GotWood84's Replies

Good call They were thriving because they took everything from the wealthy German Jewish business owners. They also received an enormous economic boost after they invaded Poland and took everything Poland had. I said these words today in conversation.... You may live in NY, but you were obviously not born and raised here. Big had a large personality, was well liked and respected. He was the best at what he did and in most songs he would shout out/praise where he was from which was Brooklyn. My 64yr old Jewish employer knows every word to Gimme The Loot. That's right; an old white guy born in 1955 raps along to Gimme the Loot. Mediocre artist? Not in the slightest. Now when it comes to the govmint trying to dumb down the people, I'm with you there, its obvious. All you have to do is walk outside. I was going to say the same thing , without the insult Since she got into movies....she is This Bigsax character , what a doosh! Who cares about your opinion? It's obvious the rest of the crowd feels differently. Have to agree here. None Tim "Dentist to the Stars" Whatley. OP is projecting.... I implied that they were indeed good fighters. However, they are slightly overrated. They shouldn't be considered among the greats of old. 10 out of 10 kid Dumb and Dumber....6? F ck you. It's too bad there isn't a data base for dudes with large d!cks, because if there were , I'D BE IN THERE!!!!!!