Jean Arthur's age

She was 43 when this movie came out! I thought she was an ingenue in her 20s. She seemed so youthful. I never would have guessed she was in her 40s.


Yes, she was amazingly youthful-looking. And it's ironic that, in the movie, she refers to her fiance Mr. Pendergast as an "older man" of 42. Who would've guessed that this was Jean Arthur's actual age at the time?

P.S. More irony: the actor playing Pendergast was in his late 30s, younger than Miss Arthur!


Jean Arthur was so very lovely and did look so much younger than her actual age. Wrinkles on her hand? I'm afraid that I didn't notice her hand. At the time, I was entranced by the story, handsome Joel and glorious Jean. Well done, one and all.


She looks amazing but I think she looks like she’s in her early 30s in the film, not mid-20s.
