Blizzard of Lies Updated: Trump has made 4,229 false or misleading claims in 558 days
Trump's lie count is skyrocketing. Over the last two months the man has tallied 978 lies.
That's 7.6 lies per day and a leap of 2.7 lies per day over the 4.9 lies per day he told his first 100 days in office.
Some lowlights:
* New daily high when he lied 79 times in one day on July 5th!!!
* June, July rank 1st and 2nd when ranking most lies told in a month
* One third of his lies totaling 1,293 relate to economic issues, trade deals, or jobs
* Immigration top single subject, 538 lies, biggest repeated fib; border wall is being built (it hasn't even been funded)
* 432 lies on trade. Often cites wrong numbers or misleading arguments that demonstrate he really doesn't understand the subject.
* 378 lies about Russia probe
* 336 lies about taxes, commonly claiming biggest tax cut in US history
* 60 times lied about NATO claiming US pays up to 90 percent of the alliance’s costs
It wouldn't be hyperbole to call the president of the United States a mountain of bullshit.