Should have cut out that tedious dialogue at the end between Barbie and Ruth
For the most part, I found this surprisingly enjoyable. Not great by any means, but not bad either.
I really don't understand all the backlash, as to me it seemed like an obvious satire which was not meant to be taken particularly seriously. I'm honestly curious how many of those people vehemently against this "evil propaganda film" have even watched the actual flick.
But to the topic of my post here: I really felt the movie could have done without that whole scene towards the end where Barbie and Ruth (her creator) have this extended, melodramatic and cringey discussion about the meaning of being a human. It wasn't anything deep or interesting, and even if it had been, the scene was overlong and wouldn't have fit the mostly playful tone of the rest of the movie anyway.
It kinda killed the enjoyment for me and during the scene I actually checked my watch for the first time hoping it was almost over.
Apart from that though, a decently fun movie. Probably would be a 7/10 if not for the tedious ending. But still a solid 6, maybe 6.5.