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In Illinois the Democrats are running ads saying Irvin is bad because he was a defense

Lawyer. Proper legal represention is the cornerstone of democracy.


Was he a liberal prosecutor we see today who refuses to charge for certain crimes? Does he have a soft on crime mentality and responsible for the criminals walking the streets with over 20 prior arrests?
If he is part of the crime wave then of course he has to go


Can it be? A Bloodworth post that doesn't mention their imaginary Democratic "policies," amazing! 🤣🤣🤣


Imaginary? you had the NY DA come out his 1st day and said he wouldn't prosecute certain crimes.

The imaginary Democrat bill of no cash bail is a way to keep criminals out of jail.
3 prisons set to close in NY. That's a lot for one state.

When you vote for Democrat you vote for a soft on crime mentality.

Especially way of life crimes, Democrats do not want to see people get arrested for defecting in public, using needed to shoot drugs in public, graffiti, turnstile jumping.


Someone hasn't met the California DA Gascon yet I see.
