MovieChat Forums > Theman > Posts
Theman's Posts
Wait in the book Jacqueline de Bellfort is black?
Does anyone else think that she would be pretty if she was a dinosaur?
Was the Navy officer Nicole had sex with in the middle of the movie
Do you think that the guy Nicole was dancing with near the beginning
I think that in this age of internet activity people should be free to make up their own
Did anyone think... (Major Spoilers)?
Out of place detail in the temple scene(Major Spoilers)
They should of brought in some Falcons that would fix the bird problem right up.
Did Vice President Kamala Harris start the Anti Vaxxer craze?
Major plot hole right of the bat.
I do not think the US should allow targeting of US weapons even IN Ukraine.
Biden and other liberals want this censored under the guise of disinformation!
If a celebrity you are deeply attracted to gets her breast implants removed
I like the opening scene and...(spoiler)
Reminder Do not donate to Wikipedia as they are censoring information on
Kamala Harris has Covid.
In Illinois the Democrats are running ads saying Irvin is bad because he was a defense
Breaking- Walt Disney reanimated!!
Do you think college could be significantly made less important with big tech