
Lame about how some are complaining that she became a hero out of nowhere with no arc. I'm guessing they didn't want to develop that given she's a supporting character who won't be appearing again, so no point. Also, there was a five-year time jump, maybe that's when it occurred, duh. Makes sense really, after becoming a mom, she might want to become more powerful after everything they've gone through.


Anyone who complains about her getting heroic has forgotten the ending of IM3.


Iron Woman coming soon.


Pepper Potts becomes "Rescue" in 2009 when Tony Stark creates a version of the Iron Man Armour for her.

Closest thing really to Iron Woman would be Ironheart aka Riri Williams.


Makes sense that after becoming a mom she'd be unnecessarily involved in a battle that could leave her child an orphan?

I thought she'd only been unrealistically placed there for the pay off of the emotional final moment with Tony.


"Unnecessarily"???? If they lose, the whole planet dies. How much more "necessary" does it get?????????


I was going to say you obviously cannot be a parent if you think that with Tony already away, Pepper as a mother would potentially leave her child to die alone (And that's in the million to one scenario where Pepper believes that SHE could be the tipping balance in defeating Thanos πŸ˜‚).

But thinking about it even that would be an incredible push to even think that because Pepper would have absolutely no way of even knowing that there was even a chance that "the whole planet dies". After all Thanos just arrived unknown to absolutely everyone through the time portal...


Dr Strange rallied the troops after he was brought back with Hulk's snap, there was more than enough time during the Thanos vs Thor/Cap/IronMan fight for Strange to explain what's at stake and what they're fighting for. Also I'm sure Pepper knew who Thanos is, if she turned to dust five years ago during the first snap then it would be a bit farfetched having her all suited up and fighting, but spending five years with post-Titan Tony I'm sure they've talked what happened there and why half of Earth's population perished.


Yes I'm sure she knew who Thanos was. I never said otherwise.

But no, I wouldn't agree that Dr Strange would have had time to get as far as asking Pepper to get involved. And even if he did, I don't believe she would leave her child to die alone.

... Actually would even Dr Strange have known Thanos had arrived? I know he had looked at all possible futures but when unsnapped would he even be aware he was in that particular future?


I'm REALLY not getting your thought process here.

CLEARLY, everyone who showed up knew what was going on, knew the stakes, knew they needed to give their All.

As a parent, it's pretty simple: stay home w/your child, hoping the situation is handled, or do ANYTHING YOU CAN to keep Everyone On The Planet, (potentially THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE) from dying.

You have a problem with her suiting up and trying to keep that from happening? Unbelievable.


As I said Pepper has absolutely no way of knowing that everyone is potentially dying. She also would have to have a pretty incredible thought process to think that all the multitude of other heroes could fail and it would be down to HER to save everyone! πŸ˜‚ I.e. After everything that's happened and she's seen in the MCU she thinks it's going to come down to her?!!!

And no I don't have a problem per se with Pepper suiting up - As I originally said it's just that it was a terrible plot contrivance so she could be there in person when Tony died. For my money it was also unnecessary as it would have been much more emotional via a hologram with her back in the log cabin holding their child.


"As I said Pepper has absolutely no way of knowing that everyone is potentially dying. "

??? Several people have explained that this is simply not true. No idea if you're not getting the concept, refusing to see, or ignoring the explanations.

"She also would have to have a pretty incredible thought process to think that all the multitude of other heroes could fail and it would be down to HER to save everyone!"

Again, you're not thinking clearly. It's a pretty simple, binary choice. It's not a matter of HER being the tipping point. . .it's a matter of This Is It. Even from the last movie, it was understood that Thanos was the ultimate doomsday problem. The Gauntlet is the ultimate McGuffin. Therefore, there is EVERY REASON for EVERYBODY. . .Including Pepper. . .to try and stop him; and NO REASON to avoid the conflict, to try and protect loved ones. If it makes it easier to understand, stopping him is the Only Way to protect your loved ones. Not sure why this confuses you.
Corollary: should everyone with children/loved ones skip the battle, because they figure they're not important enough to fight? Think it through.

"As I originally said it's just that it was a terrible plot contrivance so she could be there in person when Tony died."

No, it absolutely wasn't. Everyone with means clearly understood it was time to join the fight. . .for some reason, you've (incorrectly) keyed on Pepper as someone who should've sat this one out. Your reasoning is flawed, full stop.


Disagree. No one has explained why she would think everyone would die:-

1. Thanos snapped halved the population out of existence in Infinity Wars. 2 Pretty much the entire first third of this film was setting up Tony's reluctance to get involved as it would jeopardize his family who got lucky. They did not want to risk what they had.
3. There is no scene where Tony says to Pepper "you know what, if we succeed there's a good chance that Thanos will be pulled through time and decide to kill us all this time" πŸ˜‚

Your binary decision (which is still garbage by the way as per the above points) still only works in the case of her thinking she could make a difference even if she could be aware that it is a "this is it" scenario". That's where the difference between protect / be with comes into play and a judgement of what's more important. Maybe you've never seen any apocalyptic movies where loved ones gather in together at the final moment. In your judgement that cannot exist as even a POSSIBLE thought process for Pepper?!!

Anyway, nothing further to add - you're simply repeating yourself and I'm simply repeating myself in reply here. Not interested in kicking a dead horse about. I only commented in the first place to counter that it was due to sjw / feminism she was involved, imo it was just bad writing to get her a Tony's side for his death. You'll never be able to see that because I think you're stuck on having an argument based around an agenda which I don't even care about.


You sound like someone who's never been in as life-or-death emergency. Or someone who was of no use if you ever were.

Speaking as someone who's been of use in life-or-death emergencies, I totally believe Pepper would suit up and leave the kid with the nanny when Strange appeared to her and said Thanos is back and set on wiping out the whole planet this time. It's what you do if you have the skills to help and the nerve to get involved, even if you dont think your involvement is crucial, you do what you can. Pepper's own life was at stake, as were the lives of her husband and kid and social circle and everyone on the fucking planet... so she stepped up to do what she could.

It's what any capable person would do.


I totally believe Pepper would suit up and leave the kid with the nanny when Strange appeared to her and said Thanos is back and set on wiping out the whole planet this time

This is the only thing which isn't additional dead horse kicking. Yeah, you're totally entitled to your opinion on that but it is a bit strange to not be able to understand that someone could even have a differing opinion there. A more interesting discussion, which I mentioned previously, was about how Dr Strange would even be having this discussion with her as this is the only way I can see that she could possibly have any knowledge of a "life or death" situation happening in the first place...


Somehow Strange managed to make hundreds of superheroes show up at the same moment, which argues that he didn't carefully consider who had enough superpowers to merit his attention and have a long, involved conversation with each one. He's got unlimited magic at his disposal, his rallying of the troops didn't have to make any sense, but I assume he did something like magically letting everyone on Earth know that "Thanos is back and is out to kill all live on Earth, if you've got superpowers step into one of these portals to the battlefield I'm putting everywhere". So why the hell wouldn't Pepper put on her super-suit and defend her family.

I don't know why you keep beating this particular dead horse, you've got some kind of problem with Pepper fighting for her family and her planet, some issue that nobody else shares. Everyone else gets why she did what she did, but not you. Give it up, all your arguments are being knocked down, and nobody agrees with you.


I'm not making any arguments to be "knocked down", I was expressing my point of view re how a human being may act in a given set of circumstances. Adding to my previous post, it really is quite fascinating to see personality traits at work here viewing things so absolutely that you can't even entertain AT ALL the possibility that another view point may exist or have any validity. Fascinating.

In your world:- She would only ever know that the world was ending. She would only ever decide that she would have to be involved even if she wouldn't make a difference. She would only ever leave her kid "with the nanny". None of these things are even open to interpretation. Very interesting that.


I have to presume that Strange gave her the same information as he gave everyone else who showed up to fight - that Thanos was back and the entire planet was at stake. Why else would every superhero available to Earth show up en masse at that same instant? What, you all the superheroes in existence are going to do what someone says at the same instant for less? They don't do what they're told, they're superheroes!

Why you're fixating on Pepper out of all of them, I do not understand, and I bet you don't either.



"1. Thanos snapped halved the population out of existence in Infinity Wars. 2 Pretty much the entire first third of this film was setting up Tony's reluctance to get involved as it would jeopardize his family who got lucky. They did not want to risk what they had."

First of all, you're conflating "they" with Tony. Another in your list of unfounded assumptions. . .for all you know, Pepper yelled at him as soon as Cap left. Secondly, you wildly overstate what "the entire first third of the film" was. A few other important things happened, as well. . .maybe you missed them? Shrug. Thirdly, and most importantly, THIS ISN'T THAT. This isn't "let's go get Thanos," this is "Thanos is HERE." If you can't see the difference, can't help you.

"Your binary decision (which is still garbage by the way as per the above points)"

Hardly. As per your "points" being shown to be ephemera, incorrect, and unfounded.

" still only works in the case of her thinking she could make a difference even if she could be aware that it is a "this is it" scenario". "

Hardly. Again, you're either refusing to see, or not thinking clearly. There are two cases; the branchings from there are Not complicated. Maybe you could make an emotional case, but you're trying to cite logic. Which doesn't track.

"Not interested in kicking a dead horse about. I only commented in the first place to counter that it was due to sjw / feminism she was involved, imo it was just bad writing"

And here is the nub of it. You've decided Why the scene was written, now you're trying to shoehorn in the idea that it makes no sense. Another example of poor logic, on your part.

"You'll never be able to see that because I think you're stuck on having an argument based around an agenda which I don't even care about."

Utterly hilarious. Clearly, you don't understand that *You* just copped to having an agenda, and now you're trying to paint me w/the same brush.
Sorry, Foot. I'm just pointing out inaccuracies.


"...They did not want to risk what they had."

First of all, you're conflating "they" with Tony.

Ha ha, that's pretty funny because I actually originally had written that as "Tony" but changed it to "They" to see if the sort of, but not really, subtlety of that would be lost... But now I'm laughing at myself for getting caught up in a non comprehended debate around possible character development in a Marvel Comic book, let's save the world! blockbuster film πŸ˜‚ What a Moran I am!

Anyway, I'm glad for you boys that Pepper did suit up in the end (which obviously Dr Strange must have known had to happen in the only winning scenario) otherwise this board would obviously have been awash with complaining threads that the end of Endgame was completely ruined because Pepper Potts hadn't been involved in the battle...

Which would have been especially depressing to read coming after ALL the similar complaints you posted after she didn't appear suited up at the end of Infinity War 🀣

Good luck to you boys πŸ‘


"I don't believe she would leave her child to die alone."

You've repeated this, and I don't see it as a sticking point. Yes, when confronted with a disaster most young mothers would think "I can't do anything about it, all I can do is comfort my children".

However, most women don't have an Iron Man suit and maybe some super-strength left from "IM3", and Pepper does. If a woman has the ability to fight effectively alongside her husband, the decent maternal thing would be do go out and fight, if fighting with all possible strength is the only way to give your child a chance at survival. Better to leave your child a living orphan on a civilized Earth, than to let your kid die along with everyone else.


Agreed, if it was up to me and I had enough IM suits, I'd recruit anyone that knows how to operate it. No matter their age or gender. It's not like Pepper was asked to take part in the Civil War conflict, though she wasn't a mother back then it wouldn't be believable still. The fact she has a child is an argument why she fought Thanos and his army.


Haha, I'm not a parent. But I don't think you can necessarily say all parents would make the same decisions either. They're still their own people. Case in point, Iron Man and Ant-Man both fought, both parents, so maybe you're being sexist in who you choose to acknowledge as a parent?

Anyway, my thought process was more along the lines of that Pepper has stood so near to such superhero greatness and strength for so long, that maybe once she became a parent, she wanted a bit of it for herself, to make her stronger to protect her child, and throw in if an apocalypse were to occur, as it did (not for monitoring the neighborhood like Spider-Man on the reg)


Are people complaining? K.


As they always do. The petty and their complaints.



For me, it was the first time in all the MCU movies that Pepper wasn't a whiny annoyance, lecturing Tony about "being safe" and pressuring him to give up the Iron Man mantle. Her character seemed to have come to terms with who Tony was, maybe as a result of the horror she felt when 3.5 billion people just disappeared. Whatever her motivation, it was the absolute first time [since her intro in Iron Man] that Pepper Potts didn't make me want to shout "Go fetch some coffee and STFU!"
Bravo to the screenwriters for finally making Pepper a more balanced and interesting person by Endgame.


I haven't seen or heard anyone ever complain about Pepper becoming a hero. You are really reaching.
