waiter in the crying scene

near the end, when Constance is crying in the diner, the waiter asks why she is crying and later says "Oh newlyweds." Who is he? I know I have seen him in other bit parts and he is always funny

"A daffy woman constantly strives to become a star..."


That's the wonderful Grady Sutton. Just saw him the other night in "Alice Adams" with Katharine Hepburn and Fred MacMurray.


He also showed up in a few WC Fields' movies.


He also appears at the beginning of Rock n Roll High School.


And as the bemused suitor in My Man Godfrey -- Irene announces at her tea that she's going to marry him, only she hasn't yet told him ...

"All you need to start an asylum is an empty room and the right kind of people."


Apparently, Sutton was a bit of a sourpuss in real life. When asked as
an old man if people recognized him and asked for his autograph, he
was quoted as saying yes, adding that after signing, he'd mutter to the
star-struck fan, "Haven't you got anything better to do?"


The waiter’s facial expressions in reaction to Connie’s tears of sadness - or perhaps joy - were wonderful.
