demolition's Replies

Someone put in ideas for the Moon Knight series. I have a link below for us to put in ideas for the MCU. [url][/url] More to write in fan fiction is that the surviving gang members of the earlier 1990's or from 1980's work for Simon Phoenix's criminal friends Henry Yates, CryoCon Elvin, CryoCon Francis and Howie who is part of the criminal army in the future to be unfrozen by Simon Phoenix. John Spartan made 1,000 arrests in 3 years as many of those criminals could be freed by Simon Phoenix and his criminal gang to form a criminal empire. There could be talks of that in sequel stories in between the original film and Part 2. There could even in those stories be flashbacks with Sonny Lindy shown more with his gang before Simon Phoenix became a hunted criminal. People clearly assume at the end of the film after John Spartan kills Simon Phoenix that 2 of the 6 CryoCons not seen anymore after the killing of Raymond Cocteau are eliminated by the cryo-prison blown up so I put in ideas on how it could work the story "Simon Phoenix's new criminal gang". That's in the idea of a side story on the rebels. I read scripts to the movie and the novelization and comic book adaption. I know there's a scene cut out in the film when John Spartan fights Jesse Ventura's character. Jesse Ventura plays the cryo-con Adam. 2 of the 6 already released as we figured them either killed or incapacitated in the Wasteland battle are leaders of the Yakuza and the Bloods. In the novelization and comic book adaptation Denis Leary's character Edgar Friendly kills one of the Six Cryo-Cons while John Spartan kills the Japanese American old enemy to him. There Lenina Huxley kills that cryocon in the movie she knocked out just as the cryocon killed by Lenina Huxley is killed by John Spartan breaking his back. Just before that 2 on 2 battle John Spartan kills that same one who kicked the chair out of the way in throwing the dead Cocteau into the fire. In the novelization Jesse Ventura's character is left unresolved but we'll assume he was the thug shot in the forehead by John Spartan when he fired back at Si It's likely the girl died. No more fan fiction this movie. I was expecting it as there were Taco Bell ads for Franchise Wars. I think Jesse Ventura was to do a Demolition Man 2 before he ran for governor in taking Wesley Snipes's place to from a minor character to more important to the prequel or sequel. I was disappointed not to see a Sylvester Stallone vs. Jesse Ventura fight.