Where Disney REALLY fucked up with the SW movies...
It’s not the SJW shit that most morons seem to think are ruining the franchise. The issue is the fact that Abrams, Kennedy, and the whole Disney crew behind SW seem to think secrets, plot twists, and mysterious marketing were the driving forces of the series. Yes, the original films DID have great plot twists, such as Luke, Leia, and Darth Vader all being related, but these twists weren’t the only things that made the films good. They’ve put too much focus and emphasis on having the audience go “ooh, I wonder who this person is!” and “what’s this thing mean?” more than developing actually interesting characters or stories. Episode 8 was entirely rewritten after fans guessed every single possible explanation for that movie, and it’s rumored that the last minute reshoots for Episode 9 also have to do with fans corectly guessing the plot twists. Who cares? Is it worth butchering a great reveal that fits with the story just so you can go “gotcha, betcha didn’t think of that!” But the twist sucks. Do they not understand that trying to hype up secrets and mysteries will only stir up fans into brainstorming every possible scenario? I honestly think this trilogy would’ve benefited from writers and producers just trying to make a decent film instead of trying to be like M Night Shamalan and focusing on the plot twists and secret reveals firsts.
More specifically, I think they’re trying way to hard to falsely hype the films by focusing on the wrong things. “Ooh, we put The Emperor in the new movie! That’ll make everyone wanna see it because it’s just like the original films!” No, it’s just stupid. I mean, wow, cool beans, the Emperor is in. I guess that automatically makes the story amazing? Why not explain who Snoke is? Why not have introduced The Emperor sooner?