MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > How come TV series were limited on VHS?

How come TV series were limited on VHS?

I don’t recalled ever seeing an entire TV series on VHS back in the day in the video stores, especially in the 80’s.

I do recalled seeing one episode or two episode on VHS, but these were oddly chosen episodes not necessary from the same season...

Every TV series I saw on VHS were taped off from the TV by someone personal use.


Star Trek TNG ran as a series on VHS available for rent from video rental stores.

The X-Files had the odd episode available but certainly not the series.


When was that?


I can't quite say for sure. 1990-1994(ish).

I know because the BBC would wait an awfully long time to release each season after they aired in the US and so it was easier to keep up to date via rental.

I bought them all after they were pulled from the rental store too.

Took up a lot of space.


When If you think about it, these VHS tapes could record up to six hours...

They could have of had put many seasons on one tape..


I think it was two episodes per tape when I had them. I had Encounter At Farpoint, Time's Arrow and All Good Things on their own tapes.

The Best of Both Worlds was on two different tapes even though it was only a double parter (But had each in different seasons).

They could have put more episodes on but I'm sure they were trying to maximise their profits.


Terrible picture on a six hour recording speed👎


I can't remember any series to buy in the 80s either, 1990 onwards and then the big giant double cassette cases hit the shops as far as I remember. As you say before that it was taped off the telly.
