sdwilson79's Replies

It is funny how in the past we all wanted our TV shows to become movie standard, and now we want movies to have the time to tell stories over an entire series. This would work perfectly. Several arcs over seasons. *Major Character* dying would have been the ideal Season 1 finale. The end of this movie a finale for ending Season 2. Toototabon! It is a world I'd like to delve into more. Jack's history in plastic bags, the DeWitt family, getting up under those feathers... The scene is meant to be how Cliff remembers the incident with Bruce Lee, of course he will remember himself being heroic and Lee being a pompous ass. People should stop reaching for the perceived offence. I was expecting it to be mistaken identity, the Manson followers see Dalton's car in town, trail it back to Cielo and then attack the wrong house. The ending was incredibly satisfying. Where were all the people back then who now say that women have been held back and are only just being given strong roles? Exactly, it isn't like they just called him along and rescued him from NJ just for a catch up and jokes. The daughter absolutely was. Typical modern flawless female character - knows everything, solves every problem, underestimated by the one-dimensional males... She wants to be a smart scientist, the brother can juggle. Every knowledge share came with her correcting the brother or Colin Farrell. Found her quite annoying because of this. Why can't there be positive characters with flaws or weaknesses like normal people? Or an equal share of exposition, instead of it all being front-loaded on one character - thus making them seem like a focus-group generated box-ticking cypher for the current Hollywood agenda. Cinema was empty here in Paris. Maybe 20-25 people in. Shame as it was a really nice little film. Marketing and hype is all focused on superhero movies and the agenda-based movies with a social cause. Good old fashioned entertainment like this doesn't stand a chance of being a success. The mother said her parents had contacted her via the internet and invited the kids, Pop Pop said they had arranged it so Grandma could have the experience of having grandkids as she had put her own children in suitcases and drowned them in a lake. They set up the visit so knew when the kids were meant to arrive and could prepare the sign. I assume the real grandparents talked about their daughter and grandkids - even though they didn't see them - to the inmates at the psychiatric hospital. This film confirmed my atheism. If there was any kind of God he would have sent a hurricane through that island of self-absorbed fuckwits when he had them as sitting ducks. It was more the tarpaulin on the top of the water tank that was obviously CGI. I get that hiring in a water tank to sit there will cost money and logistics, but really, on a big budget movie they are going to scrimp on that? Just strikes me as dumb to waste time CGI-modelling something you can rent from a hardware store. I don't know how long it takes to render something like that though, I guess if they are paying a flat fee to a CGI agency you will work them as much as you can. Wonder how many other props and background items are CGI that go unnoticed? It was a good film. Why do you care so much if some people enjoyed this alternative to Marvel CGI crap? This essay responding to someone who has an opposite opinion to you… that is a little weird. Had far more to say than most Marvel CGI identikit nonsense. A very good film that makes a nice conclusion to the trilogy. "posting shit about a character because of its quasi-gender and because you're upset that a fucking spaceship is now not just a spaceship but a spaceship with the brain of a droid whose quasi-gender related sense of rights are threatening to you" But I thought you said L3 was no more and only survived long enough to save them in Kessel before merging with the MF to become a completely new entity? Which one is it? It died when merging with the MF or it is alive and the brain of the MF? Can't argue both ways. Worst Star Wars character, until they manage to top it in the next movie. As with Rogue One, it was far better than the mainstream SW movies. TFA and TLJ are big budget trash, RO and S are much closer to the original SW trilogy. Grungy, real, lived-in worlds. Solo had it's problems, could have lost entirely the L3-37 character - which will date this film terribly and jarred with the entire SW universe. But it had so much going for it. The new characters largely opened new avenues of interest while appearing believable SW characters, the old characters were played almost perfectly. Glover as Calrissian is unreal, Aldenreich is beyond passable as Solo. I'd happily see a Solo 2. Any film that creates a world you want to experience more of is a hit for me. I couldn't care less about Rey and the First Order - you watch those just for the sake of seeing them but that is not Star Wars. That is Disney's 21st Century Star Wars. Solo and Rogue One inhabit the same world as the original trilogy. The vast majority in the school were blind, there were dozens of mouths to feed. Going to take more than a few vegetable patches to keep all of them alive and looking healthy and well-fed. How do you live off the land? Hunting for wild animals without using your eyes, spearfishing in the river without looking where you are aiming…? How does this community survive, and seemingly has survived for about four or five years? They are located out in the wilderness, 48 hours up river. Sure there is maybe a huge town just off from the camp by the river, but it is certainly presented as being fairly remote. Where are they getting their food? Raids on local stores? OK, we saw how hard that was for the guys living two blocks from a department store. Getting to a store to collect food, while blind…? Even if we buy that they manage to do this, or that some of the non-blind staff survive and can do this for them, how long is a few local supermarkets going to last them before stocks are used up perished? Maybe they are growing their own vegetables, but that seemed a pretty big colony and they are actively looking to bring in more mouths to feed. Not knowing if who they are attracting are good people or a threat…? Seemed like at least 100 people, if not more. That would require a huge amount of food and medical supplies - over a five-year period, while most of them are blind. Yeh, OK, if you say so... She was certainly an unlikeable protagonist. Not sure if that was the idea or if we were meant to think she was some strong, brave hero. Glenn and Maggie in The Walking Dead?