FootOfDavros's Replies

It doesn't really matter, Barbara already sold Bond down the river with the crappy Daniel Craig run. I always remember watching a documentary which was one of the extras on the DVD for (I think) Octopussy. It had an interview with her talking about how they'd always honour her father's legacy re Bond and respecting what's made them so successful. Well, she never did that. Connery straight through to Brosnan may have had slight changes in tone and the cinematography, style, etc that shifted with the decades but it was clearly still the same thing. The same product. But they robbed Cubby off his legacy with the Craig garbage, so really it doesn't make much difference now. To compare with Star Wars, their Last Jedi moment has already long since come and gone. Yeah, I think we agree. I was saying responsibility for their failure to secure their border should lie squarely with Israel. The Palestinians hate them and have done so for a long, long time and always will, so having seized the land in the first place, Israel should always be responsible and accountable for its own people. Sadly tens of thousands of Palastians have paid for Israel's "failure" (if it was that) with their lives and the rest of being subjected to an ethnic cleansing which we still don't know what the final solution for will be... I wouldn't support what Hamas did either but can recognise that they'll always try to strike back at Israel. <quote><b>Did you also, by the way, tell the press that a year after we shot ‘L.A. Confidential’ you flew to Savannah, Georgia, while I was shooting ‘Midnight in the Valley of Good and Evil’ just to spend time with me?” Spacey asked</b></quote> I've always liked Guy Pearce but wow, what a clown... He needs to have some kind of response to this otherwise his comments pretty much look pathetic. I'm still thinking they should branch out and finally get around to making The Judo Junior. James Cordon could play the portly (which I believe is the social acceptable terms nowadays for what we once would have called the now deemed offensive "fatty", "tubby", "lardy" or maybe "fatso") former Judo master, now working as a cabby who decides to help a young lad being beaten up and bullied at school for being a portly. Maybe the kid jumps into his cab one night whilst fleeing from his tormentors thus bringing the pair together. Through the power of judo the young lad would destroy his enemies and take part in the local judo competition where he'd be crowned national champion. James Cordon is white which means that the portly young lad would need to be black or Asian. I'm thinking that fat kid from Spiderman could fit the bill for this rags to richies tale of overcoming the odds... I don't think Israel cares about what's deemed "illegal". They'll just keep stealing land forever more unless they are completely dismantled. And no one really has the stomach for either outcome, nor probably wants one since they can generate enough wealth through forevermore conflict. Israel was never blameless. They know and have known since 1948 that these people hate them and will do anything to get them off their land. Failure to secure their own borders under such circumstances, and the inevitable outcome of that, lies squarely with Israel itself. Could also be in their own "timeline" by just making standalone films. Same issue here as Wonder woman when they decided to retcon Man Of Steel as part of some DCU. Just make comic book films standalone again! I mean, all the best ones are... A bit like Michael Jackson... Maybe they could lean into this premise and Freddy could sing songs as well in this reboot. Oh, I don't disagree. Was just joking as we did a similar process but ran out of gas with this one (number 5). It was only a few months ago we picked up with the final nightmare or Freddy's Dead or whatever it's called and we actually really enjoyed it! We've still got New Nightmare in our box set to go... I guess this is subjective... I just saw this ad and came here to post how she continues to be a mystery to me! Still looks like a fish. Perhaps a slightly older, ever so slightly portly looking fish, but nevertheless a fish all the same! If you reach this point in the series I think you actually need to be questioning your own motives! 😂 Although to be fair, the next one was a bounce back in the right direction. Was pretty good fun... Although it's maybe hard to be objective, as your expectations have been lowered so much by that point! What a CGI mess! That bit where he slides through the chairs on the lawn is total garbage! Like the reply above yours 1) is just a political response pulled out of your ass. The point is that makes no odds what you think, e.g. "at the very least strap bombs to themselves to kill other fish they disagree with", they're going to do it anyway. Same thing as going "boo boo but the muslims are really bad people!". A percentage are going to be radicalised enough that they don't give a shit about dying as long as they take some infidels out with them... And as to 2) It makes fuck all difference who's in power. Like I said, it's like osmosis. You can't contain the natural flow of people within the system. Plugging the dike with their fingers doesn't make one side of the political allusion some sort of 1950s saving heroes. This message was brought to you from the same people who believe that Interstellar represents peak intellectual sci-fi... [quote]No way, Mr. Wint and Mr. Kidd are too unique.[/quote] Yes, great additions to the Bond catalogue of villains. I think the worst Bond films are the most boring ones - Quantum of Solace and The World Is Not Enough. Although I haven't seen the last two Craig efforts, so they could be worst I guess... [quote]The reality will be somewhere in between...[/quote] Well exactly. It's like Jeff Goldblum said in Jurassic Park - "Life finds a way". So it's going to happen regardless of daft political games ("we'll stop this many" vs "we'll only stop this many") and you're going to have some of individuals with that vengeance seeking mindset no matter what. [quote]1. He was an illegal alien, not an immigrant. This is the same for 99% of the 3rd world human garbage being dumped in the west. 2. What vengeance? muslims have been conquering, pillaging, raping and enslaving other people and their lands for over a 1000 years. They are not victims, they are a cancer to this world and always will be.[/quote] These both just show your nonsense politicised mindset. 1. You're just talking semantics, "illegal alien" / "immigrant" whatever, I am talking the inevitably of mass migration not whether an individual has been "okayed" into any particular country... 2. It's not a fucking high school argument over who's worse! 😂 Like I said, if a certain percentage of morons perceive it as an attack on them, it makes fuck all difference to them someone like you crying on the sidelines "boo boo, but you muslims are really bad!". Pull your politics out of your ass and just try to think of it objectively instead of holding on to this infantile mindset... [quote]His first statement is fatalistic and says nothing about the ability to deport these so called "inevitables."[/quote] Sure you can attempt to deport individuals but like salmon they'll just jump upstream again soon enough. I posted about this a few weeks ago after another one of those boats capsized in the middle of the med. Same as usual, hundreds of people overcrowded, hanging off the edges of some dinghy and eventually the thing tips over. Happens all the time. But still they keep coming because they'd rather have a shot of life in the west than die where they are. No deportation program is going to stop that mindset. You might as well start howling at the moon... They're not "excuses" genius. They're just statements of fact. You are never going to stop immigration from happening. It's as natural an occurrence in a large system as osmosis. And you aren't going to stop these people existing as long as the profiteering exists at the expense of lives they view as the same as theirs... And much as you seemingly love to get angry about it, it's fuck all to do with politics. It's just simple logic. Two things:- 1. Immigration is as certain as salmon jumping up river to return to their birth spot / the sun falling and rising / whatever unstoppable natural phenomemon you want to pick. 2. As long as the colonial / money racketeering activities continue in the middle east, a certain moronic percentage of muslims will look to take vengeance when and where they can. Put the two together and it doesn't take a genius to understand that "innocent" people will continue to die over and over again in terrorist attacks in the west...