MovieChat Forums > SpaceAce2001 > Replies
SpaceAce2001's Replies
Objectively I never said that Last Crusade was a terrible film, I said it was my opinion that it's a terrible film and I'm not just pulling this out of my anus, I have cited specific examples from the film that support my opinion.
Sure, go ahead and hate TDKR, that's your business, but when you make claims such as "Bruce quit because of Rachel" expect criticisms because complaints such as those show you don't even understand it. Also comments such as "obviously this film is a disappointment" are open to criticism because the data proves that it's not "obviously a disappointment". You can say "I think it's a disappointment" and then back up your opinion with data and examples from the film but "obviously a disappointment" is a fallacious statement.
Same thing goes for Forest Gump, I never said the data proves it's a bad film, I just don't like it and I have convincingly supported my claims.
The fact that I am in the minority does not invalidate my opinion on Last Crusade and Forest Gump, film is art and art is subjective.
It's also preposterous to claim that TDKR has horrible fight choreography when the fight scenes are receiving all kinds of honors such as the one that I posted.
Last Crusade could have a 100% on RT, and MC, be #1 on IMDB, could have won every single Oscar and made over 3 billion dollars and that still wouldn't change my opinion.
Not the gospel truth however it is an objective fact that watchmojo cited the sewer fight as the greatest Batman fight and the greatest superhero duel of all time. That is one hell of an accomplishment and it should be acknowledged
I am not going to engage in such a childish exercise. If you want to talk about Last Crusade I suggest going to that board
I'm not going to get into that because that is not the topic of this discussion but if you are into Mickey Mouse jokes then that's your business.
Why would anyone argue that the sewer fight isn’t the greatest Batman fight ever when it’s in the damn video?
Watch the video, it’s an objective fact that the sewer fight is the greatest Batman fight of all time. A huge slap in the face to those who say TDKR has objectively bad fight choreography
If Barr was insulting anyone it was apes
Poison is way too hardcore for Jesse, on Jesses toughest day he might be the village people
"I'd buy that for a dollar"
Woa a new toy can I play?
In the book Dantes actually suggested that they dig through the wall and kill the guard on the other side but the Abbe was against it.
Well Faria did tutor Dantes in physics, perhaps Dantes and Jacapo constructed some kind of pulley system to bring the gold up.
I actually wouldn't mind them making a 3 movie adaptation that was completely faithful to the novel and went into the depth that the novel does.
He may have also wanted money they just never mentioned it
If those girls were ever picked up they wouldn’t be able to talk as they didn’t even know what was going on since they were hypnotized , henchmen could rat blofeld out if enough pressure was put on the,.
Draco definitely didn’t blame Bond. Draco knew what Bond was into and was well aware of the risks, Tracy before meeting Bond was depressed and sucidal but ended up dying happy. If anything Draco would be grateful to Bond, but he never struck me as the kind of guy who would have blamed Bond.
It's just disrespectful and arrogant of some Christians to treat people of other beliefs/non-beliefs that they are the ones who souls need to be saved and need to be converted to their way of thinking. Especially when they don't have any actual evidence (aside from faith which is unreliable) that God even exists. I saw the Cinematic Excrement episode of this film (haven't suffered through the actual film however) and I remember a scene where this mother tells her daughter "I want you to be ready" (for when the rapture comes) and basically talks down to her daughter as if she's not living her life the right way (meaning being a christian as if that is the only correct way to live your life). I have family who talk to me that way as well and it makes me really uncomfortable and I find it rude.
The problem is Valerie Jarrett needs to grow up and realize that she put herself in the public arena and therefore she is subject to criticism. She also brought a lot of this on herself, if she hadn't been a supporter of our former joke of a president I'm sure Rosanne wouldn't have said what she did, but no matter how you spin it Barr isn't a racist. Again it was all in the name of comedy, man up and learn how to take a joke.
7. You do realize that Bruce has overly exaggerated abilities? That's the point? Kind of like how Indiana Jones can get his face beaten multiple times, undergo torture and getting shot and push on. Plus Bane didn't actually break his back, he dislocated a vertebrae and Prison Alfred did exactly what you are supposed to do, pop it back into place and then have the patient get plenty of rest which is what happened. He didn't "magically walk", he spent months recovering again you need to pay attention.
8. When Bruce escaped from the pit the bomb went off in 23 days, when he got back they had one day. It took him over 3 weeks to get back.
9. The cops didn't survive months of hunger, there was a scene showing Bane delivering food and supplies to them, they were well fed, PAY ATTENTION!
10. As for the Batwing, I'm not sure what you're trying to say as you clearly struggle with constructing a proper English sentence but the last time Bruce was in Gotham he met Selina in the sewer and then was taken by Bane to India. He probably got to Gotham using the Bat and he parked it and camouflaged it on top of that building (in a very well done reference to Thunderball).
So it looks like all of your complaints have been cleared up. TDKR doesn't have plot holes, it doesn't have story issues. It just has a very lazy, small, yet vocal group of haters who seem to think its cool to nitpick it to death.
My advice is either stick with films that don't require the viewer to think or pay attention next time you watch a film. If you have any more questions though I will be happy to answer them.