EP3: Who the f

Writes this shit? Is this from the books? Are they as bad as this show is? (I mean the books not written by Frank).

Nothing makes sense and it's soo ... dumb.


what part did you not understand?



where did I say that I didn't understand? I said that it doesn't make sense. There's nothing hard to understand in this shit.

The first 2 episodes were kinda decent but this one? Like written as for a school assignment in the third grade ...


"nothing makes sense [to me]" implies a lack of understanding


As in "the way the events unfold makes no sense, it's idiotic".

Like "we, Harkonen, are the heroes, go and force that Atreides to change his 'lies'" - provoking the death of her brother and then asking her sister to "heroically" kill all from the family while not accepting responsibility for her brother death. I know, it's a woman and so no accountability but still.

And trying to kill her own mother for ... nothing. Plus the voice, out of nowhere, no training, no special abilities but boom, the voice.


fair enough

i guess we just have to keep watching


that show has nothing to do with the books just like the retarded new movies have nothing to do with the books.

in fact even the 80's movie is closer to the book then the abomination that are the new movies


Nothing to do with the books is a strong statement. Too strong.

As for this show it is based on one of the books written by Brian, NOT Frank.
