FootOfDavros's Replies

^ Funny! I do love this kind of unnecessary mental gymnastics... Yes, I understand the purpose of the wormhole. However the plot hole I was addressing was the who's and why's of the wormhole's creation. Given that humanity was dying off, there would be no one left in the future of film's particular timeline to create the wormhole in the first place and save their ancestors. Therefore - to avoid that paradox - I'd seen it discussed that they must have been humans from an alternate future (many worlds quantum mechanics). However what would their purpose be in saving one particular failed branch of humanity? Raising a glass to this site for preserving threads like this 🍺 Just finished watching again and looked this up here specifically to see if there were any threads like this about the ending. Truly is one of the all time great endings. Makes me need to bite down hard on my lip every time that ringing phone is coming otherwise I'd be in floods of tears in front of whomever I'm watching it with! I kind of disagree in that I do think that the prevailing SJW mindset of today has contributed in some respect to the mess the storyline now is. However the "blame", if you want to call it that, is Lucas', entrenched in the mythos of the OT and the rub of that against what followed. Star Wars was a very simple tale of a boy who although he didn't know it was very SPECIAL. He was the last hope (yes revised), the last remaining Jedi after they'd been wiped out. We learn that Obi-Wan was camped out watching over this special kid of years waiting for him to become old enough (yes revised) to fulfill his potential. He did it, destroyed the evil Emperor, and saved the galaxy! Hooray, end of story... However, what followed with the prequels was that anyone could be a Jedi, the midi-chlorian nonsense opened up the door to anyone suddenly appearing as a powerful Jedi. Nothing wrong with that in itself but it destroys the story at the heart of the OT, Luke is no longer the special last hope, Obi-Wan hanging about on Tatooine for years makes no sense, viewed from the PT's perspective. And it's this that kills any attempt at a ST. Rey should only ever have existed as an offspring of Luke / Leia. That's the only way the OT's story could continue - if it really needed to at all. However today's society doesn't want that story - EVERYONE can be special. So selling a more mythical story of lineage, etc is out. Broom boy and nobody parents Rey are in. And barring a last minute retcon to correct this in episode IX (which still won't fix watching these films as a "trilogy") there's nothing left to actually make this part of any "Skywalker" series. All acting is false. Unless you are playing yourself in a biopic. Ha ha - good point. It's another one of those hugely controversial retcons! Yes that's true that they were always products of their era. However if you look at the tone of say YOLT / DAF it's very close to TSWLM / Monnraker, which again is a very close match to say DAD. And DAD certainly wasn't metaphorically "laughed out of theatres" being the highest grossing Bond at that time. So that's kind of why I was saying it's a ridiculous assertation to say what was ok in 2002 was never going to work in 2006... And I said metaphorically there because I certainly believe that you should literally be laughing out of theatres at the end of a Bond - Roger Moore's "British End" ups should be as ever present as stopping the bomb / nuclear device countdown on "007" 👍 I do find the argument that they had to change the films due to the "modern" audiences looking for something fresh amusing. The Bond films started in the 60s - So what about the audiences in the 70s, 80s, 90s, early 00s? Were they all just the same dudes from the 60s going to see them? 😂 Of course not! Was the Box Office dropping off? No it was not... So what - they had to change tact for Casino Royale or they'd have lost their audience due to the "special" mid-2000s crowd?! Absolutely b*llsh*t! Agreed. They certainly aren't Bond movies for people who love Bond movies any more... Here we go, the actual dialogue for anyone who wasn't actually listening / concentrating too hard (admittedly perfectly plausible in a Rock / Statham team up movie!):- "<b>Tomorrow morning, there'll be a storm raging on the north cliffs.</b> We'll build a no man's land there. And if all else fails, that'll be our last stand. Hey, how many more of these we gonna do? Just keep digging, brother. When we were in Kandahar running raids, we would always <b>strike just before dawn. That's when the enemy's most tired. Still under the cover of night.</b> When the battle shifts into high gear, <b>you got the sun in your back.</b> We let 'em all in. And we make sure they never leave. Kill box. I like it." John Candy. That tells you nothing. Most seasons have ~ 1,000 or less user reviews. Whereas it suddenly jumps to over 7,000 for the female doctor season. So either suddenly a lot more people got interested and just decided they didn't like it or a lot of people "got interested" just to vote that they didn't like it... But yeah, I guess that still tells you not to trust the rotten tomatoes score in any case! Disagree about the "Chinaman" joke being unoriginal. Eddie Murphy yeah did exactly what you say, very much the tired old historic race mimicking joke we've all seen (Dave Chappelle included) dozens of times in old shows, etc. However Chappelle clearly did the joke in his discussion on transgenderism. He was questioning why we as a society would accept a male saying he felt like a woman on the inside and acting accordingly yet we wouldn't accept a man saying he felt Chinese on the inside and acting "accordingly". That "accordingly" he played out was obviously hammed up (inline with those old impressions) to play on that anger we get nowadays at seeing these impressions but that was to raise how bad "identifying" as Chinese is seen, whilst having to juxtapose that in your mind against seeing identifying as a women as being fine. Personally, I think his joke is just at the expense of our thought processes around that. But even if you don't, or find him making the comparison at all transphobic or whatever, I don't think you can say it was just a lazy Eddie Murphy style racist caricature. As far as I'm concerned you just need look at the OP's final paragraph and replace the word "franchise" with your "intellectual property". It's a good substitution because it highlights the absurdity of viewing it like that yet still feeling "love" / "fed up" or anything else with it... If you still don't know what I mean after that, then that's cool, not everyone needs to "get it" 👍 I think if you view Star Wars now - or ever did - as a "franchise" then you never truly ever loved it. They'll never top that scene where Finn has to push that creature aside so he can get a spot at the water trough! Or that scene where Finn is running about in that hydration suit with the loose rubber pipes and slips, going flying through the air! Or that scene where Finn thinks he's about to become a hero and then that girl crashes into the side of him so he can't even do that! Classic moments... My vote there would go to TWINE. Terrible plot, terrible expanded role for M (a sign of things to come) and a terribly utilised villain, wasting Robert Carlyle. Well, I'm happy to let that one go - Thunderball and DAF had already long since established that kind of shenanigans was acceptable in the Bond universe! The bit with Albert talking to the boys down the docks may well be the most profound moment of the entire show. My apologies that was too difficult for you to follow and caused your brain to hurt... Yawn indeed.