Possibly Best Ending Ever (spoiler!!!)
I wonder if I am alone in seeing the end of Local Hero possibly the best ending of a motion picture....ever.
Mac wandering through his apartment.....Mark Knophler's music....Mac checking the fridge...removing rocks and shells from his pockets....posting pictures....moving to his balcony, the city sounds welling up...fade out and up on Furness..... the red phone box... music picking up...two rings.. and a cut (not fade) to black and credits...music to full (the music title? Coming Home).
I get emotional just thinking about it. I think its because we feel for Mac- at once both an incredible sense of loss and an indescribable sense of hope as the phone rings... and even then a sense of introspection in the cut to black- perhaps an examination of ourselves.
Unbelievable. Local Hero is one film I use to answer the question- if you'd like to know what I'm all about- what truly moves me or what I aspire to- watch it, and then get back to me.
Unfortunate so many will never have the privedge to see this film (for whatever reason).