ultravioletx's Posts

American Christians are absolute Cucks Morgan Stanley credits Bidenomics for ‘much stronger’ than expected GDP growth Jenna Ellis admits to lying about 2020 election fraud StopTheSteal Guy Blames Charlie Kirk For Jan 6th Riots Trump lost three out of four elections Honestly, not bad... but... Kinda manipulative **Spoiler** MAGA claims Roe v Wade decision a victory for "white life" Will it hit a billion? Senator Marsha Blackburn struggles to define what a woman is Better than expected - 17% is too low Proud Boys leader punches woman Sidney 'Kraken' Powell admits the whole thing might've been made up Was Dumpy's fascination with toilets in 2019 a result of... Is Dumpy Being Dumped by the GOP? Rogan's 180 on vaccines - MUST WATCH GOP now says Riots are "Legitimate Political Discourse" Very Strong Job Gains in January, Despite Omicron Roger Stone Suggests DeSantis Cheated During "Wife Visit" Pence Knew About Dumpy's Fake Elector Scheme