MovieChat Forums > Dub88 > Replies
Dub88's Replies
I didn't mind the soundtrack. It's a sort of war drum effect. You hear the inevitable drums of war. I kinda liked the risk they took with it.
Now, the pacing of the movie was terrible and ruined an amazing looking film.
I just watched. I think this is a case of unreliable narrator coupled with non linear story which makes it hard to parse. Personally I think the fireside happened. i think she did murder him after the final scene which takes place some point in between. There were multiple "violations" in this film between all the characters. i found it interesting. especially the dynamic between sisters. i'd say in the final scene the dark haired sister felt her love for her sister and considered it her duty to get revenge on the husband.
Thats a pretty good ranking. i thought the witch house was the better of the back to back lovecraft epis though.
1. the viewing. weird but really drew me in.
2. the autopsy
3. graveyard rats
4, the murmuring
5. dreams in the witch house
6. the outside
7. lot 36
8. pickmans model
Agree wholeheartedly. Refreshing and honest and absolutely meaningful.
Agree quentin greg and jack. Though something happens with ethan and his friend and wife. daphne is on the beach and cheery but alone.
I don't necessarily disagree - but this is part of the whole point. It is addressed throughout the story repeatedly with his uncle and mom admitting they dont not know what they are doing. His uncle even laments on how the child and he himself is spoiled. The point being that we should be empathizing and watching the growth between them. If all you got out of it is that this kid is spoiled well, that sounds childish :)
I didn't get how Theresa was a different different person also.
For Jonas - I took it that he didn't want to pay the big amount if frank was planning on dying somehow or something.
I feel like i missed something also though. Like who was in the car that crashed into the sign? Why was Jonas following? And did Frank put the drugs in Jonas trunk to frame him?
I think the bodies would still have been found and they would have come looking for them. They already suspected. Of course, things would have been different and Logan probably would have gotten the police involved. Agree, great suspenseful film due to the realism.
1) the lighthouse - great
2) cold skin - good
3) the vanishing - bad
It was a sort of odd turn in character. Though not entirely unforeseen, her relationship with the governors aide is changing her. Unfortunately, this change in her and therefore the climax of the series was made rather dull.
I bet I have also. I don't have the best memory!
I can overlook a lot. I did in episode 3. But this one I just can't get past #9 and #10. So rushed and nonsensical. Why didn't Cersei kill everyone there? They were in range of scorpions. It's too silly to get past.
I agree it is all too rushed. The writing has suffered terribly and its hard to care anymore. They wrote an ending, started backtracking but didn't give themselves enough runway to flesh it out and make it logical, consistent, and meaningful.
I have no idea but it has me laughing.
I dunno about "better than Nirvana's" lol. But I did think it was haunting and an original take on it. I liked it and wouldn't be mad if his ghost kept popping up again in s3.
Much of the show is filmed/processed very dark. This is on purpose but i find it pretty heavy-handed to the point of distraction.
I was surprised with Agent Petty death. I thought there was more room there with the Petty vs Byrde/cartel angle. Who is going to be their adversary now? Darlene will definitely be a problem for them next season.
All in all, I don't think I enjoyed this season as much as the first, but it gathered steam towards the end. Looking forward to s3.