MovieChat Forums > KnowsMore > Replies
KnowsMore's Replies
Roger that!
They I guess.
I'm a man of my word!
Tennent wasn't my Doctor but he had a few great episodes during his run. Blink was one of them and Midnight is another.
There's more than a few more but generally I thought the silliness was a little too strong overall.
Nah, it's the locals you have to worry about in the Highland Dazed!
[i]Dingoes ate my baby[/i] is what they are getting at I think.
I'm the king of the rumba beat!
I've already got the garb for a friend to wear as the Doctor and so hopefully it'll be topical and relevant but yes, it always takes too long with the production of new series - remember Tennant's 2 year hiatus with only 4 episodes to fill in the blanks?
Don't blank!
I think it was two episodes per tape when I had them. I had Encounter At Farpoint, Time's Arrow and All Good Things on their own tapes.
The Best of Both Worlds was on two different tapes even though it was only a double parter (But had each in different seasons).
They could have put more episodes on but I'm sure they were trying to maximise their profits.
Don't worry Russell, I'll never meet myself on the boards here.
At least not in a way that both of me will be aware of it.
I can't quite say for sure. 1990-1994(ish).
I know because the BBC would wait an awfully long time to release each season after they aired in the US and so it was easier to keep up to date via rental.
I bought them all after they were pulled from the rental store too.
Took up a lot of space.
Star Trek TNG ran as a series on VHS available for rent from video rental stores.
The X-Files had the odd episode available but certainly not the series.
A stray dog is not the same as your own dog Croft.
Particularly a dog that while walking around in the garden managed to upend an axe into its own head.
Anyway, that story is from 5 years ago - have they killed them all yet?
Tell her it was a white dog and she'll be OK with you killing it.
She likes to see the KKK in everything Croft. Even in black people protesting.
Deep frying them!
That's why we win!
That's the bunny!
The entire reason behind FB.
Ask around.
Nah, for a nutjob h's fairly harmless.
Just mouthy.
It has more than 1 person with multiple accounts fighting with themselves.
Plus we've got Andre.