a battle that could leave her child an orphan?
I thought she'd only been unrealistically placed there for the pay off of the emotional final moment with Tony.
The "putting the stone back in exactly the same place doesn't create a new timeline" rule is nonsense as per the multiverse theory Bruce spells out in the film.
The Ancient One Bruce talks to is already on a new timeline distinct from the main MCU timeline. It has already been branched by them coming back and existing there and taking the time stone. Cap then creates a subsequent branch to this timeline where the time stone now exists again.
You cannot change the past and that middle timeline were the stone was removed must exist otherwise Cap has nowhere to go back to in the first place to return the stone.
They don't. They base their enjoyment on being able to continue watching this and moaning ad nauseam about how it isn't not canon.
e.g. on one of the other movie boards I see this guy posting who's been moaning about this show since the very beginning yet he's STILL watching it at the end of two complete seasons getting his jollies about moaning about it 😂
Yeah but as I was saying halving the population just put us back to 70s levels - all his work would be undone within another 30 years or so. Or was there something more to his magic snap than that that I missed?
Otherwise he may as well not have bothered in the first place and simply cut straight to farming on his robinson crusoe in the first place...
I already said that - yeah, they could have threatened him but ultimately what could they have done if he flat out refused? TFA was the search for Luke Skywalker! How are they going to follow that up in Episode VIII without him being in it at all?
I agree.
On one hand I do love Mark and his openness and willing to speak his mind on social media.
However on the other hand he IS Luke Skywalker and could have wielded an enormous amount of power over these new films, especially TLJ. i.e. If he really didn't like that script and it's Jake Skywalker he could have flat out refused to have been involved.
Yeah sure he would have risked losing his big pay check, risked being sued by the powers that be at Disney but morally, if he really felt that strongly about it, he could have made a stand. And realistically there would have been a huge chance that Disney would have been forced to listen - after all what choice would they have had? The end of TFA pretty much guaranteed Luke Skywalker HAD to be involved in Episode VIII.
Hamill pretty much could have had them by the balls but no, he chose to chug down on the space sea cow milk, so I guess he should just keep doing that now.
Isn't a "scooby doo ending" when they yank some scary monster mask off the chief villain to reveal that it was the janitor all along? I don't understand how Rey being revealed as a Skywalker would fit in with this analogy...
Disappointing. I saw this and thought I was going to read an inspiring story of how you'd ran a marathon listening to the movie's audio.
Turns out you just sat on your couch watching a ton of dvds back to back.
Wrong! It wasn't always "random" otherwise the whole major plot of the OT being that Luke was our 'last hope'; the camping out on Tatooine by Obi-Wan; and the return of the jedi literally at its culmination would make no sense.
That's the stakes which made the OT have such gravitas and stand head and shoulders over the crap which has followed. Especially that abysmal Harry Potter grabbing his broomstick scene at the end of that last shit-fest.
[quote]-Rey jumping over a TIE fighter looks ridiculous and out of place[/quote]
Yes. That was the perfect moment to reintroduce force running. But no
Idris Elba
mmm, maybe he could rejuvenate old man Rambo in his steriods of youth pool before he sets off?