It almost seems like the writers are trying to make us feel sorry for illegal immigrants/refugees and using “Apex” as some sort of metaphor regarding white nationalism. I could be wrong and I hope I’m not, but it’s just a feeling at the moment.
You don't already feel sorry for refugees? Wow! Thank your lucky stars you weren't born in Central America or the Middle East. It's incredibly frightening how much some people are tortured. I'd want to run from that, too.
Actually, they do have the right to run to America. The United States does accept refugees. That's one of the things that really is great about this country. There are some really scary things happening to people in some foreign countries. But if they can survive the journey to the US, they can find hope.
Just ask Sweden how their woman are doing after letting in so many refugees. Rape is through the roof and woman are scared to go out at night. Heck just look at California which is turning into a third world country as we speak. If we don’t build the wall soon then I fear our country will turn into a hell hole.
You will always be able to find an example of people doing the right thing and something bad happening. Are you really saying humans should never do the right thing?
You mention something about people from other countries believing in ”false gods.” Do you believe in God? Because everything you’ve said here is very anti-Christian.
Bringing in refugees that don’t have money, only know a life of crime, and don’t hold the same cultural beliefs isn’t a “good” thing at all. It’s actually irresponsible and dangerous to the citizens of this country.
Yes I do mention false gods because no God would tell you to kill anyone who disagrees with you, pretty common sense stuff. I’m an agnostic but it’s very clear to me that Christianity is the only decent religion on the planet, without it America would be a shell of itself.
Refugees are bringing in money? That’s news to me, wow. Not all refugees are criminals but most of them have inferior cultural beliefs and our government isn’t equipped to deal with them, let alone our own problems.
It's all mud people and genetic defectives, huh? Ve should have zem all shot! Implement ze final solution! Heil Trump!
Your view of the world is so narrow and racist, you seem more like a poorly written movie character than a real person. Clearly not much point in trying to reason with you. Have a nice day though. :)
We shouldn’t do anything with them is my point, it’s not our responsibility to. Nothing racist about that opinion at all, unless I see any statistics about refugees making the economy stronger I simply will not budge.
Well I guess it's a good thing we don't need to budge you then. America: what's in it for us? They should use that slogan on travel and tourism commercials. "Christianity is the only decent religion on the planet" you say? So what do YOU think Jesus would do?
Go back home ya damn freeloaders, meet your death with dignity - and try not to disturb us on your way out! If they've got money to pay us we can let them in. Otherwise screw 'em all. Forgive me if I don't find your viewpoint decent, or worthy of respect. You seem to view the US as an island of civilization in a world full of savages. But not the whole US. I mean you can forget all about the coasts, they're full of Liberals who are just another bunch of savages with dumb ideas. They haven't yet been blessed with the light of your great wisdom. If they knew what they were talking about they'd all agree with you. Right? I don't know what planet you're living on, but it's certainly not this one.
All countries should put their own needs ahead of outsiders, it’s pretty common sense stuff. Isn’t it funny how Liberals constantly complain about income inequality, racism, and that the minimum wage is too low......yet at the same time they’re totally fine with exasperating these problems by bringing in dirt poor refugees that take jobs away from us and lead to more racism.
The word is exacerbate genius. Not exasperate. Although it's oddly appropriate to hear you use that word - since it accurately describes the emotions triggered by talking to you.
Everyone puts their own family first. That's a given. But if you get some new neighbor who comes out and announces to everyone on the street that all they care about is their own household, and screw y'all - that jackаss isn't going to get invited to anyone's barbecue, or anything else. Ditto if their next door neighbor asks if they have a cup of sugar and they respond "You gonna pay for it?". I mean seriously. That's how people like you (and our Dear Leader of course) think we should deal with the rest of the world.
The US birth rate is actually negative without immigrants. That is, the population would be dropping without them. There will come a point soon where, for about ten years or so, we'll have two retirees for every worker in the labor force. The Baby Boom was a really really bad idea in so many ways. But the big huge crisis in social security that Paul Ryan and his douche bag friends are so concerned about won't happen if we correct the population imbalance by taking in fresh blood - immigrants are far younger than the aging US average, almost all of them are working age. So we weed out the criminals and let the non-criminals stay. Problem solved. All these ICE raids and stupid ideas like the wall are just shooting ourselves in the foot.
The greatness of the United States has always been that we take people in, people with nothing who just want a chance at a better life, and in the fullness of time we get back far more than we ever gave. But there's always xenophobic idiots with every wave of immigration that scream and shout about the sky falling and the barbarians overrunning our culture. Those fools have never won before and they won't now. I feel sorry for you, that you're shortsighted and narrow minded enough to be one of those.
Ohhhh dear, I spelt ah word wrong while typing on my phone....leave it to a tolerant Liberal to use this opportunity to personally insult me. Very classy indeed!
Your neighborhood analogy makes no sense and is rambling nonsense. This country isn’t a neighborhood, I fail to see what you’re getting at.
The birth rate is how you justify taking in so many immigrants? Really? We want more jobs and less people, not less jobs and more people. It seems you want this country to fail with this logic but hey who am I to judge.
No the greatness of this country isn’t that we let a bunch of immigrants in, that’s complete nonsense. We are the greatest country because our citizens are rewarded with all sorts of freedoms that you don’t get in other countries like the right to free speech, the right to bear arms, and many others. Also thanks to capitalism and free markets we are the richest and poverty-free country on the planet. It just sucks that half the citizens in this country want to ruin this great thing we have going and send us back to the Stone Age by following idiotic Liberal and Progressive ideas that will ruin the economy, cause another civil war, and lead to massive crime. Democrats don’t want to admit it but their dream utopian country will never exist and the harder they try the more our country will start
resembling actual crap holes like California and Chicago.
If you need the neighborhood analogy spelled out for you it's hard to believe you actually remember to breathe every few seconds. I've had enough of you. You're too much of a dick to be entertaining conversation. Хорошего дня Товарищ! (I'm betting you understand that)
Yeah perhaps you should run along, I seem to be making too much sense and you’re afraid of the truth. Best keep your Utopian world views protected before I expose you to reality.
"Inferior cultural beliefs?" It's sad that you are assuming the worst about all people. Of course some people are going to be criminals, but it's sad that you wouldn't help another person just because that person MIGHT turn out to be a criminal.
I never said refugees bring in money. They have nothing. That's why they need compassion. That's why they need understanding. That's why they need our help. I'm glad you think Christianity is a decent religion. "From everyone to whom much has been given, much will be required; and from the one to whom much has been entrusted, even more will be demanded." Luke 12:48b
Christians are called to give. They are called to do things for those less fortunate, and to do so without judgement and without expecting something in return.
Jesus asked, "Which of these three, do you think, was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of the robbers?” 37 He said, “The one who showed him mercy.” Jesus said to him, “Go and do likewise.” - Luke 10:36-37
It would probably be best if you read ALL of Luke 10, or better yet, more of the Gospels.
According to Christianity, refugees are, indeed, our neighbors.
I can explain it to you. I can't understand it for you.
During that time, Samaritans were considered foreigners and looked down upon for not being Jewish. The would not be considered "neighbors" by the Jewish leaders. The only person in the story who treated the victim like a person and cared for the victim and showed compassion was a Samaritan.
In those days, a Jewish person never would have thought to use the word "neighbor" to refer to anyone other than someone who is Jewish. Yet, that was Jesus point. Expand your definition of "neighbor" to mean "human being."
They could run to other countries in the Middle East,
except they are are under the thumb of dictators
who pretend they know the will of Allah!
There does have to be a limit to those who come to
America, but don't kid yourself, the Right loves these
immigrants for two main reasons.
1. They are usually right-wingers and Republicans
because they love America for giving them
2. They break up cohesion in America to ask for
anything better like the rest of the developed
world has, like Universal Health Care and
free education.
Thank your lucky stars you weren't born in Central America or the Middle East. It's incredibly frightening how much some people are tortured. I'd want to run from that, too.
I find interesting how you can empathize with people that run from Central America or Middle East, because they don't want to live there... while you can't empathize with people who want to close the gates because they don't want to import Central America or Middle East... for the exact very same reason: they don't want to live there.
Not sure why you are saying that allowing refugees to live here is bringing bad things from their country here. It would be nice if you could be compassionate and help someone less fortunate. Give someone a chance at having a happy life. Don't be so paranoid that they are going to ruin your life.
Not sure why you are saying that allowing refugees to live here is bringing bad things from their country here.
Why? Because as the number grows along the years (and decades), they outnumber the locals and then they dictate the rules. That's what democracy is, after all, one man, one vote, more men, more votes.
It's not about hating them because, you know, like you don't want them to have a happy life, because that's bad, and it's great to be nazi and bad! how bad!! muahaaaahahaa!!... seriously, do you believe that story for simple minds that media sell?
It's about who rules. And as the number grows, sooner or later you won't rule in your house anymore. That's the problem.
One example of idea: you can be as noisy as you want, no matter how late, this is enjoying life, you don't need to care whether your neighbours can sleep or not, or whether they have to wake up early for work, and you're morally allowed to be rude if they ask you to let them sleep
So I suppose you're not afraid of that idea, and you're OK with that idea becoming a new social rule in your country, isn't it?
Do you think that all refugees want to be noisy at all hours of the night? Because I would actually guess that many of them would enjoy sleeping.
Try not to be so afraid. Different ideas do not have to mean really bad ideas that will upset everyone. I think you've got this idea that refugees are not humans with the same needs you have. They want to be able to eat, wear clothes, be protected from the elements, sleep ...
I realize you could (maybe) have come up with an example that would have been more convincing to me, but I can't see anyone being ok with noise 24/7. What makes you think a refugee would WANT a law like that?
It's really important to stop thinking in terms of us vs. them. Human beings can come together. It really can be ok. But it's never going to be ok if people are absolutely, 100% against allowing any new people or new ideas. The danger really is more from those who are afraid of refugees than from the refugees themselves.
Do you have realized that you just avoided the question?
To be such a preacher of not being afraid of new ideas, you seem to have some difficulties to face them.
So I repeat my question: let's take that example of idea, you can be as noisy as you want, no matter how late, this is enjoying life, you don't need to care whether your neighbours can sleep or not, or whether they have to wake up early for work, and you're morally allowed to be rude if they ask you to let them sleep
Would you be afraid of that idea, or would you be OK with that idea becoming a new social rule in your country?
Afraid, no. Would I like it, no. I like my quiet time. Do I think the majority of people would want that rule, no. I think you picked a bad example, as I don't know a single person who would like that rule. If you can find a better example, I'm all ears.
I think you picked a bad example, as I don't know a single person who would like that rule.
Well, that's the thing: you live in some area where people around you share your rules, and that's comfort. But rules can be VERY different in different places in the world. I'm not saying that people from some places can feel or adapt better to places other than their own. For example: me. I am from some Mediterranean country, you know, a noisy one, that kind of country where many people are in that way in which you don't know a single person. (And it's true that some people feel or adapt better to rules in different countries... but that's a small minority, I'd say >90% of people are comfortable in their original cultural habit with the rules from their original culture).
I'm not worried about some countries in the world (like US or Germany) becoming like THEM (you know, the 'us' versus 'them'), but about those countries becoming like MY OWN. To say it otherwise: I am part of that 'them'.
The right policy when it comes to borders is to make it possible to enter another country... but quite difficult. This way, you leave the door open, but you make sure that only people who REALLY want to live in your house, sharing your rules, are the ones to enter.
Because, as I said, that's the thing: you have your rules, and when you're talking about "new ideas", you mean ideas that are compatible with your rules, and at the same time able to give a new point of view, or some drive or boost to rethink your own and to progress. But this is only a small set inside the vast group of ideas out there. And from all that vast group of ideas, many of them, you'd better be afraid.
It sounds like you are describing a large city. New York, Chicago, Los Angelos ... those cities tend to be very busy and noisy. Some people like that lifestyle. Others prefer a quiet place to live. I live in a much smaller community (around 150,000 people), though I've lived in New York City before. The difference between communities in the US can be substantial. Many people experience culture shock just moving to a different part of the US.
It's not that I don't understand your concern. I just think compassion to people in need must outweigh the possibility that we might one day have a difference of opinion on noise levels at night (or any other topic). I think it's a mistake to be so concerned about that that you miss the opportunity to show human compasion.
When these different ideas include things like “sharia law” you bet your bottom dollar we don’t want that in our country. What ideas are so great that we need to adopt them here? How many refugees do you let stay in your house right now? You should practice what you preach.
These people are US citizens, not illegal immigrants. They just happen to be late 22nd century US citizens. For some odd reason the constitutional convention back in 1787 never spelled out the exact legal status of time travelers. Go figure!
I think you're reading too much into it. If anything, The Crossing is an allegory to the holocaust and Nazi Germany. A genetically enhanced "Master Race" hunting down the inferior "commons" and exterminating them. The regime set up by the Apex has strong totalitarian overtones. Those who are judged to be disloyal get sent away for re-education (a barrel of fun no doubt). Trying to project current domestic politics onto this storyline is a huge stretch.
Well if we find out that the leader of Apex has orange skin and a Trump haircut you might have to eat your words. The show heavily implies a “what if Americans were refugees?” agenda, which is in poor taste.
Because America is the land of the free, this show is taking an implausible premise just so it can play out some left wing fantasy of “hey I told you so” in regards to extreme right wing politics. It’s almost as if the writers are anti-trump nut jobs who want to lecture us about how we should have open borders because imagine if American....were a refugees yourself. Like they’re trying to get those on the fence on the immigration debate to join the left. I could be wrong but only time will tell.
Well, I think you're completely paranoid, but that's not the point.
You seem like a very hateful person. America can only be the land of the free if people not born in America are welcomed in and given sanctuary. You can't have it both ways.
America can never be the land of the free if they let in terrorists, those with inferior cultures, and those who don’t care to follow the rules/ customs/ constitution. Why aren’t other countries around the world totally free like America? It’s quite simple, because A) They believe in false Gods B) They lack a Constitution C) Haven’t mastered the Free Market System D) Have inferior cultural beliefs and E) Don’t have hard working Citizens
It’s not America’s fault that these other countries are hundreds of years behind them because the people who live in them are stupid and lazy. Instead of asking for free handouts they could get off their butts and make their own countries great through hard work and adopting beliefs that aren’t toxic.
Refugees and illegal immigrants are not necessarily terrorists. Those are very, very different issues. Ever been to Canada, England, Australia (just to name a few)? There are many, many countries in this world that are just as advanced as the US, just as cultured, have similar governments, etc.
A. US Citizens have freedom of religion. We can believe in any god we choose ... or not believe in God at all.
B. Some countries, yes, but not all. All the more reason one of its citizens may want to live here.
C. Some, but not all. All the more reason one of its citizens may want to live here.
D. That's just really an odd thing to say ...
E. Oh, I think if you took an honest look at things, you'd find that people in less developed countries work much harder and for a lot less money than many people in the US.
Sounds like you don't actually know much about other countries in the world and have just assumed that different means inferior.
What, exactly, did you do to "earn" your birth in this country? I was born in the US. I was fortunate enough to have been born to 2 US citizens, in the US. But I didn't do anything to deserve that. Being born here does not make me superior to anyone.
If that user actually believes the things he's saying, and isn't just trolling the board (a distinct possibility in this case) there's not much point trying to reason with him. People who actually feel that way aren't driven by rationality. They're driven by tribalism and a sense of us versus them, the sort who says "amnesty" or "asylum" like they're dirty words instead of something noble that we grant to help people in horrible situations.
We take people in, make them one of us and give them new lives. That's what America is at its best - when we fulfill the promise made on the plaque underneath the Statue of Liberty. We owe much of our past prosperity to immigrants, anyone who studies our history can't help but realize that. Cold hearted, unsympathetic, and selfish is not what we want to become now. Well, at least most of us don't want that.
It’s not our responsibility to help other countries, they have to figure it out on their own. The Liberals only like giving money to poor countries so they can funnel their dirty money through it. That’s why I teach my children to never give handouts to anyone unless they will get paid back eventually. Nothing is free in this country, you gotta earn it.
I hate to tell you this but the Republicans are the party of the 1%, the party of Big Corporate Greed. Dirty Money R Us. But I'm guessing you support the rule of big money and corporate lobbyists one hundred percent. Teaching your kids to be just like them. Show me the money, baby! Show me the money! Otherwise go crawl in a gutter and die. The way any decent Christian would treat someone less fortunate, eh?
Actually the Democratic Party is the 1% party because they take all the wealth from 99% of us and give it to the 1% of refugees and welfare slobs who don’t lift a finger.
Democrats also want to destroy jobs and small businesses, just look at what they did to’s slowly turning into a third world country. At least Republicans care about creating more jobs and not taxing the hell out of everything.
When they say "small business" they mean megacorporation. When they say "middle class" they mean the billionaire parasite class. They're a bunch of weasels who care only about sucking their donors' cocks like the cheap money whores they are. Just because they've managed to con some voters (like yourself) into thinking they care about regular people doesn't mean they actually do. Not one thing they've done in the last year, not a single one, has been for anything but big business and the super rich.
And where the hell have you been lately? Living in a cave? The economy of California turned around years ago, and is in a much better place now than the nation as a whole. Not to mention they currently have a budget surplus. Contrast that with Republican run states like Oklahoma that corporate bought and paid for Governor Mary Fallin has turned into an economic sewage pit.
People are mass exiting California it’s so bad, perhaps you should follow the news. The homeless epidemic has gotten so bad that people are defecating in public. You know a state is on the verge of collapse when lawmakers are seriously considering dividing into 3 separate states lol.
Oh it definitely does have that element of making you think about what it would be like to find yourself a refugee. Most Americans assume it could never, ever happen to them. But like I said, the closest real world situation by far is Nazi Germany and Hitler's extermination of the Jews. I don't see any symbolism of present day issues at all. We're not even sure if the Apex have a single individual as their leader or a small ruling elite - something along the lines of a Communist Party.
Not really. If I wanted to stop watching a show, I wouldn't worry about making sure it had "the wrong political bias" first. I'd just stop watching it.
I have to wait to see if this show is indeed propoganda or not because I would then have to block the program so my kids won’t be exposed to it. So no, stopping at this point isn’t really an option until I know for sure what is going on. Now does this make sense?
I only watch CNN in short doses, because they fixate on a few stories and cover them into the ground. But Fox News is pure propaganda. They don't even pick and choose which stories to report, they just plain make stuff up. You can't be fully informed these days from the mainstream corporate media alone - I also seek out media sources online and from overseas - but I absolutely refuse to watch anyone who lies to me.
ESPN has turned into a Liberal propaganda network over the last few years or so. It started with them treating Bruce Jenner as if he is some type of brave hero, then it continued with all the Anti-Gun nonsense at the ESPY awards, and eventually it became a daily thing where people like Max Kellerman get on the air and talk about white privilege.
Also it’s annoying how every ESPN show has to have a female host/moderator...many of them are clueless when it comes to the topics being discussed and they dress all skanky. I just want to tune in a hear coverage of sports, not be lectured about how guns are horrible, or how transgenders are brave, or see racial topics being discussed on a daily basis.
Why? Are you afraid your kids might actually think for themselves? That's not very responsible. Responsible parents teach their kids how to think for themselves and are not afraid of their kids hearing something that they, themselves, do not agree with.
It pretty much is. I think a lot of us are sick and tired of politics these days, the last thing you want is for your entertainment to be rehashing the same crap everyone's arguing about in real life. So far they've been doing a pretty good job with a straightforward concept. Nothing groundbreaking but well executed.
It's not that, it's that you and a small but loud
group of wacko Republicans don't have anything
in your lives except to get triggered by a million
things that you have been programmed with to
make you go nuts about Liberals. Try thinking
for yourself some time.
Seeing that no movies in Hollywood are conservative and zero TV shows have Conservative leanings now that ‘Last Man Standing’ has been cancelled I’d say we kind of have a point, don’t ya think? Everything from Hollywood and TV is all left leaning, heck all the Universities have 90% Liberal professors.
If anyone has been brainwashed it’s the Liberals who’ve never been exposed to Conservative ideas or thought. The Liberals are also the ones who are easily triggered and call for safe spaces, try to ban free speech, bully those who disagree with them by labeling people as racists, making life miserable for everyone else by enforcing a strict PC guideline as to not offend anyone.
So when you really think about it, it’s those on the left who need to start thinking for themselves. #Truth
> Seeing that no movies in Hollywood are conservative
That is exactly what I am talking about. You don't even
know how many big shots in Hollywood are Conservative.
Not only that, but a lot of so-called Liberals in Hollywood
are only pretending to be Liberals because it goes over
better to fans. These are people in very high-paying jobs
who make tons of money and eventually get a huge
inflated image of themselves. Especially the young stars
they grow up with huge egos and entitlement and do not
care about people, but no one wants that real person get
glimpsed or get out, so they hire PR people to make them
looks good.
Your claims and reality are so simplistic and small minded.
Maybe that is as much as you can imagine and you think it
serves you in your life, but unless you are college grad
employed in a selected industries, or your family is super-
rich you are just kidding yourself.
Finally, the thinking for yourself meme can be applied equally
to everyone. Lots of Liberals and Conservatives don't really
know much about politics, economics, history or the law.
You can be sure that one thing is for certain, and that is that
the point of view of the rich powerful people is what you see
in the media. The Phil Donahue show was cancelled in the
run up to the Iraq war because Donahue had people who asked
questions about the war on. He was mandated to have two
Conservatives on for every Liberal, and could never have a show
with just a Liberal. He counted as two Liberals to the corporate
The question is not thinking, if that were the case people could
learn and be educated. The question is morals and values.
Conservatives main effort is to reduce democracy and the free
expression of ideas because it is a threat to them, or at least
all of them seem to see it that way.
Which side of the spectrum was okay with players disrespecting the flag as spoiled millionaires took knees in protest? It was the left.
Which side is against Christianity but doesn’t view Islam as a threat? Why again it’s the left.
Which side is okay with incest, okay with people covering themselves with piercings and tattoos, okay with abortion, views cops as evil and criminals as victims? It’s the left.
Expression of ideas? It’s the left that has tried to block free speech on college campuses. When has anyone on the right tried to ban a liberal speaker? I mean like ever? It never happens lol.
It’s also funny that you call my views simplistic seeing that every Liberal position is some dumbed down simplistic illogical viewpoint.....they seem to know how to stop gun violence, how to stop global warming, can rewrite biology so that now more than 2 genders can exist, can blame every other problem that exists on racism, and are suddenly experts on the economy so we should just raise the minimum wage to $15....and if you disagree you’re stupid.
Those on the right realize that things are far more complicated and that there are no easy solutions, for instance.....banning assault weapons won’t stop school shootings, spending trillions of dollars to lower the global temperature is risky and not backed by science, and raising the minimum wage could lead to hundreds of thousands of jobs lost. The left pretends that these issues are very straight forward and you’d be an idiot to not see things their way. The right on the other hand is very skeptical and wants to more closely look at data and make a more informed decision before laws get passed.
> Which side of the spectrum was okay with players disrespecting the flag as spoiled millionaires took knees in protest?
A protected right of Americans ... now, who is against that trivial BS, while trampling on other rights? Yeah, you got it, Conservatives.
Don't waste my f-ing time. The way you have a conversation is that one person says something and the other person responds to it ... you Conservatives ignore anything everyone has to say and just jam your own nonsense out there to waste time. Get lost!
Oh, and by the way, if I had to or wanted to, I could argue the case for Conservatism far better than you. I think you just read the comic book version or saw the cartoon.
And the owners have a right to fire those players who cost them $$$ by pissing on the flag during company time.
At what point do you Liberals take two step backs and realize that your sense of morality is in the toilet? You’d have to be super delusional to think it’s moral to make excuses for terrorists and gang banging criminals and at the same time demonize the good guys (cops and soldiers).
I especially love the part about genetically altering humans to have a multiplicity of genders. We definitely need to put that on the to-do list for this Congress. Authorization of funds for polygender modification. From now on there will be not two but sixty; reproduction will require the involvement of at least 5, but no more than 11 of those genders. Any combination will do. :)
I think someone's been reading "Alt-right talking points for trolls". Otherwise he's absolutely howling at the moon insane. Time to put away the troll food and stop feeding the animals.
America is the realization of liberal thinking. The Bill of Rights is liberal ideology come to life. Liberalism is inclusive, Conservatism is exclusive. Fear mongering and turning groups against one another is classic conservative strategy. Time to turn off the foreign owned Faux News, ditto radio, Pakistani internet memes and conservative fake news blogs, and wake up.
Liberalism is an evil ideology that believes in judging people based on their own skin color (affirmative action/SAT adjusted scores). It’s so evil that it justifies stealing wealth from people for the greater good and preaches identity politics which is nothing more than modern day discrimination.
8 years of Obama got Trump elected. All the candidates had to do was say “we need to stop illegal immigration” and they would’ve been elected. This is a much likelier scenario than Russians tricking half the country lol.
Zero evidence of Russian collusion and tons of polls confirming that Trump
Was elected for being the only anti-illegal immigration candidate proves me right. Just use common sense, would ya?
When did I say she didn’t? The fact that she barely beat Trump by popular vote just shows how the media were clueless in claiming she would win by a landslide. Only brainwashed minority’s and women who know nothing about politics voted for her, those that are white males had to be borderline mentally disabled to vote for her.
I’m against affirmative action so no I’m not racist and I refuse to pretend that men and women are the same, both genders are unique and have their own positive attributes so no I’m not a sexist either.
Here is your racist statement:
"The United States is so successful because it’s inhabited by a majority white race. Just look and any African country with majority blacks or any middle eastern country with majority brown people, they’re all poor. Ever wonder why that is? Have you ever heard of “survival of the fittest”."
And here is your sexist statement:
"women who know nothing about politics"
I am a woman. I voted for Hillary. I know a great deal about politics - I absolutely know more than you do!
I know, I know. You've already made up your mind, and I should stop confusing you with facts!
The first statement was a fact, obviously you agree or you could have easily pointed out a brown majority country or black majority country that isn’t dirt poor and rival to the United know I’m right so you hurl the racism card.
Women who vote Democratic don’t know anything about politics, this is also a fact. The left preaches a victim mentality that actually holds women back and puts them in a box. If I was a woman I would be embarrassed if I fell for the enslaved nonsense rhetoric that the left pushes day in and day out. The women’s march has to be the most cringe worthy event I’ve ever seen in my lifetime....demanding rights that they already’s no wonder Women are so far back from where they should be....stop asking for handouts and playing the victim.....try getting off your butts and invent something or work your way up to CEO instead of protesting and playing the victim.
If you imply that the reason those countries are poor is because the majority of the people that live there have black skin or dark brown skin, that is the very definition of racism.
The fact that you are lumping all Democratic Females into the same category would be the very definition of sexism. Assuming that every female who voted for Hilary also marched is prejudice and uneducated. Assuming that everyone who voted for Hilary is lazy or doesn't work hard would also be prejudice.
There's really no way to justify your comments as not being prejudice. Your are judging people that you haven't met and know nothing about. That is the very definition of prejudice (to pre-judge).
Again, I know you've already made up your mind and do not want me to confuse you with facts.
I refuse to type out long winded PC sentences to clarify that obviously not all women are dumb, just the ones who voted for Hilary.
Race and intelligence go hand in hand. All species have certain sub groups that are more intelligent than others. Why do you think white majority countries are always the most developed and wealthiest?
You haven’t listed a single fact yet, I’m not even sure you know what that word means. Can’t say I’m all that surprised by someone who bases their logic on emotions, identity politics, and PC nonsense.
Facts like not all non-whites are poor or criminals? Or the fact that not all of the women who voted for Hillary are dumb?
Intelligent people are able to recognize that have a different opinion does not mean that someone is "dumb." I can respect you for having a different opinion. I cannot respect you for having prejudice ideas or for calling other people dumb or criminal based on nothing but skin color or sex.
I have yet to get emotional at all. Reminding you that it's inaccurate (and prejudice) to paint everyone with the same brush is hardly getting emotional. I have never heard the term "identity politics," so I can't respond to that. Not sure what "PC nonsense" you speak of, but calling you on your racism and sexism has nothing to do with being PC.
The fact is, most of the time when people are prejudice (racism, sexism, whatever), it's because they are afraid and want to blame other people for their troubles in life ... usually people who had nothing to do with it.
It's sad. Really it is. You seem like a very unhappy person who is very much afraid of other people taking form you. In reality, you are your own worst enemy.
Those were opinions I stated and you once again have failed to list a single fact yet, at this point your failure to debunk any of my claims (non-white countries are almost always dirt poor, Democrats favor racist policies like Affirmative action, open borders are a disaster, victim mentality is a cancer) just proves that you haven’t thought your political views through all that well. If I was way off in my claims you could easily point to facts and debunk what I’m saying, you instead use generalizations and accuse me of being racist. You keep talking about the truth and facts but have failed to do anything but hurl insults, notice how I’ve refrained from doing the same. It’s because I have a set of morals that I follow, maybe you should look into this.
Not at all. Every Liberal I know is Pro-America. I think what you are really saying is that anyone who has a different opinion than you is not Pro-America.
Liberals are okay with kneeling during the anthem, are anti-Christian but pro Islam, are against the constitution for the most part, and want communism to rule the land....this is about anti-american as you can get.
They also don’t want to show support for our own troops, have been brainwashed to hate capitalism, and see no issue with having open borders which would completey destroy the fabric of the country if gone unchecked for too long.
Long story short, Liberals hate this country that they live in and desperately want to be more like Canada or Sweden. If they really loved this country then they would want to keep things just as they are, but instead they hate the ground that they walk on so they want extreme changes. The End
"Liberalism is a political view based on liberty and equality. Liberals generally support civil rights, democracy, secularism, gender equality, internationalism and the freedoms of speech, the press, religion and markets."
Wikipedia is run by liberal nut jobs. Liberals believe in equality of outcome, not actual equality. Basically it’s okay to steal money from the rich, subtract SAT scores from non blacks, and hire unqualified blacks through affirmative action. This isn’t equality, it’s evil through in through. Also everyone believes in Civil Rights and minority’s are protected under law in this country. Acting like this is a Liberal exclusive belief is complete nonsense. Did you forget that it was the Republicans who helped free the slaves from the racist Democrats?
Did you know that the Democratic Party can trace it’s roots to the Republican Party that Lincoln was a member of?
Here’s your personal quote of the day: “I’ve already made up my mind. Don’t confuse me with facts.”
Sorry to burst your bubble, but Liberals are responsible for most of the positive, social change in society. If there’s one thing Conservatives fear, it’s change.
Liberals are so obsessed with change that they’re self destructive in nature. It’s gotten so bad that they’re willing to pretend that over 80 genders exist, they want to pretend that men and women are basically the same and allow girls into the boy scouts and men into the women’s room. They want to feminize men at every turn, even if it leads to the collapse of society....all so we can end all wars, end all discrimination, end all rape, end all violence.... but this Utopian society will never exist...why ruin this good thing we got going on for some fantasy pipe dream?
I've never heard anyone (other than you) talk about anything other than 2 genders. You're taking the most extreme ideas you've ever contemplated and declaring that all Liberals agree with them. It's too bad that you can't see how ridiculous you sound. Clearly if we are compassionate towards people from other countries, it means all of your insane (and completely not grounded in reality) ideas will come true. I'm sure if I lived in your head I'd want to explode!
I'm going to guess that you either don't have kids or have never had them in Girl Scouts or Boy Scouts. You don't actually know what's currently going on in Scouting and are assuming the worst. We'll prove you wrong!
"all so we can end all wars, end all discrimination, end all rape, end all violence.... but this Utopian society will never exist...why ruin this good thing we got going on for some fantasy pipe dream?"
I know, it's terrible to have to give up wars, discrimination, rape and violence. Easy for you to say, as this has never been a part of your reality. You don't know what it's like to deal with this on a daily basis, and you lack compassion for those do. Shame!
"Liberals are okay with kneeling during the anthem"
And so is the Bill of Rights. It's called Freedom of Speech
"are anti-Christian"
Nope! I'm a Christian, and many, many, many of the Christians I know are Liberal.
"pro Islam"
Only if you consider not being hateful towards all Muslims (and most are just doing their best to be good people). Perhaps you've never actually met someone who's Muslim
"are against the constitution for the most part, and want communism to rule the land"
Sorry, no idea what you're thinking of here. I'm very much in favor of the Constitution and not at all in favor of Communism.
"They also don’t want to show support for our own troops, have been brainwashed to hate capitalism, and see no issue with having open borders which would completey destroy the fabric of the country if gone unchecked for too long."
That's a very extreme statement. A large percentage of the our troops are liberal, and I'm pretty sure they are supportive of each other.
There's a huge difference between "open borders" and building a wall. There can (and should) still be security, but you have to recognize the difference between being safe and just shutting out the world. Not everyone is out to destroy the US. Immigrants and refugees are just looking for a fair chance at life (you know, without starvation and the very real possibility of being randomly killed by your own government). Just like your ancestors! What you want is the very definition of anti-Christian views.
"Liberals hate this country ... If they really loved this country then they would want to keep things just as they are ..."
Or, they love this country more than you do. Liberals love this country so much that they are willing to take a critical look at everything, including the things that could use improvement, and genuinely try to make it better!
Kneeling doesn’t involve speech, it’s just a disrespectful thing to do and of course the moral deprived left sees no issue with this surprise surprise.
If you’re a Liberal then you aren’t actually Christian, hate to break this to you. It very clearly says in the Bible that being Gay is wrong, you can’t pretend to be a
Follower and not follow the rules.
It’s a fact that most Liberals are professional apalogists for followers of Islam. It’s an evil religion that goes against everything the left claims to stand for but are just too stupid to realize.
No most troops are conservative as they are almost always Pro Gun and white males. Liberals tend to be wimpy in nature which is why they choose to protest instead (a cowardly act).
There is also a huge difference between immigration and illegal immigration. The wall is to stop illegal immigrants from breaking the law, not keeping law abiding immigrants out.
The United States is so successful because it’s inhabited by a majority white race. Just look and any African country with majority blacks or any middle eastern country with majority brown people, they’re all poor. Ever wonder why that is? Have you ever heard of “survival of the fittest”.
Liberals hate this country so much that their willing to destroy our economy by almost electing a socialist nut job just because their college professor told them that it works, which it never does. Liberals hate this country so much that they will demand that their own rights be taken away (2nd amendment) but at the same time march in the streets demanding for rights that they already have like a bunch of lunatics with pitchforks just praying for the downfall of this country. They will praise murderous dictators and vilify anyone who gets in their way. The End
That’s a really interesting story you’ve written. I’m not at all surprised that it is not at all based on facts or that you are racist. It’s too bad you don’t educate yourself or do something positive with your life.