MovieChat Forums > 22 Jump Street (2014) Discussion > 21 Jump Street or 22 Jump Street?

21 Jump Street or 22 Jump Street?

Which one is better? both share similar themes but I feel the comedy in each is different.


I think I prefer 22, but 21 has better third act and Brie Larson was better.


Tough one to call for me, both are very good comedies with great chemistry between Hill and Tatum. Both are must sees, but even though 21 Jump Street has Brie Larson, Dave Franco and the Johnny Depp cameo. I always return to 22 Jump Street more, just for that end credit's sequence alone. But I think Tatum is at his very best in this one, and the Villains are more Villianous in this one lol. Also Ice Cube get's far more to do in this one and that brings for more laugh out moments. Also the heart to this one gets to me more then the first. The last third of this film bring some damn great action.

I personally wouldn't mind a third one as long as it keep's what made the first two so special.


