MovieChat Forums > ColumboKate > Replies
ColumboKate's Replies
Same lol, I'll dip my toe in but no further
Yeah the beginning of that film is fantastic, very unnerving.
This profile pic always makes me smile.
I love his voice, could listen to him all day.
.... imagine if Ray Milland and David Attenborough read you a bedtime story, I'd be flat out in a minute 😁
I can't remember the title but there is an episode of Hammer House of Horror with that in the story. A couple adopt a young boy to replace their son who died, the dad was a lab scientist with white rabbits in cages that he experimented on at their house .
They understand you the same way you understand them. I can't speak cat or dog but I know what they're asking me for.
London dry gin with (english) lemonade 👍
Jeggins are more comfortable. Same tight fit but with the extra stretch of lycra.
Scream of fear.
Great Hammer story that has been done on other occasions but I've not seen one as intriguing as this version.
... and of course there's the chauffeur's tiny swimming trunks to put a smile/wince on your face 😉
Me too! 😁
I've seen this film countless times and to this day the scene in the library makes me belly laugh ... ready, ready .... get her !!!
I rewatched this again a few weeks ago and thought exactly the same thing 😃.
What lies beneath with the key and pendant from that little town , Adamant if I remember correctly, been a few years since I watched it last. The realisation that she's not crazy but being sent a message.
Csi Miami about 9 years ago. It was ok at the start but they turned horatio into some kind of super hero.
Law and and order a far superior drama ... no dumbing down for the masses 🤔
Omelette or scrambled, can't stand that white part 😖
there was an episode of Medium like that. An Italian looking man in t-shirt and shorts walking the street at night, he sees another man in an ally and starts talking to him. He didn't realise he was dead but the man in the ally realises he is dead too because he is looking at his dead self slumped between rubbish bags .
Can't remember which season it was though.
the italian is dead because his wife had had enough of him, and whilst sat on the sofa at home she murders him .
I rewatched zodiac last week, it's a really good film ... long but never boring.
He does now 😉
Is it The Village with Joaquin Phoenix?
10 years ago I wore pretty undies, and sexy undies and last week I went to Primark and bought myself a multi pack of Bridget Jones style massive knickers .... not sure when it happened to me lol!! I'm 38 btw , your turn will come trust me ;)
There was a Hammer film called Horror Express (i think), with Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee & randomly Telly Servallis as a ninja or something just as strange !
They find a human-like creature found in permafrost in China and transport it back into Europe on a train where it defrosts, wakes up & kills most of featured cast.
I think it ends with the train being diverted and crashing from an unfinished line into a canyon.