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Last night we watched Nightmare on Elm Street V (1989) 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪

I thought that this one looked really cheap. Nevertheless, my 10 year old daughter seemed to lap it up (Daughter 6.5/10. Wifey 6/10. Me 5/10).

This is what we’ve seen with horror elements so far: -

Abigail (2024)
Addams Family I and II (1991/93)
Alien I and II (1979/86)
Annabelle (2014)
The Amazing Mr Blunden (1972)
Babysitter I and II (2017/22)
Beetlejuice (1988)
Child’s Play (1988)
Cujo (1983)
Dead Don’t Die (2019)
Dr Who (2005-)
Five Nights At Freddy’s (2023)
Fright Night (2011)
Gremlins I and II (1984/90)
The Haunting (1999)
Hocus Pocus I and II (1993/2022)
I Am Legend (2007)
I Know What You Did Last Summer I and II (1997/98)
It I and II (2017/19)
The Lost Boys (1987)
M3GAN (2022)
Nightmare on Elm Street I-V (1984/85/87/88/89)
Pet Sematary (1989)
Prey (2022)
Scream I-IV (1996/97/00/11)
Shaun of the Dead (2004)
Slenderman (2018)
Stranger Things (2016-)
Wednesday (2022-)
The Thing (1982)
World War Z (2013)
Zombieland I & II (2009/19)


What was her reaction to Cujo?


I just can't imagine CUJO ever receiving the remake treatment because it was just so damn good with Practical FX with several different dogs used in the movie including a human dressed up as a St. Bernard??


I just think this is one of King's most creative stories. It's real horror, something that could actually happen. I had a really scary encounter with a huge St. Bernard loping toward me as a teenager just walking home late one night, and he wasn't even rabid. And didn't these animals originally have a reputation as being very benign, rescue dogs in the Alps?


I don’t think it needs a remake either, it was a fine movie and novel as well.

It was a pretty simple story but there was drama and horror.

I felt bad for Cujo…he was a good boy


She liked it, but made the comment, “So, it’s about two people sat in a car.”

I don’t know where she gets her sarcasm from, lol.


What was it about the movie that she liked?


The gradual build up of tension and the fact that it could actually happen.


The positive: the main girl is hot.

The negatives: everything else.


So far for me: -


That's about the same for me. New Nightmare would probably squeeze between 4 & 2.


At this point in the series you really have to question Freddy's motives.


We all should be questioning Andy's motives.


I question my motives.


If you reach this point in the series I think you actually need to be questioning your own motives! 😂

Although to be fair, the next one was a bounce back in the right direction. Was pretty good fun... Although it's maybe hard to be objective, as your expectations have been lowered so much by that point!


It’s harmless fun and introduces my daughter to more pop culture. We’ll probably end up watching them all.


Oh, I don't disagree.

Was just joking as we did a similar process but ran out of gas with this one (number 5). It was only a few months ago we picked up with the final nightmare or Freddy's Dead or whatever it's called and we actually really enjoyed it!

We've still got New Nightmare in our box set to go...


She’s hooked now, lol.


This is the one I find the least memorable tbh, but I get why she liked it - it's in a series and she's gotten attached. Happened to me as a kid too, so much so that I forgot how bad all these movies were haha.


It just looked soooo cheap.

But yes, she’s hooked now.


Agree about it looking cheap, it's pure trash, like made from trash trash.


That’s what b-movies are all about.
