PresidentJoffrey's Replies

Yes, same moral authority that was accused of drugging and raping someone and then paying them off. Also went to jail for some tax stuff. And he still has a following, goes to show that the religious right doesn't have a leg to stand on when it comes to morality. Bunch of despicable hypocrites "Fake News! Fake News! Tra-la-la-la-la, Hillary's emails, Hussain Obama, demokkkrat hate! I don't read cause I'm too busy workin' and payin' taxes! I don't listen to big news media, only fux news the #1 media outlet. Drain the swamp, collusion is not a crime, our founding fathers loved nepotism!!" Drumpf supporters are on another planet. See you are a bigot, how do other people's gender identities hurt you in anyway? Your intolerance is evident and that's the whole point of this thread. Thanks!! BYeeeee! Thank you for the thoughtful response!! I think that's pretty much it without bring gender & race into it. But those I believe are major components of why the trumpets liked the phrase and support their supreme leader Well he wasn't much to begin with, so not much reduction needed to get him to a babbling drooling cap locked mess lolol These antiquated cromags are a major impediment to real progress. Can't wait for their ilk to be phased out in the upcoming generations 🤞 And you think you're going to make the cut? Nope! (Only the 1% will rule over the devestated wasteland dispopia current policies are leading us towards) I wouldn't pay for nor sit through any presentation you might have. I spend my time on more fruitful endeavours. The polio vaccine is amazing, but it didn't make America great for all Americans, LOLOL to your deflection. My mind is open, I work in the equity, diversity and inclusion space. So I'm not sure how much more open I can be. I'm just not open to bullshit with racist undertones I consider many points of view there big wheel. I'm just trying to understand the crazy point of view that is a drumpf supporter is all🤷. And you post reminds me of a drumpf tweet. "Something is stupid. Can't believe something something. So, SO hUge something". Trying to imitate your supreme leader? Go through GDs post history and that might help you understand my quick hostility. He's a fux news stooge with no original opinion of his own Thanks for bumping my thread back to the top super chief! I know GD's replies all too well at this point. All regurgitated rhetoric from fux news. I don't need to swim in sewage to know it's sewage. Notice in all of that reply he never clearly answered the original question? Just a bunch of vague rhetoric that deflects. Who do you think you are super chief? Koch brothers don't like drumpf but they are still using his white house to do their bidding. Drumpf is surrounded by Kochtapus stooges, Pence is a long time beneficiary of their network and that's the tip of the iceberg. Yep this is typical Virginia school/Austrian free market economics that has taken over the republicant party. Basically the government should be shrunk down as small as possible so that it's only purpose would be national defense and protection for property owners. So the vast majority would live destitute in a toxic wasteland and be taxed to protect the small elite class from the majority themselves. Voting in drumpf and his Kochtapus cronies was a great step in that direction!! Way to go republicants! Nope! That's not how things work when you're clear cutting rain forests. We are definitely decreasing the biodiversity on earth, which is bad. Not only did this wall of text not answer the clearly defined question, it also asks questions already covered and answered in this thread. Please keep up. You are the most ignorant moronic entity on these forums but as usual you apply your own deficiencies to others. Newsflash, this thread has nothing to do with immigration policies, moron. Try to keep up and stay on topic. I know it's hard but keep practicing and you'll master reading one of these fine days, idiot. "Then like usual they'll just hand off the recession to a Democrat they can demonize, wait for responsible policies to fix the recession they caused, then take credit for the healthy economy the day the next Republican gets sworn into office." Kind of like Dubya turning the largest surplus in history, handed to him by good ole' Billy Clinton, into the largest deficit in history and then handing that off to Obama. Who the republicants demonized and blamed. And of course his economic recovery was just because it was so bad there was only up to go *facepalm* I think that about hits it square on the head!! Thanks for the thoughtful response! Ummm I believe Canada is more culturally diverse (at least on par) and we don't have these issues. Possibly your country is developed, but not really modern. Something to think about perhaps🤔 Anyone who needs a gun to feel secure in a modern developed nation is a weak little bitch coward or does not actually live in a modern developed nation.