MovieChat Forums > Alocirp

Alocirp (689)


Rate and rank the Deadpool movies Metaphor for drug addiction? Best film of the year? Is Leo wearing a fake nose? Why does Winston always call Wick "Jonathan"? Anyone remember the site YMDb? Should have cut out that tedious dialogue at the end between Barbie and Ruth Why cut off her hands? Mayor Ebert & his assistant Gene Spitting into the ferret's mouth? View all posts >


Interesting. We’ll have to agree to disagree on his performance. I enjoyed it. Denzel was an emperor? Hm, I must have missed that. Noe seems too interested in psychedelics for me to believe he's never tried LSD. But I agree the drug's effects were not depicted realistically here. The Reefer Madness analogy is spot on. Didn't love the movie, but that scene was indeed great. And I'm not even a fan of musicals or dance numbers. Unfortunately nothing else in the film tops it. Interesting take - I thought the movie was mediocre overall but that Denzel was the best part. Pretty sure it was just blood. They did make it very dark colored but I wouldn't call it green. It’s been so long I don’t remember the specifics of that scene, but if your description is accurate it may explain the sister’s seemingly inexplicable change of heart. Appreciate the response. Fair point, definitely a possibility. Zack Snyder's Justice League I am not much of a Superhero movie fan, nor Snyder fan (although, interestingly, I consider Watchmen to be brilliant). I also had never seen the theatrical version of Justice League, so can't say whether this DC was the massive improvement everyone seems to claim it is. But honestly, I was totally unimpressed. Overlong, tedious, even confusing at times. The film takes four hours to get basically nowhere. Tacking on that pointless 30-minute epilogue was a particularly egregious mistake by Snyder. While there are several impressive sequences throughout the movie, even those were often tarnished by an overreliance on overblown CGI. Really, the whole thing felt more like a rough assembly cut rather than a finished product. I rate it a generous 5/10. This would have been a story if the Chiefs had lost, but since they won people will forget about it. View all replies >