MovieChat Forums > Bird Box (2018) Discussion > Why was the school for the blind “safe”?

Why was the school for the blind “safe”?

* They have no way of fighting off the armed gangs of people converted by the monsters.

* The monsters have psychic powers (they can project voices into people’s heads to manipulate them). How is being blind any protection?


Blind, not deaf.


Because it was a high concept film that didn't really deliver.

There were people who weren't blind there too. Best to assume they were well-armed and knew their environment. But even so a hundred crazies storming the place would end them.

As for the voices, it seemed like that was vague too. They weren't even an issue until right at the very end.


Birds were very aware of the presence of the "creatures" and their frightened, frenzied behavior alerted everyone that the "creatures" were near, probably allowing them time to run inside and lock the doors. That's why they had so many birds in the courtyard.


Maybe those creatures didnt like birds or they cant get near them for some reason, remember Gary put those birdies away before tearing away the blinds of the house.


Gary did that because he didn’t want the birds to alert the others. Not because he was scared of them.


it doesnt matter , others will notice that he had taken the blinds down, didnt need the birds to lert them. Of course Gary not afraid of the birds, I mean those things might be wary of them.


I don’t think he was thinking too clearly. I’m not sure they’re scared of the birds.. the birds didn’t seem to stop them going near the blind school, they were just a tool to alert people that they were nearby.


How does this community survive, and seemingly has survived for about four or five years?

They are located out in the wilderness, 48 hours up river. Sure there is maybe a huge town just off from the camp by the river, but it is certainly presented as being fairly remote.

Where are they getting their food? Raids on local stores? OK, we saw how hard that was for the guys living two blocks from a department store. Getting to a store to collect food, while blind…?

Even if we buy that they manage to do this, or that some of the non-blind staff survive and can do this for them, how long is a few local supermarkets going to last them before stocks are used up perished?

Maybe they are growing their own vegetables, but that seemed a pretty big colony and they are actively looking to bring in more mouths to feed. Not knowing if who they are attracting are good people or a threat…?

Seemed like at least 100 people, if not more. That would require a huge amount of food and medical supplies - over a five-year period, while most of them are blind.

Yeh, OK, if you say so...


Maybe the residents of the school for the blind eat the newcomers. That's why they are actively looking for new people to to join them.




With help of their sighted companions they can easily live off the land. You don't need chips and cheese to survive. You can also stay healthy and alive just with a few veggies like potato which can be culvitated very easily.


The vast majority in the school were blind, there were dozens of mouths to feed. Going to take more than a few vegetable patches to keep all of them alive and looking healthy and well-fed.

How do you live off the land? Hunting for wild animals without using your eyes, spearfishing in the river without looking where you are aiming…?


Well, did I say hunting? I don't don't think so. I just said cultivating some veggies like potatoes can keep you really well fed. What's so hard to understand in that. And FYI potatoes can be grown very easily. Try planting a plant in a pot in your home and you will know. And a forest like that which definitely would be rich in fruits can provide a sustainable environment.


How about netting fish in the river? It’s not like the game wardens are going to catch them or that they would take so many as to destroy the fishery. Space it out every few days or so. The fish can be smoked and dried to provide a food stock.

I’m mostly with you, though, potatoes and vegetables aren’t going to cut it they will need a source of protein and fat to survive.


Agreed. Potatoes were just an example. There are severa other vegetables people grow easily in their home gardens like onioins, carrots. I just meant to say that the setup was very plausible in the blind school.


The school was not full proof safe. It was just "safer". As we saw, it takes a lot of effort for someone to reach the school. And that's why safe from the psychos at moment (emphasis on at the moment).

The monsteres can only lure you by projecting voices and not infect you. We see Bullock hearing the same but never getting affected as she has her blindfold on. They need you to see them directly. Since blind folks can never do this no matter what they hear, they will always be safe atleast from the monstres. The psychos can kill them eventually though, but never infect them.


Relatively safe.



My take on it is the creatures aren't going to bother with you if you can't see. They use sound to get you to open your eyes but if you have no eyes then the creatures would be wasting their time. The crazy people with weapons also probably wouldnt bother since you run into the same situation with their purpose being to get people to see the creatures. Blind people just aren't able to give the gangs or the creatures what they want.


Because the voice can't make people kill themselves, they can only do that by the person seeing them. They used the voices to lure, but it was very obvious you had to see them to die. So being blind is 100% protection.

You see them - you die
You don't - you don't die (just be annoyed by them talking to you)
