MovieChat Forums > Mcboogerballs > Replies
Mcboogerballs's Replies
ahh ... the things we do to stay in our bubbles
Also critic ratings for Ep 5 ... lowest of the season. Scratch that, lowest of the series
haha .... you are one sad individual
I must give you props for coming up with such threads on a consistent basis though.
Idiotic Nitpicking at its finest.
Haha Wtf. Petitions are the sadest new thing i have seen this century
They would be relevant if they were created for something meaningful. But such non sensical petitions created by any random kid on the block have totally rendered the whole concept of petitions useless. Majority of the petitions are nothing but tantrums being thrown by sad little kids or immature adults who did not get something their way.
You seem to be stuck in a different time it seems.. You gotta change with time otherwise you end up posting such meaningless posts
Today's Queens and the neighbourhood are about as diverse as they can get which is being reflected in the movie. Also the movie going audience has diversified and knowing your audience is one of the main rules for any form of media.
One could argue that the comics back in those days were agenda driven and made all the major characters white. But that would again be stupid because those were different times too when the comics originated
People just need to chill out
Pretty sure they introduced teleportation at the end of season 6 ...
which is why the show is suddenly fast paced and everyone can get anywhere they want as long as they have teleportation powers
Pretty much accurate...
It just gets worse episode by episode, but its going down in such a spectacular fashion that the destruction will be fascinating to watch
Dont you know ... Euron has super powered ships which can do a 180 degree turn within the blink of an eye
All hail Euron - the savior
Stop whining ..
My rule is very different from yours then
Watched all MCU movies in theaters starting from iron man. Iron man and capt America, I just happened to watch during a phase when I was watching atleast 1 movie per week in theaters. And got hooked to this universe from there onwards. Couldn't think of missing anything MCU offered
From DCEU, watched MOS and BvS in theaters and this time decided that will have to wait for reviews before spending money on these movies. Have only watched Aquaman in this universe since then. Was average. Watched WW, Justice league and Suicide Squad at home and felt happy at not wasting money on them. Yet to watch Shazam
Have also watched most of Xmen and deadpool movies in theaters.
NotMyThor and Justice For Thor
the netizens never cease to amuse me ...
One of the worst action sequences ...
I still think those are hardcore fans mainly ... because casual movie goers will not get that psyched about entry scenes of a character they do not follow religiously
And that makes this even more amazing
Just the sheer magnitude of fan base that MCU has managed to generate is insane. The record shattering performance has been because they were so successful in pulling in the general audience to this journey and turning them into hardcore fans and followers
I did not quite get the connection from Lancecam88's post to your conclusion about how Tyrion sits on the throne in the end
Tyrion was basically made to be an idiot after he failed Khaleesi twice ... to be honest, it wasnt his fault. Because Khaleesi would keep on throwing hissy fits and suggesting various ways of how to get herself killed. Poor Tyrion was probably wishing that he could slap her like he did Goffery and snap her out of her delusions. Instead, he was forced to make uncharacteristic mistakes
Unless ... you mean. Its not a mistake, and he actually made a deal with Cersei to have things play out exactly like this. and now he gets Cersei to kill a weakened Khaleesi, and then Jamie to kill Cersei and stake a claim to the Throne !! Now that I can get behind
Loved Endgame's Thor ... and his character arc with Hulk has been fascinating
This is what MCU does so well - humanizes even demi-Gods and makes them relatable for the audience. a Depressed Thor sulking with his video game buddies and guzzling down beer was absolutely shocking and yet seemed so reasonable at a human level
I like how the makers do not care too much about the integrity of these characters' comic book strengths, which, from what I have read about also varies from volume to volume. Keeping the characters grounded despite having insane super powers is a tough task but MCU does it brilliantly
James Cameron doesn't do what James Cameron does for James Cameron. James Cameron does what James Cameron does because James Cameron is...
Riveting stuff ... the colorful commentary on the modern day Crab People still brings tears to my eyes *Baaaarf*
Seems like the most logical explanation
what a thought ...
moreover the Night King is the epitome of Straight White Male - he is about as white as they get and he is always straight and has superb posture
Wish they found a better way of making it count
Instead of the giant wight lifting her up to eye level for no reason at all .. pretty sure the wights are instructed to just kill whatever living thing comes in their way, instead of taking time to play around with victims for a bit