looper007's Replies

Out of Refn films I'd go 1. Pusher II 2. Drive 3. Bleeder 4. Pusher 5. Bronson 6. Only God Forgives 7. Pusher III 8. Neon Demon 9. Valhalla Rising 10. Fear X The only film I'm not a great fan of is Fear X. I think everything from Only God Forgives to Valhalla Rising is very good. Everything from Pusher II to Bronson is classic Refn. I don't think Only god Forgives is anywhere near as bad as many Critic's and people make out, it's biggest problem was following a career defining film like Drive. Looking at it now it's not Drive, but it's still a great film. Definitely in my top 5 of all time, I love that Refn got a film like this made as it's very much an Art House crime flick. It's so stripped back that you can't strip it back anymore cause it fall apart.Gosling probably gives his most iconic performance, that silent ruthless hero always do wonders just ask Clint Eastwood. Gosling can tell you a ton by simple gesture, rather then a massive speech. Albert Brooks and Ron Pearlman are great villains with a lot of depth. Always great to see Bryan Cranston in anything. Carey Mulligan isn't give a lot to do but when she is she's very good. I always forget Oscar Isaac is in this as Mulligan's Jailbird Husband. Throw in awesome camera work, a synth soundtrack that's now been copied to death and this is the film that started the 80's throwback love of recent years. Crazy to think this film was supposed to be a 80 million dollar film with Hugh Jackman. Probably my favorite film along with There will Be Blood and Dead Man Shoes of the last 18 years. I don't know if this is Cusack's greatest film, when he has Grosse Point Blank, High Fidelity, Say Anything, The Grifters and Being John Malkovich on his C.V. But The Sure Thing is definitely up there as one of his best films, I'd put this ahead of any John Hughes teen classics from the 80's. A wonderful romantic comedy, with probably my favorite Cusack performance and how loveable is Daphne Zuniga, she remind's me a bit of a 80's version of Emma Stone. Isn't it great that both characters despite hiding behind two facades, Walter trying to be a cool jerk and Alison the Ice queen A grade student and teachers pet, that really both are kind of dorky sensitive souls. Aside from the wonderful script, and great direction from Rob Reiner (who had a better 80's and early 90's then him) and also great supporting acting from Tim Robbins and Anthony Edwards This film really is on the shoulders of Cusack and Zuniga, and thank god they had amazing chemistry together. The first half of the film with clash of personalities is perfect, and you gradually see that these two actually have a lot in common and as you see both with little glances and gestures falling for one another. My favorite moment is when they are in the truck, and when Walter is talking about his "Sure Thing" (even though you see him look back at Alison and you can see the doubt he has about his "sure thing" as he's fallen for Alison), you see Alison heart break. I think Cusack is great in this, but this is Zuniga's film as you see her Ice queen facade melt away and what you see is a nice warm hearted person. Sure Alison has a boyfriend but you can tell from their scenes together that it's a pretty loveless and passionless relationship from Alison side of things. The last scene in the classroom when Walter's story is read out, if you haven't got a smile beaming from you're face then you got no heart. Wonderful film. It's a tough one to find, even here in Ireland. You know a film's rare when you get even get a clip or trailer of the film on YouTube. I don't think it's even got a re-release on DVD since Artificial Eye released it on it's first release back in the early 00's. It had a lot of hype around it cause it was directed and written by Conor McPherson who was coming of writing the critical hit I Went Down, three years before. It was his first gig as a director, he bought back Brendan Gleeson and Peter McDonald two of the main actors from I Went Down. Also added Brian Cox. But film came out to mix reviews, and faded away. I don't think it's been shown on Irish TV for a good 15 years, and the last time I remember it be on U.K tv was on Channel 4 at some crazy time back in the mid 00's. I don't think this will ever get a DVD re-release and the only way it be seen again if someone has a DVD of it and uploads it to YouTube. Shame really. He's better then just a good actor, he's bloody fantastic more like. He's underrated for sure, but more have started noticing him thanks to Peaky Blinders. But I don't think Cillian really went out of his way to be a massive star, look at his choices of roles. He works with Christopher Nolan and is always excellent but he's never in a leading role. He do the odd Hollywood flick like Red Eye (he's the best thing about that), In Time, In The Heart of the Sea and Transcendence. He star in the odd break out film like Danny Boyle's 28 Day's Later or give performances in films that should have given him award talk but didn't like Ken Loach's The Wind that shakes the Barley or Neil Jordan's Breakfast on Pluto (His best performance in my opinion) But a lot of his work is mostly indie fare and film's that won't see a large audience. That's a shame cause that's where you see Cillian at his very best. He's excellent in Disco Pigs and On the Edge, gave a great performance in the underrated Anthropoid and Broken, was very good in Free Fire and intermission. He's done other stuff in indie films that range from solid to ok to meh. But he's got a interest C.V to say the least. Cillian is definitely is one of Ireland's greatest actors, he's totally underrated though. He had the looks and talent to be doing the films that Colin Farrell and Michael Fassbender have done but decided he wanted to do his own thing. He's become far better thanks to it. He's awesome in Peaky Blinders and it's one of best TV shows on TV. Sunburn is one of his first film's. I caught it on YouTube one night as I'm a big fan of his but never could get it on DVD. It's not a great film. But Murphy is the best thing in it although his character is a bit of a jerk. And i liked his chemistry with Paloma Baeza, who directed him (and Barry Ward who's his mate in Sunburn) in a great short film called Watchmen. She's also married to Alex Garland, who wrote a few films Murphy did with Danny Boyle (Sunshine and 28 days later). Barry Ward and Murphy also both starred in Ken Loach films, Murphy in The wind that Shakes the Barley and Ward in Jimmy's Hall. The film is at it's strongest when it's centered around Murphy's character. Although I thought Ward's Character relationship with the older woman is a lot weaker. But this is well worth checking out if you are a Murphy fan. I think cause it was the MeToo movement was really in full swing at the time, they needed a film by a woman director that Hollywood could throw it's arms around at award season and Gerwig's film was it. As you said it's not a bad film, it's a fine indie coming of age film with good performances. I don't think many will be talking about this in years to come. I'm a big fan of Saoirse Ronan but her performance in this wasn't Oscar worthy imo. Laurie Metcalf was the best thing in this film, and deserved her nominations. Gerwig did a fine job. But release this film before the whole Metoo thing and it wouldn't have got anywhere near the glowing reviews or awards that it got. But every year the awards season has this type of film. The critics go mad for it, and usual the audience are far more split. 2018 awards season Ladybird was that film. It's definitely one of the high watermarks of the High School/Teen genre, it's got a lot more substance and heart to it then most and doesn't play down to it's audience. Logan Lerman is excellent as Charlie, as is Ezra Miller. Emma Waston, not a big fan of her, but she delivers her best performance in this film. The soundtrack is excellent. Also isn't afraid to delve into tough subjects like Child abuse, bullying or sexuality. I think the film is fantastic and is going to be a cult favorite. I liked the last one more the second time I watch, wasn't blown away when I first saw it. The Tom Waits and Zoe Kazan segments just get better with rewatching. I enjoyed the Franco one but it's definitely not one of the better ones, the weakest still for me is Liam Neeson one. But overall it's a strong film but it's the Coen so that's not too shocking. I was 16 and saw it when it was first released here in Ireland. I agree don't get the hate some have for this, it's probably given part 2 a run for second place on my Pie list. I liked how they bought back the whole cast although varying degrees of success. But I loved that they have grown up and have adult problems and families. I liked Chris Klein a lot in this, the faded sports star now a lonely rich sportscaster with a young girlfriend. Stifler isn't as annoying as he was in Wedding, and you feel for the guy in Reunion plus it's the first time I feel you see he cares about these guys as his friends. I loved Jim's and Michelle's storyline in this. I agree it made up for the mess that was Wedding (the weakest of the original cast films) and bought the heart back to the franchise that was lost since part 1. Also had one of the hottest women in Ali Cobrin as the next door neighbour who has a crush on Jim, she'd give Shannon Elizabeth a run for that hottest American Pie woman. She was smoking hot. But overall it's good ending to what became before. Definitely the weakest out of the 4, It feel's like the Stifler stand alone film rather then about Jim and his friends. For me, when Stifler isn't front and center of the American Pie films is when they are great, he's good in small doses. 4th for me gets stronger and more likeable as time goes on, Part 2 is a solid fun sequel and I love that film for the Jim and Michelle romance been blossomed. Wedding just doesn't feel like a American Pie film, as I said it feels like a Stifler stand alone with the other's popping up here and there. Poor Thomas Ian Nicholas as Kevin, might as well have not been in the film as much as they gave him in Wedding. I can see why Chris Klein turned it down. 1. 1 2. 2 3. Reunion 4. Wedding It's probably the one with the most heart to it, and where the guys relationship is front and center and that it leaves Stifler as a side character which I think hurt the other's when he became front and center. I wouldn't have minded if in the first film they showed Stifler was close friend to the guys but it was really Oz he's close too. It's also the film that gives more character to a lot of the females, something the other film's really lack. I felt bad for the likes of Tara Reid, Mena Suvari and Natasha Lyonne in the films they appeared later on in. Although Alysson Hannigan was the only one who got any good character development as the films went on. Shannon Elizabeth was at her hottest in this. Eugene Levy was at his most likeable too, but he was always even in the sequels. And it's the sweetest of the American Pie films, the relationships between Oz/Heather and Kevin/Victoria were nicely done. Although I have a soft spot for American Pie 2 as it bought Michelle front and center and her relationship with Jim is really sweet. Stifler is at his funniest in Part 2 as well, but Wedding and Reunion he got annoying. They upped the gross out humor and Sex, and I didn't feel the closeness between the guys like they were in first one. Also Reid, Suvari and Lyonne phoned in their parts. But Part 2 for me is a very good sequel. American Wedding is the weakest of the original cast films, . Reunion I have a soft spot for as it's got a bit of the heart back that went missing from part 2 and Wedding. Also bought back Klein, Suvari, Reid and Lyonne. I'd probably go 1,2, Reunion and Wedding. I'd wouldn't be too harsh on Wedding it's a decent watch but the other 3 are well worth watching. Yeah she's adorable in 21, it's a bit like Emma Stone in Superbad. You could tell she was on for bigger things. But 22 did have Hill have some great scenes between him and Ice Cube about sleeping with his daughter. Tough one to call for me, both are very good comedies with great chemistry between Hill and Tatum. Both are must sees, but even though 21 Jump Street has Brie Larson, Dave Franco and the Johnny Depp cameo. I always return to 22 Jump Street more, just for that end credit's sequence alone. But I think Tatum is at his very best in this one, and the Villains are more Villianous in this one lol. Also Ice Cube get's far more to do in this one and that brings for more laugh out moments. Also the heart to this one gets to me more then the first. The last third of this film bring some damn great action. I personally wouldn't mind a third one as long as it keep's what made the first two so special. It's one of the better comedies from the Judd Apatow crowd, like most of his films it's flawed but it's likeable cast and good heart even with all his crude humor wins you over. Like most Apatow films it's too long, could have cut this down to by over twenty minutes to half an hour for a stronger film. Any film that makes Katherine Heigl likeable deserves praise lol. If you like comedy if it's on sale for cheap then buy it. It's got one of Seth Rogen's more like able performances, and his relationship with Heigl's character is cute. With good funny early performances from Jason Segal, Kristen Wigg, Bill Hader and Jonah Hill. From the mid 00's comedies, I'd put this up there as buy it along with 40 Year Old Virgin (still Apatow's best film), Superbad, Anchorman, Forgetting Sarah Marshall and I Love You Man (that's such a underrated comedy) are must buys. I haven't read the book, but I know Cameron's supposed to be 12 years of age. But I'm glad they hiked her age up for the film. For Chloe, I thought she delivered her best performance in a long time with this film. It's not going to win her any awards this year but she shows why she was so highly rated so early in her career before she fell into the trap of blockbuster, crappy romances and comedies. This is for me is her first really great role as a adult. Nothing the Coen Brother's do is shitty imo, even their weakest films are worth watching. This isn't prime Coen, but some of the segment's are top notch, while other's are fine. It's beautiful shot and acted. Watch the segments with Tom Waits, Zoe Kazan and Tim Blake Nelson, they are top notch Coen's. The Other's a fine but nothing excellent. I gave it a 8/10. Weisz and McAdams are both great in this, as is Nivola. The film isn't a overall success, I'd give 7/10. I doubt it be troubling award's season, although I thought McAdam's performance is awards worthy imo. The film is definitely slow moving for the first 48 minutes or so, it picks up a bit once the two female characters romance begins, and it slows back down in the last 20 minutes (the weakest part of the film for me). You get a nice love scene between Weisz and McAdams (although I didn't get the drooling into each other's mouth, different strokes for different folks i guess). Overall a solid drama, which will probably be highly regard as a Lesbian film for years to come but won't be troubling to many top 10 best film lists by the end of the year.